Thriving with Pain and Beyond!
Take your life back from chronic pain and fatigue! Your pain and your healing process is unique, this course shows you how a wholistic, proactive approach to pain management gives you the ability to go from living in the Ow of pain to living with WOW! You will add to your quality of life, reduce, heal, and manage physical and mental pain.
Persistent pain is one of the most widespread and potentially disabling health conditions of our age.
This course is ideal for you if . . .
You live with chronic pain
You are overwhelmed by what you are "supposed" to do
You are frustrated by trying to find the "right" treatment and practitioners to help you
Chronic pain is draining your quality of life
You are a healthcare provider who works with people with chronic pain
This course includes-
1) Introduction
2) Overview of 5 steps from Ow to Wow!
3) Step One: Become an Expert on You!