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      Arrow [EDE VIP EXCLUSIVE]Mandy Kendall & Jason Fladlien – Talk Fortune The 10 Million Dollar Mindset

      "If you could sit and chat with someone who did over $10,000,000 in the last 24 months... and you could ask them anything...

      what would you ask them?"

      Well I, Mandy Kendall, recently had that chance. It cost me a whopping sum of $10,000... and was worth every penny. Why? Because for 4 hours and 27 minutes I got to do just that.
      From the high level marketing approach needed... to the day to day of structuring and implementing and taking action on ideas... to even the practical stuff such as traffic generation, conversion, product creation and more.
      What I walked away with was instantly implementable ideas I could put into action to grow my business. This is important to me because I have just started in internet marketing and I have no prior success making money online.
      So Who Is This $10,000,000+ Marketer
      and why did I pay him so much?

      I knew early on if I were to succeed in this business I needed a mentor. More so, someone who I could trust. Not some joker off the Warrior Forum who just made his first $10,000 the other day and now was supposedly an expert at internet marketing.
      I need someone who was near or at the top in terms of their results... and more importantly they could teach what they do.
      There was one and only one person I found that could satisfy my criteria. His name is Jason Fladlien. He was expensive and rightfully so.
      I observed as Jason...

      • Charged $50,000 to write webinar presentations for clients who were brand new to this market... and over night he turned those people into super stars
      • Set a record for the most successful affiliate promotion in the history of internet marketing - in a seven day period he brought in $5,200,000 in sales of which 50% came back to him
      • Pump out product after product publishing so many products (over 500) that he broke his shopping cart system because it wasn't programmed to manage that many products
      • Achieve the best support statistics in the industry by averaging a 1.1 hour response time over a 24 hour, 7 days a week, 365 days a year period of time.
      • And most importantly... he showed this on a recent webinar I attended...

      Yes, that's a one million dollar wire transfer into his bank account. Wow. If anybody knew their stuff, it was this guy.
      Jason, along with his business partner Wilson have also founded one of the most successful internet marketing companies out there - Rapid Crush, Inc.
      The recipe of their success?
      Jason TEACHES The Living Daylights Out Of Anyone!

      For people like you and me... The fact that Jason has made millions of dollars is only somewhat relevant. For us, it serves as proof that he knows what he's talking about.
      However, the most important thing is...
      Can he take you... me... anyone... by the hand and show how exactly we can get results?
      Well if you've ever heard him speak... you know that the answer is a resounding YES.
      Just an example... a single ONE of his trainings, Product eClass, has produced dozens of six figure earners... and a lot of people attribute their success to that training.
      Wait, But Does Jason Has Any Idea what *I* Am Going through right now?

      Hey, I agree. Marketing at a 10 million dollar level and marketing at a "I'm just starting out" level is vastly different.
      However... If that's what you're focusing on, you're missing the bigger picture.
      A marketer of that caliber knows exactly all the problems and obstacles you have encountered... are encountering right now... and will encounter in the future. And he has already figured out a way to overcome them... so you don't have to go through all the trial and error.
      So no matter what you're struggling with right now... You'll probably get your answer if you sit down with Jason and talk for a bit.
      But that's not always an option... for plenty of reasons. Money, time, distance - just to name a few.
      The Next Best Thing to Spending $10,000 to Sit Down With Jason And Picking his Brain One On One...

      ...Is listen to me do it.
      I've specifically prepared a laser-focused list of questions to get the most valuable insights out of him... and when we sat down and did the interview... I was blown away. The amount of valuable, actionable insights was just staggering!
      And that almost 4 and a 1/2 hour long interview is precisely what I want to share with you here today.

      Talk Fortune

      Here's what you'll immediately discover when you invest in Talk Fortune today...
      Intro Module - Hitting The Ground Running

      In this module, you'll learn things like...
      An often misunderstood marketing technique from 1984 makes it child's play to compete with established players... in any market

      • Getting started - why it's downright dangerous to go from $0 to $10,000 immediately (even if it sounds like the best thing ever...) and why - and how - you should ease your way into it instead
      • Why it is NOT harder to succeed online in this day and age... despite the fact that you have to compete with established, dominant players in almost any market (the simple answer will surprise you... and then motivate you to take action!)
      • How most internet marketing is laid out in a way that FORCES you to FAIL... and what to do instead
      • The ________ state that will make you execute one profitable action after another... and help you build a torrent of income in no time
      • How to get the most out of this training... and how to benefit when listening to it multiple times
      • And more!

      Module 1:
      Opportunity Costs

      You know how when you're mowing your lawn you can't play with your kids at the same time? With marketing... while you're doing $10/hour work, you can't possibly do $100/hour work. So you lose $90 every hour!
      This module will show you how to avoid this trap... and much more. Check this out...
      The simple principle that will take you from $0 weeks to $50,000 weeks...

      • The most important thing for you to consider when doing anything online. This simple principle will move you from $0/weeks to $50,000/weeks...
      • How to immediately determine whether you're busy doing UNPROFITABLE stuff... and how to put a stop to it immediately. Listen to the real world example here if you think you know where this is going... you'll be surprised!
      • The trap that 99% of marketers fall into that is so simple to avoid you'll slap your forehead
      • The 3 steps that will let you determine your opportunity cost in a snap...
      • This single takeaway will take this simple principle and propel the growth of your online business like little else because _____________
      • And more!

      Module 2:
      Day To Day

      If you've ever tried to learn a musical instrument like a guitar or a piano... you know that most of the results come from small steps repeated over and over every day.
      Same with online marketing. The problem is... how do you pick the right things to do? Here's what Jason has to say about it... and more!
      The key to "graduating" to $100/hour, $200/hour work and beyond is focus... discover how to proof yourself from interruptions!

      • What does a typical workday looks for Jason... and the single insight you must copy today if you're serious about success
      • Dealing with stress at $10 million dollar level... and how to implement this incredibly powerful technique at all other levels for a stress free, productive day
      • How to deal with multiple projects at once... without resorting to multitasking and other counterproductive techniques that belong to 70ties productivity books
      • The key to "graduating" to $100/hour work is focus... here's how you proof yourself from interruptions
      • How to be dynamic - once you learn this skill, you'll be the one to respond to opportunity while others will keep procrastinating
      • And more!

      We're just getting started here...

      Even if the 3 modules above were all you got... It would be more than worth the asking price. However... I've barely scratched the surface.
      The later modules might seem (at first) like you'll need them way down the road... but that's not true. Don't limit yourself like that!
      If you implement the techniques from the following modules now while you're still growing... the growth is going to be much more easier to manage... and faster!
      Check this out...
      Module 3:
      The quarter; The year

      A lot of people get into online marketing to get away from that "corporate" stuff, away from having a boss and to enjoy some freedom... so they run for the hills once somebody mentions things like KPOs, quarterly plans and other stuff like that.
      Yet, if you adopt some stuff from the corporate world... not only will you have a massive edge on your competition, you'll also work less while getting better results! This module deals with exactly that. Check this out...
      Why "stealing" techniques from the corporate world can be the key to you having your best year yet...

      • The "corporate" stuff for internet marketers... What you must steal from the big businesses and what you must never ever try to replicate
      • The key to having your best year yet - and how to plan it out step by step
      • How anyone can take this and apply to their own business... no matter how big or small... or even before starting!
      • What to do if your plans are far from what actually happens... and how to to combine rigidity with flexibility so that you never miss out on opportunities (yet don't get distracted by shiny objects either!)
      • You might need to tone down on your most profitable projects... Yep, you read that right! This is why...
      • And more!

      Module 4
      How do you scale?

      Outsourcing sounds tempting. You don't have to do the work yet you still profit.
      Here's the truth though. Most people try it once and never ever want to outsource again... because it's a massive pain. Why? Because they do it wrong. In this module, you'll discover how to do it right... Check this out!
      How to avoid the "internet marketing hamster wheel" and burnout...

      • Why most internet marketers have trouble scaling their business... This is the bane of internet marketing and one of the reasons most people who see a little success never really take off!
      • What can you immediately do to not get stuck in the "internet marketing hamster wheel"... and avoid doing the same things over and over again (this is the only way you'll grow beyond a certain threshold...)
      • How to avoid burnout - and why this single thing most internet marketers can't adopt to save their lives is your key to a successful, almost passive online business
      • Why outsourcing the way almost everyone teaches it will be disastrous... and how to outsource instead (the things you actually need to outsource might be a lot different than you think!)
      • Case study: Jason's employees and how he finds them, vets them, motivates them... that lets Jason find (and keep) top quality talent for more than reasonable prices (You won't find that for bottom dollar though... except if you do this ___________ )
      • How to handle partners (and how to NOT make this the single biggest mistake you'll ever make in your business..)
      • And more!

      Your Future...

      The next modules are about the future. The next 5 years. The 10 million dollar level marketing. The big money.
      And even though you've gotten get a tremendous amount of immediately applicable information in the first modules... I insist you listen to the rest of the modules just as closely... because you'll learn the big picture and will be able to form a game plan that's fail proof.
      Check this out...
      Module 5:
      The Next 5 Years

      There's one thing all failing marketers have in common... they don't plan a single month ahead... let alone 5 years. Planning for 5 years can make the difference between broke and having $50,000 weeks - so make sure you listen to this module right away.
      How to knock out your 5 year plan immediately... and how this simple 5 minute exercise will help your profits today!

      • How to sit down and knock out your 5 year plan immediately... that will help you with your business today
      • Case study: Jason's 5 year plan... See if you can swipe a thing or two from it immediately! (Hint: it's active vs ________ income!)
      • What's going to be hot in year 2020 (and if you're smart, you're going to start working on this right now so that you have an edge...)
      • The single biggest takeaway is... (listen to the end of this module in order to not miss out on this golden nugget)
      • And more!

      Module 6:
      Marketing At 10 Million

      You might think that 10 million level marketing techniques have nothing to do with you (yet). That's not true at all... This module will show you exactly what you must copy from the gurus today... and what you should never copy.
      What most beginners that succeeded did... explained step by step!

      • The reason why most people fail online... (and why most IM products will never ever help them get out of this vicious cycle)
      • The things "gurus" do that you should start emulating tonight... and what you should never ever copy unless you're at the $10 million level
      • Tactics vs. Strategy - why internet marketing is like chess... done at boxing speed... and how to thrive in an environment like this!
      • What most beginners - that succeeded - did... explained step by step. Want to copy it? It's simpler than you think... and it can get you 5 or 6 figures from a single promotion.
      • Jason's biggest mistakes that he has made... see if you're making the same ones right now!
      • How Jason is using technology... and why being tech savvy is not a prerequisite for success
      • The hottest marketing opportunities in the next 12 months - you'll be able to capitalize on these golden niches before most marketers even hear about them
      • And more!

      Module 7:
      Where The Big Money Is Made

      The truth that most marketers don't want to face is that in order to keep making money you have to 1) innovate and 2) get an unique competitive advantage that nobody can copy.
      It's actually easier than you think as Jason will prove in this module...
      How to innovate and get a true competitive advantage in any market without a single dollar in startup capital... and even if you never had an original thought in your life!

      • How to engineer your true unique competitive advantages without a single dollar in startup capital...
      • How to know your customers better than they know themselves and how to use this as an inexhaustible well of killer product ideas... that your competition will never ever be able to get their hands on
      • Innovating for people who think they've never had an original thought in their lives and how to use modeling to get your footing in the market quickly
      • Why your ego might be standing in the way of your success... and how to shove it aside once and for all
      • The single biggest takeaway related to competitive advantage is ___________
      • And more!

      Module 8:
      Immediate Implementation

      The last module is designed to get you to take immediate action. Once you're done listening to this module, you'll have a clear idea what's next and you'll be able to hit the ground running!
      Check this out...
      How to immediately take insights from any module and apply them to your current situation today

      • The critical factors that will determine your success the next day... month... and year
      • Things that you're probably doing right now that you should immediately STOP... and never ever do again
      • How to immediately take the most useful insights from this training and apply in your business... and what to do after
      • The "Crystal Ball"... what the future holds for people who listen to this training
      • And much much more!

      The Bottom Line...

      So there you have it. Almost 5 hours of audio, filled with useful information and insights you won't find anywhere else.
      This training is so packed with information and insights, you'll find that you'll want to play it several times to make sure you catch everything.
      Yet listening to it never feels like work. Jason's light hearted delivery keeps it fun... and you won't even notice - at first - how much information you're absorbing while time flies by.
      Now the decision is yours. Thankfully...
      It's A Simple Enough Decision

      Now you're at a crossroads.
      You either ignore this offer and go back to whatever you were doing before you came across this.
      That would mean you give up on a chance to take a massive shortcut to success... and you're missing out on insights a $10 million marketer is sharing on this interview ONLY.
      And you'll be at the same place in a year... 5 years... 10 years. If you're happy with that, I'm happy too!
      The other option is you make a decision to do something.
      And instead of picking up another shiny object, you pick up this... and lay a groundwork for astounding success... today.
      Do we have a deal?
      The Price? Peanuts, I say...

      The value you're getting is tremendous. If you only consider I put down $10,000 for this information... along with several hours of preperation to extract the most knowledge I could from this opportunity...
      It'd be easy to sell this for $99.95. All day.
      However, since Jason said I could share this information and I want to get my name out as fast as possible, I'm going to make you a special deal for a limited time.
      If you act fast enough you can get this for just $49.95... though the price won't stay this low forever. Just the time this will save you in your day to day marketing makes this a no-brainer... what to speak of that valuable insights you'll get and apply in your business.

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      Last edited by BlackHatX; 12-05-2014 at 12:51 AM.


  • #2
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    Default Re: [EDE VIP EXCLUSIVE]Mandy Kendall & Jason Fladlien – Talk Fortune The 10 Million Dollar Mindset

    Thank you for this wso will read it later

  • #3
    LifeTime VIP Member
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    Default Re: [EDE VIP EXCLUSIVE]Mandy Kendall & Jason Fladlien – Talk Fortune The 10 Million Dollar Mindset

    Thank you for this- you rock!

  • #4
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    Default Re: [EDE VIP EXCLUSIVE]Mandy Kendall & Jason Fladlien – Talk Fortune The 10 Million Dollar Mindset

    Thanks for this



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