k ads like the one below:
After clicking the ad above, the prospect was taken to the squeeze page and offered the “212 Bog Post Ideas” PDF for free (in exchange for their email address of course)…
IMMEDIATELY after entering their email address the prospect was offered a relevant Execution Plan at a large discount…
Over 23% of them bought the Execution Plan, IMMEDIATELY.
But what about the other 77%?
We leveraged custom audience (and some sneaky automation tricks) to deploy this “boomerang” retargeting ad, to bring back all those visitors that opted in, but did not buy.
Here’s what happened next…
This simple ad reminds our prospect that they are missing out on an additional (RELEVANT) desired end result and that they can get that end result at a massive discount. The ad then drives them back to the sales page. (That’s why we call it the “Traffic Boomerang.”)
And it was super easy to do!
Thanks to our 17 step checklist, the entire setup process took less than 30 minutes.
But here’s the best part…
A staggering 42% of our sales came from these “boomerang” retargeting ads! It was literally the difference between losing money and a positive ROI on our advertising!
But this wasn’t just some “one-hit wonder”…
CASE STUDY #2: “Social Media Swipe File”
We initially drove traffic to a squeeze page for our “Social Media Swipe File” lead magnet using Facebook ads like the one below:
Just like the first example, if the prospect “opted in” to receive our “Social Media Swipe File”, but did NOT purchase our product, we once again leveraged Custom Audiences to retarget them using this ad:
It worked… again, only BETTER!
This time our simple “boomerang” ads were responsible for generating a whopping 67% of our total sales!
If It’s So Easy, Why Aren’t More People Doing It?
SIMPLE: They either didn’t know it was possible…
…or they thought it was too complicated to get started.
If you haven’t launched your first retargeting campaign yet, I’m going to show you how to do just that…
…in less than 60 minutes.
(And No, you don’t have to have any traffic yet. In fact, this works better when you set this up before you’ve started running traffic because you’ll maximize that traffic from the beginning!)
Yep, once you have my “secret checklist,” you’ll be able to launch your own retargeting campaigns in under an hour, allowing you to finally reach back out to your hottest prospects that you thought you’d lost forever and draw them back to your offers.
And even if you’re an experienced advertiser, I promise that once you see our simple 4-step retargeting process, you’ll be getting cheaper clicks and more returning leads than you ever thought possible.
More on that in just a bit.
I Want You To Know That This is Different
Really… it is.
With so many marketers talking about retargeting these days, you may be thinking you’ve seen this before.
However, this isn’t your normal PerfectAudience or AdRoll retargeting strategy.
Trust me… this is unique.
And once you see what I’m doing…
…once you have my cherished “checklist”…
…you’ll be generating traffic and leads on demand just like me.
You’ve already seen one of my campaigns that generated nearly half of our sales in just a few days using retargeting…
This was easy to set up and AUTOMATE, and now the campaign continues to run and update itself dynamically!
The reality is, we do this over and over again…
…building simple retargeting campaigns for all of our products, and for each step of our funnels…
…and they work around the clock for us to generate repeat visitors and new sales.
Now it’s your turn…
And to make it easy on you, I’m going to do what no one else is doing.
I’m NOT just going to give you a few tricks and hacks…
…I’m going to take you step-by-step, start to finish, through all the buttons you need to click to launch your own retargeting campaign.
Soon, hot, low-cost retargeted leads will be pouring into your funnels.
And YOU will have done it…
And YOU will be able to do it over and over again….
And the entire process will take less than 60 minutes…
But to do it, you’ll need my “checklist”…
The Ultimate Cheat Sheet For Facebook Retargeting
Actually, to call it a “checklist” isn’t giving it justice…
…this is more like a “checklist on STEROIDS.”
In just 4 simple steps, you’ll get:
- Exactly where (and how) to place your “conversion pixels” so you can track every click and know that it’s making you money…
- The exact “copy and paste” sentence to use in every campaign that gets your hottest prospects to click your ad and return to your offers…
- Why you should have your campaign in place BEFORE you start running traffic (and what you should do if you already have traffic)…
- The exact bidding strategy to use that will maximize your leads while lowering your costs…
- Why you need to speak to your hottest retargeting prospects way differently than you talk to your cold lead prospects…(and how to do it without creeping them out).
- Why you must change up your ads based on what content your prospects saw. (Get this right and watch your conversions increase dramatically! Get this wrong and you’re leaving a lot of money on the table.)
- Exactly how to set up your campaigns so they update themselves dynamically and automatically, so you can set them up once and let them update and optimize themselves!
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