In the "How To Talk To Women" Master Attraction Blueprint, I'm going to explain all the core Secret Keys to conversation with women. There are 6 Core Video Modules, and 4 Bonus Video Modules, 1 Bonus Audio, and 2 Bonus reference e-books with your program.
Here's what you're going to find in this detailed blueprint of how to talk to women:
VIDEO MODULE 1: Foundation and Secret Keys
Module 1: Secret Keys
* 3 key areas that impact how your conversation goes with women - and you would never guess that these would make or break your conversations with women...
* Discover the one subject you must use when you talk to women that builds the deepest rapport - and ironically you would never think to use...
* How a woman intuitively guesses how confident you are when you're talking to her, and how to use this to your advantage in any conversation so you come across as the "dominant" male...
* There's a lot of theory and "models" and methods out there, but for the first time you'll know exactly what ONE thing you need to focus on most when you talk with women - and if you don't get this one thing, you will never get the girl...
* The 3 Core Elements of Conversation - which I will teach you to use effectively - and in the right order...
* I'll show you the big mistake that guys make when they try to get a woman to have fun that sabotages the connection between them, and usually leaves him alone at the end of the night...
* The concrete evidence to look for to know if your "banter" with a woman is working...
* What you don't know about "being funny" and using humor with women - and how most other guys fail to get a woman interested when they make this critical error...
* You've probably heard about "push-pull" when you talk with women, but do you know how it REALLY works? When and how do you do this? I'll teach you all the techniques, and why this is the most misunderstood area of attraction...
* The one part of conversation and attraction with a woman that you cannot fake! If you do, she'll see right through you instantly. Do it right and you can avoid feeling vulnerable and exposed...
* Your one single "Supertool" for keeping control of the conversation, and controlling how a woman feels so that things don't go haywire when you're in the middle of talking to her. This is your "Undo" button for the conversation...
* The one technique you must use before trying to gain a woman's trust... this is why most guys fall into the friends zone too quick...
* And MUCH more...
Sales Page: http://www.carlosxuma.com/how-to-talk-to-women/
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