Name Product : Matt Bernstein – eBay Selling: Dropshipping Products & Spend No Money Upfront
Market price : $197
Author : Kraig Mathias
Size: 398MB
Learn how to sell on eBay, gain access to retail products at wholesale prices and spend no money upfront.
It doesn’t cost anything to open wholesale accounts, to work with legitimate wholesalers. You don’t need to buy any inventory upfront.
You’ll learn how to gain access to any product at wholesale prices. You’ll be able to list wholesalers inventory, for free.
Only after you make a sale the wholesaler will ship your order to your customer. You never need to keep an inventory and you only buy the customers order after you make a sale.
You make a profit.
LATEST: Course is updated for month of July 2015.
Learning Objectives:
After taking this course, you’ll be able to…
Learn the basics of selling on eBay as well as leveraging it to increase profits by using specific selling practices.
Avoid mistakes to save a few years of work and thousands of dollars (using case studies).
Validate your retail product ideas and prove they sale by using eBay, Amazon, and Google.
Get a Tax ID and Business License in order to work with wholesalers in the US
Start a business internationally and get retail products from anywhere in the world.
Gain access to any retail product at wholesale prices and have them drop shipped to customers.
Bonus Materials
Ask unlimited questions to the instructor and get help along the way to your success.
Captions were added to most lectures within the course. I recommend you turn on the CC and HD options to get a better viewing experience. You’ll be able to read along with me and digest information better.
“Will this work in my country?”
Yes, section’s 4 and 5 of the course will teach you how to successfully do this from anywhere in the world. Those lectures are available to watch for free.
Why you should listen:
I’ve been selling online since 2006 and have sold over $750,000 in total. I started an online retail business and made my first sale 2 weeks later. While (not) studying to become a communication major at the University of Massachusetts at Amherst, I was profiting $24,000 per year selling on eBay (that’s a lot of beer money). Sales to date have been over $525,000 (this is confirmed in lecture 1 and 2).
What effectively works for one person will effectively work the same for any other person.
Only a very limited number of people know this information. That means you’ll have limited competition in this area to maximize your probability for success!
http://megacloudfiles.com/bgsbntdxhln8/eBaySellingDropshipping.rar.html |