Cracked-Wondershare PDFelement v5.1.5 Multilingual (Mac OS X)

Wondershare PDFelement v5.1.5 Multilingual (Mac OS X) | 17 MB
The all-in-one PDF solution for your growing business. Change the way you work with PDF. Wondershare PDFelement provides everything you need to make PDF workable. PDFelement is by far the best PDF editing solution.
Edit the Contents of a PDF
Just click and start typing to add, delete, or edit text its that simple. Change font, size, color, and more. Insert, crop, resize, and delete images. Add, delete, extract, reorganize, and crop pages. Insert, delete, and update watermarks. Then compress the final file with preconfigured settings to facilitate easy uploading, attachment to emails, and printing.
Convert PDF from/to..., 100 Original
Convert PDF to Word, Excel, PowerPoint...
- Convert PDF and protected PDF to Word, Excel, TexT, PowerPoint, EPUB, HTML, RTF and images like JPG, JPEG, PNG, TIFF and etc.
- Create a 100 Adobe-compatible PDF from a variety of file formats.
Convert 300+ Formats to PDF
Compatible with over 300 formats, including Word, Excel, Powerpoint, and image files, the files created by Wondershare PDF Editor are 100 accessible with Adobe Reader, Acrobat, and other PDF readers.
Create a PDF from Any Document
If you can open it, you can make it a PDF. Compatible with over 300 formats, including Word, Excel, Powerpoint, and image files, the files created by Wondershare PDF Editor are 100 accessible with Adobe Reader, Acrobat, and other PDF readers. Use the Combine feature to merge multiple files into a single PDF document.
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