Like I said, this loophole was not created by Paul, but he’s exploited it to the tune of over $1,000,000 in the past 4 years.
So, he fully understands how this thing works.
In fact Paul has just recently published his investing strategy into an easy to follow guide.

Stock Tips is just 65 pages long, and only tells you what you need to know to start making money.
Now, when I first started writing this web article, my intention was simply to cover the story of a man who went from nothing to everything in less than a year. But after hearing about Paul’s recent publication I thought it would be a great idea if I asked to offer a limited amount of copies, straight from this web page.
Paul reluctantly agreed, however he did clarify a few things, he said:
“Even if you read the same book I read, the one where I found this strategy, you’d need to be an experienced investor just to follow it”
“What I’ve done is, is I’ve picked out all of the important points. There are no formulas or charts in my report, because you don’t need to know that stuff. You can read my book and within about 2 hours, start making profitable trades the same day”
Sales Page: http://www.stocktips.com/congrats
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