Trey lewellen is his name, making terrible case study videos is his game, AND he calls himself the teespring king, lmao... and he cannot even afford to buy a hair brush... lol... this is what he is promoting on facebook now
he call this video training, but i must have missed the training part of it, let me know what you find
and i will not mention that he only posts about once a month, twice at most, and did not post anything for most of last year... the time he claims he started earning the big bucks... really? NOTHING?
just like the other bso guys, he quickly starts out of the gate with a big income claim, $100,000 a month on teespring, even though teespring itself says no one is earning that much with them anymore
yeap, like the bso creators, he says he is doing something no one else is, again... really? no one else is selling tshirts on teespring using facebook? i can list a few people doing better than he is! when you hear someone else say 'no one is doing this' that is a LIE 99.9 PERCENT of the time! you have to see the video yourself to hear it for yourself, some of you will get a great laugh from it
so... i will leave the rest to your imagination, watch the video if you will, if time is short, skip the first few minutes and stop when his sales presentation starts... epic fail on the sales video, it has no training and is a case study of how NOT to do a case study video
the reason i share this, as always, is two fold... i often have two reasons for everything, often one reason is not enough
- reason one: as stated above, to show you what NOT to do
- reason two: this guy is making money online doing this junk, why don't you?
you can create trash like this or WORSE like many bso's and still make money, again, what is YOUR excuse?
the new year is already 2 weeks old, exactly, what are YOU doing different this year to make your life better? most people come here looking for that one idea that will make them rich... not sure about you, but i see HUNDREDS! upon hundreds! what are you waiting for? forget about next year! NOW is the time to get off your arse and MAKE MONEY! stop making excuses!
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