We don’t have a choice on whether we do social & mobile, the choice is in how well we do it.” The above quote seems illogical. After all, do I not have a choice regarding my use of social and mobile outlets or any new technology? Would avoidance of these new tools protect my reputation?
You could choose the path of technology avoidance, but it would be increasingly difficult to succeed without these digital tools and your reputation could still be compromised. Regardless if you elect to use social media or have a digital presence, people will be looking for you online. When you do not create and manage your digital reputation, you allow others to do this for you. Would you rather have influence over your reputation, or give that control to others?
For example, research indicates that 92% of children under the age of two already have a digital posting about them. Yes, what happens offline stays online. This is a fundamental shift in society. It is a shift that many of us, from schoolteachers to CEOs, have failed to grasp. By taking this course, you have made the choice to produce and protect your best reputation. Nice choice.