From TechSmith the makers of Camtasia Studio comes...

The new UI rocks big time and I am so diggin' the way you can edit the dimensions of your screen capture before you send it to the editing area.
The images you see here were made with SnagIt 12!!!
Sales Page:
Hidden Block (you must be registered and have 1 posts):
You do not have sufficient rights to see the hidden data contained here.
You may need a copy of WinZip or other extraction tool to unpack the download file.
Just a friendly reminder that Keygens, Patches, Activators, Cracks, Loaders etc. may give false positive results depending on your virus protection.
VT Scan Results:
SHA256: b2a1816f4336a8fbef2c9281c91fc02d7e85e17a3a1e1742b0 d848997578bcc9
File name: snagit.exe
Detection ratio: 0 / 54
Enjoy mates!