Genealogy can be so absorbing that you can lose track of where you found information as you randomly click on one link after another, or scan through library documents, court records or any source of information. And, when two pieces of information disagree, would you like a way to determine which is more likely to be correct? You have to know where you found your ancestry information to know whether it’s factual. Unfortunately, most of us discover this only after we’re buried in information, legends, vital statistics, phantom relatives, and more.
Get and keep your genealogy research under control whether you are just starting this adventure, or a seasoned family historian buried under papers and artifacts.
Get organized and stay organized with

  • Ancestry tracking forms
  • Common searches to find basic genealogy evidence
  • What to look for on primary and secondary evidence
  • How to spot errors, even on official documents
  • What's a third cousin twice removed
  • Genealogy filing systems
  • Ancestral numbering systems
  • Easy citations
  • Copyright violations to avoid
