Six Figure Career Plan - Land Your Dream Job in Technology
English + MP4 + PDF + MP3 + 1.00 GB
Course Description
Every month in the United States, hundreds of thousands of high paying Information Technology jobs go unfilled.
There are not nearly enough trained workers to fill the available roles, which is ridiculous because most of these lucrative positions can be achieved without huge amounts of education.
The Technology Profession Six Figure Career Plan will provide a concise, focused and achievable program that will empower you to transition to your new lucrative IT career, often in as little as six months. This program will empower you to achieve a lucrative, rewarding, scalable, and stable career in Information Technology in the shortest possible time.
Our program will provide you with a quick and comprehensive overview of the great opportunities related to a career in Information Technology.
The goal is to help you quickly identify and train for your new career while ensuring that you are set up for success.
What are the requirements?
This course is specifically designed for the novice who has not worked in Information Technology. We start with the most basic concepts and walk you through the fundamentals so you are equipped to decide if IT is for you.
You can make six figures far faster than you would expect without having to go back to a four year university!
What am I going to get from this course?
Over 26 lectures and 7 hours of content!
Understand the immense six-figure career opportunities available in Information Technology
Possess a strong foundation in the fundamentals of Information Technology and how IT integrates into our daily lives.
Understand the core IT components and how they fit together. This foundation will lay the groundwork and help you choose your new career in Information Technology.
Learn about the most profitable careers in Information Technology and how you can achieve them.
Execute a well defined plan to achieve a lucrative new IT career in as little as six months.
What is the target audience?
Recent college graduates who are looking for marketable skills.
Stay at home parents who want to transition back to the workplace.
Veterans who are looking for a career path in the civilian world
Anyone who dislikes their job and dreads going to work every day
Individuals who have been downsized and are looking to acquire new skills and a new career.
Anyone who feels that they are underpaid.