- Generates PHP scripts and database, or HTML and JavaScript for your shop
- Pages fit both desktop and mobile devices
- Generate product catalog pages with various List and View page options
- Supports product searching with AutoSuggest
- Built-in JavaScript Shopping Cart
- Supports PayPal Buy Now Button or Subscribe button
- Unlimited number of websites
- Unlimited menu and submenu items
- Unlimited number of product categories and subcategories
- One product in multiple categories
- Unlimited number of products with up to 6 images for each product*
- Creates thumbnail images for List page (desktop/mobile) and View page for products automatically*
- Optional alphabetical and numerical page index
- Supports Bootstrap and LESS
- Colorbox for images
- Supports adding custom JavaScript
- Customizable template
- Synchronization of product information with database on server
- Supports downloading transaction data from database on server
Sales Page: http://www.hkvstore.com/paypalshopmaker/features.asp
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