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      Arrow DJ Marketing Lab Program - Step by Step Formula to Increase Following, Branding and Gigs

      DJ Marketing Lab Program - Step by Step Formula to Increase Following, Branding and Gigs
      Below you will find videos and supporting PDFs for each step.

      Welcome! This program will give you the tools and formula to increase your bar profits.
      Congrats! What a fantastic decision to increase your bar's profits. The tools and formula that I have developed truly outlines the best ways to market your events, bar nights and venue in the new world of digital marketing.
      In this membership area you will have access to all steps in the process, each module giving you an outline video, supporting PDFs and tools, and we also schedule your coaching call of the week (where I can answer any questions, tweak and work with you on the current step, and make sure things are moving along smoothly).


      Lesson One - Know Your Market + Product
      Let's learn about your market, your perfect client and your upcoming event.
      In Module One, we take a good look at your market and your perfect client. Instead of rushing into the marketing with a 'good idea', we need to stop - step back - and gather research on the market. Like any large business we can also take advantage of this added information and really be able to target our marketing to the right person.
      Super important. If we know the people, know the area, and give them what they want - you succeed and profit big time.
      Download the PDF sheets below, print them and fill them out. This will guide you in the right direction. While it sounds simple (and it is!) once you finish you can sit back and really get a clearer picture on how your battle plan will be laid out. Don't skip this!
      Download PDF Sheet - Your Market:
      Download PDF Sheet - Perfect Client:
      Download PDF Sheet - Your Event:


      Setting You Up for Success
      What works on Facebook and what doesn't.
      Before we jump right into ad creative let's talk about what is working on Facebook and what isn't. Let's not forget why people are on social media to begin with. Definitely not to see ads, flyers, get invited to events. SO, how do you engage with them?
      Social media is not meant to be used as a hard sell. People are there to engage, discuss, share ideas and rant. Nightclubs and Bars are notorious for posting their flyer on FB and Instagram all week long and expecting results. No community, no engagement, nothing. Just a hard sell.
      People are on social media to be seen. They want their internet fame. They are not people you are marketing too, they are PART OF your marketing machine. Use this to your advantage as they take ownership of your promotions and spread the word for you.
      Are you ready to go all digital? Let's do a check up.

      Lesson Two: Let's Work on Creative.
      Designing the perfect ads.
      Let's discuss some amazing ways to get eyeballs on your event. Never post your flyers all over your Facebook page. It's too salesy and no one cares to see it.
      We can engage with the audience in a more creative way. Here are some examples. Let's build two ads for you (which we will advertise in a future module).


      Custom Audiences and re-Targeting
      Track everyone that comes to you website, target ads directly to them.
      Building your custom audiences will allow you to show you ads ONLY to those people that your event will resonate with. It is not effective to simply boost your post or show your ads to everyone on Facebook or you page. You must speak to the customer, show them what they want to see. This is where Custom Audiences come in.
      Also, Website re-targeting (or re-marketing) is extremely powerful.
      What if you could show ads only to those people that have visited your website (friends or fans or not).
      What if you could get very specific and show a super targeted ad to someone that visited a particular page? IE: someone booked a reservation for their birthday and you show them ads all week about how excited you are to celebrate their birthday with them. Talking directly to them, in context, and you get huge ROI.

      Lesson One: Facebook Custom Audience - Emails
      Upload your email database and show ads to those people.
      Like I mentioned previously, you can use your email database for more than just emails. On Facebook you can actually upload that database to your ad manager, FB will cross reference every email in your list with profiles on Facebook and add every single person in that email database to a Custom Audience. This 'bucket' of people are hot leads (they are your own email list!) and you can show your ads right to them in their newsfeed.
      They don't need to be FB friends or fans of your pages. Your ads show to them.

      Dig Deep with Facebook's Audience Insights
      Facebook knows a lot about you and your customers.
      Facebook tracks and collects so much data that it has become a treasure trove of marketing gold.
      Using their Audience Insights tools, you can narrow down and audience but then find out some amazing insights about their persona. Use these to your advantage when building ads, targeting your audience, and even seeing your market change right before your eyes.

      Lesson Two: Facebook Custom Audience - Interests
      You know a lot about your perfect customer - use that information to target them.
      In our first module we took a step back and looked at our market, our event and our perfect client. With this powerful information we can use these interests and attributes to target our perfect client on Facebook.
      Everyone has given FB major data on themselves. Every time they like a page, comment on something, discuss anything, FB tracks it. While it sounds a little invasive, people are willingly putting this information about themselves out in the public. This is an amazing opportunity for marketers because we can now show ads that relate to the perfect customer.
      So, you have a country night? Great show your ads ONLY to people in your area that are a certain age and actually like country music. You can get very very specific in your targeting and engagement goes through the roof. Don't waste money on generic boosts or traditional media when you can laser target your spend only to those that want to listen.

      Lesson Two: Facebook Pixel
      Creating an audience list of people that visit your website.
      Let's add the Facebook Re-Marketing pixel to your website. This will allow Facebook to track everyone that visits and place them in a Custom Audience (your bucket or list of people to advertise to).
      Also how can we get super specific and segment this new audience, narrow down that list and show ads that relate to a specific website page (i.e. directions, different events that you host, reservations). Why is this important?

      Lesson Four: Facebook Custom Audience - Website
      Working with your website custom audiences and showing ads to them.
      After adding your re-marketing pixel to your website pages, Facebook will start to track everyone that visits. You can segment these audiences by specific page as well.
      Let's review a few of the different ways to use the website custom audience.

      Lesson Two: Creating an Ad for Facebook
      This IS the most powerful way to promote your event. Hands down.
      In this day, right now, Facebook is THE NUMBER ONE WAY to promote any event, venue, product or brand. They absolutely have the numbers to show it and the tools to get your message exactly where you want it to go.
      Let's walk through the creation process of your ad on Facebook. Let's design two different ads.

      Lesson Two: Layering Your Advertising. Multiple Ads.
      You can advertise your tweet on Twitter?
      With all of the audience information you have, it is super important to create several different ads and segment groups of customers. Instead of coming up with one ad, target everyone in your audience at once (which is more effective than what you are used to doing), break things up a bit.
      As an example, create an ad that speaks to females, a nice girls night out picture or good looking guy and target females only; in a second ad target the males using an attractive female or party atmosphere and target males only; in a third ad promote guest list or bottle service or reservations; in a fourth ad target people having birthdays; and so on.
      As you can tell here, I am doing multiple campaigns targeting slightly different groups of people in my audience and the click through ratios explode.

      Lesson #3: Looking at Your Campaign
      How do your numbers look, any tweaks needed, new ideas flowing?
      Great marketers look at the numbers. They test, test, test; see what is working well; tweak where needed; and then 'feed the meter' (pump up the ad spend).
      The beauty of social media is that the marketing is fluid and easily changed on the fly. You can see that an ad is not going to be effective within a few hours and make changes to it's image or text. You can look at the numbers coming in and see who is clicking where. With traditional media this is impossible. Not only are you stuck with the ad that is going out to print/radio but you have no clear data on how well it's doing.
      All of that has changed with the new 21st century way of marketing. Take advantage of that and dominate your market.


      Lesson Three: Scheduling Your Facebook Ads
      Aren't people sleeping at 4am? Turn off your ads!
      We were super excited when Facebook announced their scheduling feature. Previously we had to manually go into our ad manager and turn off the ads when we knew people were sleeping or at work (why waste money on ads during those times). Huge pain.
      Now with this new feature we can actually schedule our ads to show at certain days and times of the day, automatically turning the ad on and off.

      Lesson One - Shorten Your Web URL
      How to brand your URL, sound cool and save space on your posts.
      It's important to save space on your posts (especially Twitter with the 140 character maximum) when posting a link. You have the perfect website domain for your venue, but look at how long any URL is when trying to send people to the right page. is way too long to post. Looks terrible.
      The solution: Buy yourself another domain name, shorter, and use that for all of your links. Now you can copy paste this instead - That will forward right to your page and looks cleaner. Much better. Short, branded and saves space and distraction.
      Check out If you see this post "MARKED AS SPAM", please use the REPORT button, so we can ban this spammer.: http://*marked as SPAM*/
      My Blog Post About *marked as SPAM*:

      Lesson Three: Do You Have an Email List?
      While social media is quickly dominating, there are still advantages to creating an email list.
      We know email was king just a few years ago. Now a days social media has become the leader in digital marketing. But is it still useful to have an email list? Of course!
      Not only is the list another powerful way to market your venue and events, but we can also use the data on this list to advertise on Facebook. Did you know we can upload your list to FB and show your post ads right in the newsfeed of these people? Whether they are FB Fans of your page or not. (more on that later)
      Check out Mailchimp:
      Check out Aweber:

      Lesson Four: Growing Your Email List with Twitter
      Using Twitter Cards for Email Opt Ins
      Twitter has come out with some amazing marketing tools. One that we love to use (when growing our email list) is the Lead Generation 'Card'.
      This gives you the opportunity to gather emails with one click. A user sees your tweet, it has a small image below it and asks them to opt in to your email list, with one click Twitter adds their registered email to your email list. Super quick, no typing, and your list builds fast. Advertise that tweet to the right target market and you are golden.
      Twitter Blog About Lead Gen Cards:
      Twitter Ads Area:
      Using Mailchimp? Support Page for Twitter Cards:


      Facebook Page Admin
      Multiple people can have access to a Facebook Page. Important so that you are posting as the brand.
      Multiple people can have access to the Facebook Page. With different levels of security access (some can just post on behalf of the page/brand, others have full access like adding and removing users, etc).
      You really want to be posting your events on the venue's (or promoter business) page, not your personal profile. Facebook Pages give you so much more power and marketing tools and are built for a reason. Use them to your advantage.

      Have Ad Account Access on Facebook
      Use the right advertising account for Facebook Ads
      This is especially important for Promoters or Managers that wish to take control of the advertising campaigns of the venue but do not want to use their own personal credit card.
      The venue owner will have their own ad account setup (using their own card) but need to give you access to that account. When you login and setup an ad, you can choose their ad account and run everything from there.

      Spy on Your Competition on Facebook
      Google Chrome Extension
      My developers have done a fantastic job creating this Google Chrome Extension.
      What does it do? You enter up to four keywords and it searches Facebook for any posts with those keywords. A fantastic tool when trying to keep up to date with your competition, local or out of town events and more!
      The video explains how to install it and how it works.
      Download Chrome Extension:

      Louie La Vella
      Nightclub + Bar Marketing Expert



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    Default Re: DJ Marketing Lab Program - Step by Step Formula to Increase Following, Branding and Gigs

    is there an AIO link anywhere?



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