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      Arrow Dave Dee - The Ultimate Marketing Machine

      If you’re ready to stop spinning your wheels and get really serious about your business, then you must read this message right away…
      “Unlock The Hidden Profits In Your Business In Just 8 Weeks Thanks To GKIC’s Simple System For Dominating Any Market, And NEVER Have To Worry About Getting New Customers, Clients And Patients Again.”
      Let GKIC Take You By The Hand And Guide You Step-By-Step Toward A Total Business Turnaround In Just 8 Weeks So You Can Dominate Your Market And Leave Competitors In Your Dust.

      Best Part: You’ll Get Personal Attention From The GKIC Team And Your Very Own BOOK You’ve Authored In Only 8 Weeks.
      Dear Renegade Marketer,
      You know the importance of getting leads, converting leads into sales, and nurturing your customers so they’ll keep giving you money again and again.
      But if you’re honest with yourself, you probably don’t have a rock solid system that’s been successfully “borrowed” from other successful 6-7 figure earners.
      So keep reading every single word of this message because you’re about to discover how you can…
      Build A Machine That Works For You 24/7 That Handles The Mission Critical Activities of List Building And Conversion
      You probably got into business for many reasons: more time freedom, more money in your bank account, more independence so you can do what you want, and no boss breathing down your neck.

      But at some point, things changed. The New Economy has lowered the spending power of the average consumer, and fear about our country’s future has changed the landscape of business. In other words, both consumers and business owners are rife with fear, stress and uncertainty.
      Yesterday’s marketing methods just don’t work anymore. The whole “sling stuff against the wall and see what sticks” approach to marketing and advertising can be a total waste of time and money and simply isn’t effective.
      Plus, competition to get customers is getting tougher and tougher as consumers get hit with 4000 commercial messages every single day. Every business is in danger of disappearing or becoming irrelevant to prospects as this competition continues to grow.
      And that’s why I’m writing this letter to you: to let you in on the BIGGEST and FASTEST Business Makeover Opportunity ever offered by GKIC.
      You’re going to be blown away when you see how you can work with the GKIC team and completely transform your marketing, lead generation, and conversion strategies in the next 8 weeks. All of these principles are what’s working now in 2014 for GKIC and our founder Dan Kennedy to cut through the cluttered marketplace.
      We’ll be building a machine that will hum along by itself to produce a flood of new customers, clients, or patients so you truly never have to worry about it again.
      Now I know what you’re thinking…
      Oh C’mon Dave - Everybody And Their DOG
      Is Promising “More Leads And More Customers”…What Makes This So Much Different?
      Good question…and here’s the answer:

      The system I’m about to share with you has over 40 years of success behind it…along with clients who have earned a collective 1 BILLION DOLLARS of revenue as a result.
      This powerful system has been implemented many times by GKIC founder Dan Kennedy who has helped every kind of business owner from butchers, bakers, and candlestick makers to the biggest names in diet plans, infomercial products, and info-product creators.
      These same systems are what have brought massive success to GKIC and have allowed us to build one of the most loyal “herds” of customers of just about any company out there.
      Best part: it doesn’t matter how smart you are or if you graduated from an Ivy League school. You don’t need any special knowledge or magic powers to make this work.
      Over and over again, we’ve seen this system work for people who didn’t have a formal education, people who had seen struggles and failures in the past, and people who just didn’t know what to do to make their businesses grow into the future.
      In other words, people just like you and me.
      If you can follow simple instructions, copy and paste information, and just follow in the footsteps of MANY successful entrepreneurs before you, then in just 8 weeks, you could experience:

      • Less worry and stress about getting new customers, clients, or patients. Imagine knowing exactly how many customers, clients, or patients you’ll have coming to your website or through your doors because you’ll have an effective, predictable system to attract prospects to your business. Most business owners spend years in expensive trial and error looking for the secret formula to attract their ideal prospect, but you won’t waste your time and money because you’ll have the secret formula working for you in just 8 weeks.

      • More certainty about your future and the future of your business, and no staring at the ceiling at 2am wondering if you’ll make payroll. I’ve been there and I know so many others who have, too. Worrying about money STINKS but when you have systems in place that bring certainty to your business, you sleep better. I know this for a fact.

      • NEVER putting up with “dud” customers, clients, or patients again. It’s one thing to have leads and prospects but what’s the point if they’re going to suck the life out of you, constantly haggle price and terms, and make your life a living hell? Working with people you don’t like to work with gets really old really quickly, and can cause you extreme frustration. How would it feel to attract and do business with only your ideal clients? It is possible and it will make you LOVE your business every single day.

      Just imagine waking up with joy…knowing you’re going to have a GREAT day because you’re doing what you LOVE to do…
      …and think about spending your time off with family and friends where you don’t worry about your business and can stay mentally present with the people you love.
      This business blueprint you’re hearing about today can do exactly that for you. Believe me, I know because:
      I Used To Really Struggle In My Business And
      Was Shackled With $80,000 Of Debt
      One day more than 14 years ago, while stuck in Atlanta traffic on a muggy 96° day, I had the thought of just giving up. I was working a job I hated and was deeply in debt.
      I had a dream of becoming a professional magician but didn’t know what to do to make it work. There was no magic trick that would allow me to live the life of my dreams.
      That is until I discovered a simple 3-step system that showed me how to:
      1) Create a laser-targeted lead generation system that allowed me to pre-select exactly who I wanted to work with
      2) Effortlessly guide these prospects toward doing business with me thanks to a bullet-proof sales process
      3) Nurture these customers so they kept coming back to me again and again…and have confidence that they would NEVER do business with anyone else.
      The genius behind this simple concept was a man named Dan Kennedy and his company Glazer-Kennedy Insider’s CircleTM (GKIC).
      As I learned more about Dan and how he had created this powerful machine capable of list building and conversion generation, I was hooked.
      I figured…
      Any Guy Who Filed Bankruptcy Twice And
      Then Went On To Be a Multi-Millionaire Must
      Be Doing Something Right
      It’s true. Dan went bankrupt twice before he put this machine to work in his business. Heck, while out giving a lecture on success, he got his car repossessed!
      He was broke, tired, and could have just given up.
      But he didn’t. He kept at it until he had developed the magic formula that would effortlessly keep his business full of qualified leads and customers who gladly handed their money over to him.
      Once this machine was in place, all Dan had to do was turn the intensity up or down to adjust the flow so that his business fit into his life – not the other way around.
      After going through a divorce and losing half of his net worth, Dan, depressed but determined to regain his wealth, turned the intensity knob to high and made more money in the next two years than he had made in his entire business life.
      This Machine has built Dan, and now GKIC, a hugely responsive list, creating an overflow of pre-qualified leads that stand in line hoping to work with Dan.
      And this kind of success means this...
      Dan Can Now Charge $100,000 For A Sales Letter And $18,800 For A Consulting Day, Allowing Him To Live Life On His Own Terms
      When you’re a hot commodity and can charge what you want, you get to do things like have clients come to you so you don’t spend your life in airports…
      …you get to work from anywhere you want, whenever you want and with whomever you want…
      …and when you choose to travel, you go by private plane so you can relax and enjoy the ride instead of being squished into the middle seat...
      …you get to write books (Dan has authored 14 of them) and accept (or decline) tons of speaking engagement invitations because you’ve become the “go-to” person in your industry and market.
      In other words, you get to live life the way you want it – without anyone else telling you what to do.
      I wanted to duplicate what Dan had done in his business so I began using these simple, easy-to-do strategies that suddenly made it all much easier for me.
      Dan’s program showed me exactly what I needed to do and I saw results very quickly, going from 3 magic shows per month to 30 per month in less than 12 weeks.
      This was a total game-changer for me.
      And that’s why I’m teaching this stuff now – I get so sick of so-called “gurus” leading people down the wrong path…
      …sick and tired of our members – really good and sincere people – struggle and worry when the solution is so simple.
      GKIC wants to live out our mission of…
      "Saving America One Entrepreneur At A Time"
      America was built on small business. And small business has taken a serious beating in the past few years.
      And GKIC wants to bring knowledge and power to small business owners who just need to know what to do to be successful.
      They need strong mentors to walk beside them as they build The Ultimate List Building Machine and The Ultimate Conversion Machine so that, together, they have The Ultimate Marketing Machine working for them in their business at all times.
      And now you’re discovering how you can be one of the 40 people who will have the opportunity to have Dan, Darcy Juarez, the GKIC copywriting team, and me work with you personally to help you build your own Ultimate Marketing Machine.
      And the best part is, there’s…
      No Special Tools Or Skills Required
      You may hear Dan’s story, my story, and the other success stories you’ve read from GKIC members, and you may feel a bit envious, thinking we have some “magical powers” or some specialized talent that you don’t have.
      You may think that it took a genius IQ or an expensive business degree to make us successful but here’s the truth: some of the “GKIC Elite” who have utilized the Machine you’re hearing about today barely graduated from high school and some never graduated at all.
      And almost all of them are self-made – in other words, they didn’t inherit established, highly successful businesses from family members – they’ve built them from the ground up.
      Many of them are first generation six-figure earners and millionaires that started from scratch and had no special advantage or talent that you don’t already have.
      You don’t have to go to school to learn these skills. There’s no “Ph.D. in Marketing Mastery” program that exists at any major university.
      All you have to do is follow a simple blueprint that many before you have used, take action on it, and you could be earning your first profit windfall in as little as 8 weeks
      One of my favorite self-help experts is Brian Tracy and one of his favorite sayings is this:
      “All Skills Are Learnable—And Nobody’s Better
      Than You And Nobody’s Smarter Than You”
      Like the note we received from a doctor who used this blueprint said:
      “I’m only working 23 hours a week in my
      practice and I DOUBLED my income”
      This is information that Dan Kennedy has been using, teaching, and preaching for 40 years: the ability to have absolute autonomy…where you can work whenever you want, wherever you want, and do what you want without anyone’s permission…
      …where you can work with high quality people who “get” you…and where you can leave the “duds” to for your competitors.
      And guess what happens when you get enough people coming into your funnel so you can pick and choose your customers? Your prices go up.
      So not only will you get more customers, clients, or patients to your business or practice but you could be able to double, triple, even QUADRUPLE whatever you’re charging now – and just think about what that would do for your bank account, your life, and your future.
      One of the best ways to achieve success is to find out what other successful people do and copy it for yourself. And that is exactly what this blueprint does for you – takes you through every step that has worked for others so you can just copy and paste it into your own business.
      But here’s the deal: GKIC is only offering this very personal “hold you by the hand” experience to 75 people 14 more people. This isn’t just a product that you buy and then go through on your own. This is an 8 week journey that you’ll be on with the GKIC team to completely transform your business.
      You’ll get more done in less time because you won’t just be spinning your wheels. You’ll be taking action every single week that will lead you to the bigger 8-week goal.
      You’ll Be Able to Enjoy The Benefits This Program Will Bring You, But Only If You’re Willing To Take Action And Do What It Takes To Build Your Dream
      Listen: this isn’t some magic trick where all you have to do is wave a wand and all of your business problems will disappear.
      And this isn’t just another shiny object that makes big promises but doesn’t deliver, leaving you in search of another useless shiny object.
      This is real. And it will take real work on your part.
      You can walk into a magic shop and buy off-the-shelf tricks and use them to entertain kids and friends – but that doesn’t make you a great magician and it’s no different in your business. You need real solutions that create lasting results.
      That’s why this program is 8 weeks long – so you can work the steps as you go along. This keeps you from getting overwhelmed and giving up…like so many of us have done before.

      Any successful business owner will tell you that they worked hard to get their business where it is: attracting just the right prospects, creating a solid sales process, and getting those customers to pledge their undying loyalty.
      But consider the alternative: working really hard but having to put up with mediocre results, a stagnant income, and suffering from constant worry and fear because you don’t have the right system.
      See, you’re probably working really hard at your business right now but without the results that you could see with this program.
      8 weeks really isn’t that long considering that 8 weeks ago you were probably in the same place that you are in today. Just imagine where you would be if you would have read this message 8 weeks ago.
      But it’s not too late because now you have the chance to make the next 8 weeks much better than the last.
      Earl Nightingale observed that many people seem to hit a time in their lives when they achieve and acquire more in a single year than in the previous decade. They shift into hyper-wealth attraction mode.
      Why is this? Because they stopped messing around and decided to take MASSIVE action, along with getting themselves in sync with the beliefs and mindset that are essential for success.
      And it really is a lot less work, and actually rather fun, to get into this “zone”…where the prospects flow, the sales happen, and the income increases. As Maxwell Maltz said “what was once difficult becomes ridiculously easy.”
      Many people don’t hit their “wealth stride” until later in life – in their 60’s or 70’s – but I’m giving you a chance to get started right now, regardless of where you are in life, so you can start experiencing the peace of mind, rewards, increased reverence from family and friends, and overall self-confidence and well-being you’ll experience when you join:
      The Ultimate Marketing Machine
      The Ultimate List Building & Conversion System

      The Ultimate Marketing Machine is comprised of two business-critical components:
      1) First is the Ultimate List Building Machine. This
      is where you will uncover how the mega-successful create hypnotic copy, generate massive traffic using multiple methods that blend the best of “old school” and “new school” strategies to get just the right formula, and then turn that traffic into high quality leads.

      You’ll find out how to really speak to your target market so they’ll really connect with you and your product or service.
      Finally, you’ll craft a hypnotic, haunting offer that compels your prospects to do whatever it is you’re asking them to do.
      2) The second component is the Ultimate Conversion Machine. This is where you find out how to stand out from your competitors, to reach out to your market in unique ways so they form a relationship with you that builds their loyalty and makes them immune to your competitor’s sales messages.
      Our team will show you exactly what you need to do to build a loyal “herd” like that of GKIC’s – where customers stay with you for years, even decades, and wouldn’t think of leaving you. A group so loyal that every time you reach out to them, they respond in kind.
      Together, these components create The Ultimate Marketing Machine that, with our help, you will customize for your own business.
      The Ultimate Marketing Machine is a step-by-step, “paint by the numbers” program that will effortlessly guide you through what works for GKIC, Dan Kennedy, and the legion of under-qualified millionaires and multi-millionaires who live lives of wealth, significance, and contribution because of this blueprint.
      We’ll share exact templates, materials, and strategies that we use to market GKIC to the masses, including the system Dan has implemented for clients over the last 40 years in the business. You’ll have access to a “Members Only” site where you’ll find resources and tools that you can swipe and deploy quickly – no more struggling to create things from scratch.
      This is big. GKIC rarely pulls back the curtain to show you what goes on behind the scenes to create multi-million dollar product launches, achieve and maintain membership numbers in the tens of thousands, and the secret to getting thousands of people to our international events.
      Best part? It doesn’t matter where you are in your business. Even if:
      1) You’re already kicking butt and taking names and are looking for some new tricks that could take your business to the next level. Just one “a-ha” moment from The Ultimate Marketing Machine could generate a newfound burst of wealth for your and put you in a whole new money zone in no time.
      2) You’re just getting started and are learning the ropes. This is perfect for you because you’ll avoid the tons of time and money that others spend on figuring it all out for themselves. You get to use what has already brought success to others and make it work for you just by copying and pasting it into your own business.
      3) You’re already in business but things have stagnated. No big deal…we’ve all been there. The Ultimate Marketing Machine is going to reveal secrets that’ll allow you to completely transform your business and get it to really move in just 8 weeks. I’m living proof that this works and it can work for you, too.
      Now you may be thinking:
      Is It Realistic To Think That My Business
      Can Catapult To A Whole New Level Of Income In
      Just 8 Weeks?
      Yes it is realistic. See, the truth is that you’re probably working really hard right now but not seeing the results you want to see. Doing this same thing is not going to change your business in 8 weeks.
      But doing the things that are known to produce results could really change your business in that same 8 weeks.
      And you’ll have the GKIC team by your side the entire time.
      There’s absolutely nothing wrong with succeeding quickly. There’s no bonus for doing it slowly and no penalty for doing it fast.
      Let’s face it, the next 8 weeks are going to pass you by anyway. Will you spend it doing the same old thing and getting the same old results?
      Or will you decide that it’s your time to catapult your business into a whole new level of success?
      Very often, quick success, and especially “getting rich quick”, is looked upon as “hokey” or something that is just for other people who happen to get lucky or maybe did something illegal or immoral to make that kind of money.
      But when you have the RIGHT tools for success, you can nearly create money out of thin air – not because it’s magic but because it’s a system that works.
      Just think about how your competitors will feel as they watch you soar past them, getting all the good clients and dominating your market.
      Your friends and family will wonder what happened to you because all of the sudden you’ll feel more confident and certain about your business and will be looking forward to the future.
      Those people that doubted you and questioned your decision to go into business will see you relaxed and happy, and their doubts will magically disappear.
      That’s what TRUE business success can bring you. A state of mind where you wake up looking forward to every single day, knowing you’re going to work with the customers, clients, or patients you LOVE to work with, knowing you have systems in place that bring in predictable and certain business, and enjoying the income that owning a successful business can bring.
      This kind of success eludes most business owners who will continue to think business is a “dog-eat-dog” affair, where scrounging for leads and customers is a necessary evil, and where infrequent sales are routine.
      Forget that!
      Here’s How the “Ultimate Marketing Machine” Is Going To Effortlessly Guide You Toward Business Success:
      The “Ultimate Marketing Machine” is unlike anything you’ve ever experienced. Every week you’ll get handed a specific action plan for the week. This way you can work in bite-sized chunks instead of feeling like you’re drinking water through a fire hose and getting overwhelmed…
      …and overwhelm is the #1 cause of inaction and must be avoided.
      That’s the beauty of the 8 week Ultimate Marketing Machine program – it’s spread out so you’ll have plenty of time to take action while you still go about running your business every day.
      You won’t be traveling and away from your business for days at a time.
      You won’t be paying for airplane tickets, hotels, rental cars, and restaurant meals.
      Yes, you will have to work it each and every week.
      Because each and every week, you’ll be soaking in valuable business success information and taking consistent action steps to dominate your market.
      Here’s what you’ll experience that will put you on the right path in your business:
      1) 8 Weekly Live Webinars With Me (Dave Dee) and Guest Experts: Every week, you’ll experience a LIVE Webinar session where I’ll guide you through the process of creating every piece of your Lead-Gen/Conversion/Shock-n-Awe machine. This isn’t “motivational rah-rah” stuff…it’s the actual plan you will use every week – you’ll know exactly what you need to do.
      I’ve even invited guest experts to share what they do to dominate their own markets so you can do the same. I’ll guide you through the process of creating every piece of your
      We don’t share “theory” or speculation. This is what REALLY works when it comes to driving more leads to a business and converting those leads into sales and loyal customers. This is what GKIC has been teaching for 23 years and you’re going to get this handed to you on a silver platter.
      2) Recordings and Transcripts of Each Webinar Session: Just in case you miss a session, don’t worry – it will be available online at your resource center.
      3) FAST Implementation Guides: This FAST Implementation guide will lay out the specific steps you need to take in order to execute that week’s goal.
      We’re not going to just have you attend the webinar and leave you to fend for yourself…this is EXACTLY what you have to do and it’s all laid out and ready for you to take action.
      4) Templates and Tools: Complete fill-in-the blank templates, tools, and resources that enable you to quickly and easily create every element involved in the lead generation / conversion / retention process – including a Postcard template, Free Standing Insert template, Micro-Sales Letter Template, Checklist Template, 3-Step Grabber Campaign Template, Newsletters for an entire year, and much more. You’ll also get our system for authoring your very own BOOK that’ll give you massive credibility in your market.
      5) Editorial Review Certificates: You will get 3 certificates for Content Reviews/Feedback on whichever components of your Ultimate Marketing Machine that you want. This way, you can be CERTAIN that what you produce meets the bar necessary to generate leads and close the deal.
      See, most programs give you the audios or videos and then leave you on your own but that’s not how Ultimate Marketing Machine is designed.
      This is 8 weeks of experiential learning and immersion into a solid success formula where you’ll discover the exact steps to completely transform your business.
      And because of the extra involvement of the GKIC team, we must limit participation in Ultimate Marketing Machine to just 75 serious business owners who are ready right now to step up and take action.
      When you’re one of the first 75 people to raise your hand…
      You’ll Get Our Fill-In-The-Blank Templates That’ll Save You YEARS Of Trial And Error
      Ultimate Marketing Machine is all about taking action and getting results. And we want you to get results as fast as possible so you’re not left scratching your head and wondering what to do.
      That’s why we’re going to throw in the following “fill-in-the-blank” templates you can use to get results quickly:

      • Postcard
      • FSI (Free Standing Insert)
      • Micro-sales letter
      • Biz card
      • Grabber letters
      • Checklist
      • Newsletters
      • And much more

      These templates alone go for $297 - $597 EACH...because they save so much time and guarantee quick results.
      Listen: these are the exact templates we use here at GKIC but you’ll get to use them for your own business. This alone is worth the price of the program because they’ll save you a bunch of time and guarantee you’re going to see results quickly.
      Here’s Just SOME Of What You’re
      Going To Discover That’ll Accelerate Your Business and Income In Just 8 Weeks

      • The 2 most recommended formats for your lead generation magnet. We’ve tested, tested, and tested again what people WANT when it comes to consuming information and these won big time.

      • The template of persuasive power for the lead generation magnet. Most people botch this up and think it’s all about giving “good content.” That’s just ONE aspect of GKIC’s winning formula for creating a strong lead generation magnet and you’ll see the rest when you take action and join in on Ultimate Marketing Machine today.

      • How to create your lead generation magnet in as little as 15 minutes (no need for “slick” stuff here…just follow these simple steps and you’ll be attracting your ideal customers, clients, or patients in no time).

      • The #1 mistake most people make with their website that causes them to flush potential profits right down the toilet. This is stuff your competitors don’t know and will give you a competitive advantage.

      • What your competition doesn’t know about getting a cold prospect’s attention and how you can use a simple tool to cut through the clutter that’s going on in their lives and get them to do business with you (nobody else does this so it will really make you stand out).

      • The solid 11-Step system for effortlessly turning leads into sales. This system has raked in millions of dollars in sales for GKIC and we’re serving it up to you as part of Ultimate Marketing Machine.

      • The simple 7-Step formula for following up with prospects – if you can “copy and paste” and “drag and drop” then you can make it work for you and it costs about the same as your monthly phone bill.

      • The #1 reason why you’re sabotaging your business success – and nope, it has nothing to do with getting more leads. This system puts an iron cage around your customers so they’ll keep buying from you.

      • How to stay in front of your prospects and customers so they’ll never run off with your competitor. Best part: there’s a way to do it that makes you a “welcome guest” and NOT an “annoying pest.”

      • How many times you should e-mail your customers, clients, or patients. This is the ultimate answer to this age-old question – messing this up could erode your most important asset…

      • And a whole LOT more

      Here’s What You’ll Get Done In
      8 Weeks That Could Completely Turn Your Business Around From Where It Is Today
      1) Lead Generation Postcard - that attracts your ideal clients, customers
      and patients to you so you never have to waste money on useless
      marketing again

      2) Lead Generation Website - One that CAPTURES prospects information
      and predisposes them to want to buy your product or service

      3) Free Standing Insert (FSI) - Almost none of your competitors are using
      this incredible lead generation strategy

      4) Facebook Ads - Grow your list at lightening speed while making money
      in the process with one of the worlds premier Facebook guru's (people
      like Ryan Deiss and Brian Tracy use him with great success)

      5) Book - Or a report depending on what's most useful to you. You'll
      create one of these in just two days with an incredible process that
      doesn't require you to write a single sentence

      6) CD - An amazing authority and trust building technique. Get the
      formula to being interviewed that'll set you apart from the rest of your
      competition, position you as the "go-to" authority on your subject and
      build trust with your prospects!

      7) Micro-Sales Letter - Get prospects to take the next step in the process
      with a short sales letter that has them salivating to work with you.

      8) Lead Generating Business Card - STOP being like everyone else
      and use this simple strategy to get more business with your business

      9) Checklist - This is actually a sales tool that helps the prospect at the
      same time that it positions you as the OBVIOUS choice

      10) Follow-up Mailings - Get the exact templates that convert prospects
      into buyers with a 3-step quick-conversion campaign AS WELL AS 12
      months of follow-up newsletters for additional referrals, repeat
      business and to capture buyers who weren't ready initially instead of
      losing them to the competition

      Whew - That’s a lot of stuff you’ll be creating in just 8 weeks and I know you’re going to have some questions or want a quick “double check” as you develop these business-critical materials, which is why:
      You’ll Get 3 Certificates For Content Reviews And Feedback On Any Ultimate Marketing Machine Components You Choose
      That’s right – you’re going to get personal attention when you sign up today and start your 8 week Ultimate Marketing Machine program. If you’re not sure you’re using the right headline or want to check and see how persuasive your e-mails are, just send them to us and we’ll shoot you back a quick critique.
      This means you won’t be on your own to figure things out – just send your pieces to us and we’ll get right back to you with suggestions for improvement.
      So let me ask you: how much is it worth to you to generate a total business turnaround in 8 weeks, where you could double or triple your income?
      If you can add some zeroes to the end of your bank account balance in just a couple of months or add a handful or two of new customers, clients, or patients to your business, then ANY money you invest will be worthwhile, won’t it?
      Especially since you’ll be repeating these steps over and over again now that you’ll finally have a formula that works. You’ll NOW know the magic that exists when specific steps AND implementation are employed at the same time.
      I, personally, charge $980 for an hour of my time and Dan Kennedy charges $18,800 to have a client spend the day with him. Knowing this, you would undoubtedly agree that Ultimate Marketing Machine could easily be priced in the high 4 figure range.
      But when you’re one of the first 75 people only 14 spots left who take immediate action, we’re going to let you in for the extremely low investment of just $997 today and then two ONE more payments of $997 starting in just 30 days.

      Think about it: In most businesses, that’s the amount equivalent to 1-3 new customers, clients, or patients when you consider the total lifetime value of the customer.
      And if your business is making $100,000 per year, that’s just 2.5% of your total income – a modest investment for information, materials, and skills that you’ll then use in your business for the rest of your working life.
      But you need to act fast because:
      Only 75 People Will Be Let Into This Program,
      And We Know It Will Fill Up Fast
      Why limit the program to just 75 people total? We’re giving personal attention by having our team work with you and we, of course, still have the company to run so our time is limited. We want to give everyone as much attention as possible, so 75 is the limit. Also with each person getting 3 copy critiques, we can only handle 75 people turning in critique certificates without everything else grinding to a halt.

      Now I know that Ultimate Marketing Machine is not cheap. It’s not designed to be cheap because we only want the most serious people to work with us – we don’t get to do this kind of interactive program very often and we want to help as many people as possible when we can do them.
      Just think, even one suggestion you’ll get from our experienced team could allow you to get your investment from this program back in no time.
      Let me ask you: who do you have looking over your marketing pieces now to make sure you’re on the right track with reaching your target audience? Who is making suggestions to you for better copy and better systems, praising you for what you’re doing right, or providing a good “double check” before you implement something?
      Just having access to our team is worth the price all by itself. But we’re not just doing that for you, we’re also giving you the 8 Live Webinars, the FAST Implementation Guides, and the templates and tools that could save you YEARS of expensive trial, error, and frustration of trying to figure it all out yourself.

      Sales Page:

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      Last edited by BlackHatX; 12-19-2014 at 10:03 AM.


  • #2
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    Default Re: Dave Dee - The Ultimate Marketing Machine

    yes, good sharing

  • #3
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    Default Re: Dave Dee - The Ultimate Marketing Machine

    Thanks for this
    Last edited by waverider; 01-25-2016 at 06:13 PM. Reason: Mistake

  • #4
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    Default Re: Dave Dee - The Ultimate Marketing Machine

    What is the password for Dave Dee - Ultimate Marketing Machine BIG.7z file? tnx

  • #5
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    Post Re: Dave Dee - The Ultimate Marketing Machine

    Quote Originally Posted by Mafusail View Post
    What is the password for Dave Dee - Ultimate Marketing Machine BIG.7z file? tnx
    pass forum default

  • #6
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    Default Re: Dave Dee - The Ultimate Marketing Machine

    Thanks a lot!

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    Default Re: Dave Dee - The Ultimate Marketing Machine

    Last edited by Pantarei66; 11-19-2016 at 09:21 PM.
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  • #8
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    Default Re: Dave Dee - The Ultimate Marketing Machine

    File are damaged. There is a way to get the right files?

  • #9
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    Default Re: Dave Dee - The Ultimate Marketing Machine

    Hi !

    Thanks a lot for this cool stuff....Sounds very interesting

    Files tested = OK @ 100%
    Last edited by jawilt; 10-12-2017 at 06:13 AM. Reason: adding comment

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    Default Re: Dave Dee - The Ultimate Marketing Machine

    Any chances of a re-up?



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