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      Arrow Niche Domination Secrets

      "You're About To Discover The Expert Secrets
      To Creating A Profitable Online Niche Business
      In Any Market You Choose, With Buyers So Desperate
      They Will Literally Force Money Into Your Hands!"

      Incredible Training Series Reveals Exactly
      How Anyone Can Create A Winning Business
      In Any Market ... Guaranteed!

      From: Richard Legg & Eric Farewell
      Date: Sunday, November 16, 2014

      It's true
      . An ugly truth, but one that everyone has to face.

      If you turn on any TV news channel, open any daily newspaper, there's one thing that everyone's telling you.

      The Economy Sucks!

      It doesn't look like it's getting better any time soon either.

      And it's not just in America, things are going downhill all over the globe.

      People are getting forced out of their homes, jobs are being cut, and gas prices are getting ridiculous. (If you think American's have it bad, try paying over $10 a gallon like the British have to!)

      All of this is going to affect you and I as marketers, or anyone who's trying to make money by selling products or services to others.


      Because people simply don't have the money to spend on the things that they NEED to live.

      Mortgage payments every month. Bills that need to get paid. And all of this leaves them with nothing to spend on non-essential items.

      Are You Making This Same Mistake?

      The truth is, if you're trying to make money online, then chances are you're in the "sell internet marketing stuff to other people looking to be internet marketers".

      Am I right?

      It's nothing to be ashamed of. That's how I got started too.

      In fact, the "internet marketing" niche has been very good to me.

      At just 25, and fresh out of university, my wife and I were able to buy our first home with a 50% cash deposit ... all thanks to the "internet marketing" niche.

      But now … I’m starting to think it’s a BIG mistake, especially for anyone who’s just getting started.

      It’s so much work to try and make your way in such a competitive market, especially the way things are right now.

      There are more and more people trying to be internet marketers, and less and less people with money to spend.

      It just doesn’t make sense to try and get into a market like that, particularly if you still consider yourself a beginner.

      There's just SO much competition... So much already out there!

      But it’s not the end of the world.

      Remember I told you there IS a right way to do things:

      If you want to build a real “recession-proof” business, a business that will make money for you continuously, regardless of the economy, then you need to focus on one thing…

      Building A REAL Business In A Hungry Niche Market.

      A market where people are STILL hungry, no matter WHAT the markets are doing. Where the market NEEDS what you're offering, not just wanting it.

      *If* you know where to look, you can always find niches where people are spending money on the essential things they need...

      Often these markets are so big and so hungry, that all you need to do is simply create a product then find a way to stand in front of them.

      Ok, so by now you’re probably thinking…

      “That’s great Richard...

      But I know *nothing* about finding niches or creating products for them, so how is this going to help me ...

      ...someone who's a complete beginner?”

      I've been marketing online for over 5 years now so I know about driving traffic, building lists etc…

      BUT ...I’m NOT an expert on niche marketing either, but I know someone who is. And this guy... He finds these insanely hungry markets in his SLEEP.

      More than likely you’ve never even heard of my buddy/mentor Eric Farewell.

      And to be honest, until a few months ago, neither had I.

      He’s someone who likes to quietly work away, behind the scenes, but he’s probably the most absolute authority on niche marketing that I’ve EVER come across in my 5 years of working online.

      This Guy Makes ME Feel Like A Newbie!

      Eric is responsible for some of the biggest product launches EVER online (think multi-multi-million dollar launches) but his PASSION is in picking out and dominating profitable niche markets.

      One of the coolest things he helped me realize was that you don’t have to be an “expert” in a market to be considered one.

      We met at a seminar and got chatting. The more I talked to Eric, the more I knew that I had to have this guy help show me how to build multiple, profitable businesses in all kinds of different niches… and do it easily following his systems.

      I count myself extremely lucky that I got chance to speak with him at the seminar. (He charges $1,500 an HOUR just for consultations and he’s VERY picky about who he works with.)

      I really wanted to learn his secrets and his exact business model for myself. As a result (and after doing a good bit to convince him), he’s now my mentor... But it’s costing me ... a LOT!

      Honestly though, I don’t mind, because it's been a great investment for my business.

      As he was explaining his systems to me, I quickly realized that this could be replicated by literally anyone, regardless of experience.

      They’re surprisingly simple once you break them down, but they’re incredibly effective.

      I got to thinking that it would be great if I could invite people to “listen in” as Eric coached me through some of his secrets.

      He Wasn’t So Keen At First...

      After all, there are plenty of people who've been willing to pay Eric thousands of dollars for that privilege. But after talking with him some more, eventually I managed to persuade him on the basis that we’d do something together.

      He'd share his secrets on how to pick out and create products in super-profitable niches, if in return I would share some of my SEO and traffic secrets on how to market those products most effectively.

      As we started brainstorming what we would teach, we quickly realized that there was just too much information to put together in a simple ebook.

      After all, this wasn't going to be one of those fluff-filled ebooks that tells you what to do, but then leaves out the important steps that you need to take.

      This course was going to cover the "what to do", the "how to do it" and "in what order to do it" to virtually guarantee you'll be successful.

      We decided on a 4-week (one hour long module a week) intensive webinar training series where we'd share everything you'll need to build a profitable online niche business.

      There was one major condition though…

      I felt that a LOT of people would be able to benefit from this course, but Eric is used to getting $25,000-$40,000 MINIMUM just to help coach on a product launch, so he didn't want to give his secrets away to everyone.

      Because of that, he insisted that only 75 people would be able to get live access to this training series.

      Eric's the best when it comes to this stuff, so I had to give in to him on the 75 places.

      However, there was one thing on which I wasn't going to give in ... the price.

      After some gentle persuasion I managed to get him to agree on a price that was much less than his hourly consulting fee of $1,500.

      Once the 75 places filled up (which they did in almost record time ... and on a weekend!), the sales page came down.

      The "Niche Domination Secrets" Coaching Course...

      The original plan for the course was 4 hour long modules but it soon turned into a 5 week class with over 8 hours of pure content - including a ton of "never before seen" tips and techniques for dominating profitable niches.

      Our students loved the course and based on the success of the training, we decided to release the full recordings of the entire 5 week series.

      Here's just some of what Eric shared ...

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      Last edited by BlackHatX; 11-16-2014 at 02:32 AM.




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