How to run the script
1. Open ./FB_post_to_groups/configs/example.ini in text editor.
2. Write your Facebook logins and passwords instead XXXXXXXXXXXX.
3. In file ./FB_post_to_groups/lists/example_whitelist_of_groups.txt write the URL-s
groups that need to post messages. File format: one record is one line.
4. In file ./FB_post_to_groups/lists/example_messages.txt write the message list,
that script will post to the group.
The format of this file: one line - one message.
Messages can be just text, the text contains a URL or other reference of the picture file.
If You plan to post messages, images, move the image files in the folder ./files.
In the beginning of the text messages post a link to the picture file, and then after a space, the text of the message.
If You want to be on Facebook text message was posted in a few lines, the text message
insert symbol "\n" to the places of translation strings.
Examples of entries in the look in file ./FB_post_to_groups/lists/example_messages.txt
5. Do not forget to save all text files (configuration, lists etc.) in the encoding to 'UTF-8 without signature (BOM)'.
6. Run ./FB_post_to_groups/FB_post_to_groups.bat
7. Enjoy!