RIGHT NOW: Start a Flood of Traffic, Leads and Income
That's 100 Times More Effective Than
Any Other Traffic Source Online
"And the Best Part Is, Anyone Can Build a Super-Targeted List on Facebook
Using Our Brand New System and You'll Get Started Today..."
From: Robert Plank and Lance Tamashiro
Date: Thursday, 8:00 AM
You've been lied to! You thought that all you had to do was setup a web page: find the perfect design, optin form, order button, blog theme... follow your passion, throw a few web pages online... and those customers and prospects would roll in...
Unfortunately, the saying "if you build it, they will come"...
is a myth on the internet today.
The reality is that the internet is crowded. In order to get any eyeballs on your web page (comments, sales, optins, orders, views)...
ou Need TRAFFIC!
The Problem With Free Traffic...
Sites like Google, Yahoo!, and Bing will list you on their web pages for free -- it's called search engine optimization.
That means if you're lucky, you "might" write a blog post or two and the Google Gods might decide to place that one web page (out of millions for your target keyphrase) on page 20, 200, 2000, anyplace they like.
THEN you might have heard that you need to...
"blog every day, or even several times per day?"
"publish several articles?"
"buy backlinks?"
"pay for even more content and spun articles?"
... All just to get a handful of clicks from freebie seekers coming to your website.
There's nothing wrong with so-called "FREE TRAFFIC" (articles, forums, search engine optimization) other than the fact that it's SLOW... and it's not realy FREE. You have to either sacrifice your time or pay someone else to create content for you.
Instead of trying to game the system and hit a moving target that changes every couple of months (I'm talking about Penguin 3.0, Panda Version 24, Google Slaps, Amazon Slaps) -- the biggest sites on the internet want you to pay them a small amount of money to get listed... this is called PAID TRAFFIC!
I'm not sure if you've tried paid traffic in the past, but you might have heard of the following ad sources:
Bing Ads
LinkedIn ads
Solo ads
Facebook ads
I know that when first heard of these sites, I thought, "Great! I'll make 10 sales a day from Google, 10 from Bing, 10 from LinkedIn"... and so on...
What Happens 9 Times out of 10
With Paid Traffic
These sites are EXPENSIVE especially if you don't know what you're doing... and here's what usually happens...
You sign up for one of these ad networks and try to figure out the confusing interface
You manage to set something up and wait for approval
Finally, you setup and target a few super-targeted ads and wait for the traffic and sales to come in...
You wait longer and longer...
Still waiting...
You get impatient and TURN ON THE FIREHOSE and create a mass-market ad that shows to every user
BOOM! A flood of UNTARGETED traffic but no sales
You usually end up paying $2 per click back to your site (and losing money)
FREE TRAFFIC was that it was slow and time consuming. Now the problem with PAID TRAFFIC is that you have to choose between a TRICKLE of TARGETED TRAFFIC, or a FLOOD of UNTARGETED TRAFFIC.
In Other Words...
Google, Bing, LinkedIn, And Facebook
Are The Only Ones Making Real Money...
When it comes down to it, they all want you to pay about $2 per click back to your website, which is an INSANE amount of money to spend unless you're Coca-Cola or Procter and Gamble...
Here's what I mean. Let's you have to pay Google 2 dollars just to have one person look at your site. (Keeping in mind that most visitors will be gone in SECONDS!)...
You pay $2 per click
You sell a $7 product on that site
The sales letter converts at 10%
You end up paying $20 just to earn $7 back
This is the way it always happens. Google wants you to promote a blog (so most of your traffic clicks away immediately), LinkedIn has a minimum bid of about $2.00, and even alternative traffic methods such as solo ads send a big chunk of junk traffic...
That means you "think" you're paying 30 cents per click... but you're really paying for 80% junk traffic and 20% for legitimiate traffic. You're not going to make your money back!
I went through the same frustrations as you did until I discovered not only the hidden power of Facebook advertising, but how to use it properly!
Why Facebook Is The
Best Possible Place To Get
Free and Paid Traffic
I didn't get it at first. I couldn't make money from Google AdWords, so why would Facebook Ads be any better? A couple of reasons...
People are on Facebook all day, every day
Your ads can follow people around again and again
You can super-target based on their interests, location, hobbies, age, gender, and connections
Your ads stop showing for people after they've bought
The best part: it's the cheapest source of traffic if you do it right
There's just no comparison... advertise on sites like Google and Bing, and if people don't click on your ad, you'll never see them again because they've left the site.
Even if someone doesn't click on your Facebook ad right away (or you bid so low that the ad only shows once a day) -- that's fine because THEY'LL BE BACK ON FACEBOOK!
Just imagine that your ad showed to someone once a day for 7 days, you only paid (a few pennies) when they finally clicked over, and you made your sale.
In order to transform Facebook from a time-wasting site into a source of traffic and leads that cost you pennies and earn you dollars, you still need to:
Target a consistent hungry source of REAL BUYERS (easy to mess up on Facebook)
Build your list on Facebook (these are called "fans") that you can talk to over and over again
Match your audience with your offer (requires special software to do it right)
Tweak and optimize your ad campaigns to keep your costs down and fortify against your competition (easy as long as you have a system to do it)
The reality is: Facebook advertising is fast, cheap and effective, as long as you avoid the roadblocks and follow the correct steps to creating your fan page, setting up and testing ads, and then monetizing those fans on your page.
Here's What Doesn't Work With Facebook...
fake, paid-for likes (quick way to get banned)
fan gates (very low conversion rates)
iframes and SSL certificates (techy and confusing)
HTML5 apps (costs money to hire a programmer)
FB Connect (scary for your website visitors)
Most people who try to teach your Facebook make it so confusing, because they don't get themselves! What's more, they're focused on the latest and greatest "loophole of the week" and will spend 5 hours just to get 10 more likes on a page using a trick that stops working next week...
And you might have been confused and overwhelmed by all the various tools, apps, and plugins on the market to supercharge your Facebook advertising campaign.
Instead: how would you like to claim your access to a training course that shows you JUST the things you need, dedicated to getting your Facebook fan page online, making money, filled with traffic, and generating consistent sales?
Would you like to get all that SIMPLIFIED training all in one place AND bundled with the exact software you'll use to build that page in a hurry, in any niche you want?
Nothing like this has existed before on the internet, but I'm going to grant you access to what I think is the BEST Facebook money " traffic training on the internet, and I call it...
But luckily, we've simplified it and can show you how literally anyone can go from having zero traffic to 1000 clicks or more in just a few hours...
"Setup a Fan Page 2.0" Training: 4 Sessions
Module 1: Create Your Fan Page
Module 2: Generate Leads
Module 3: Laser-Target Your Ads
Module 4: Hidden Facebook Traffic Funnels
"Setup a Fan Page 2.0" Bonuses
Super Bonus 1: FB Lead Search (targeting software)
Super Bonus 2: Facebook Crash Course (1 hour quick start on Facebook)
Super Bonus 3: Facebook Ad Checklist (repeat over and over)
Included with "Setup a Fan Page 2.0"
Challenges: easy assignment after each session
Recordings: replay any lesson anytime
Transcripts: view or print anytime
Community: ability to ask questions or discuss with other members
Lifetime Access: come back 24 hours a day forever
Total Real World Value Today:
That's right... $7,564.00 is a great value for everything we're offering you. The Good News Is,
You're Not Going To Pay $7,564.00
Your Price Today:
download now