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      :::::::: Moderator ::::::

      BlackHatX's Avatar
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      Arrow [Over 147 Sold] "Create Kindle Books in 3 Hours or Less?" [Method Revealed Inside]

      Here's How It Works!

      What if I could show you a small little untapped sourcethat is hiding in plain sight that could make content literally POUR out of you faster than your ideas can keep up
      How fast could you dominate your niche?

      Get this...

      When I first started dating my wife, she was already in a relationship...


      A Married man that had been avoiding her, that she was in love with and had no clue even what state he was currently living in at the time.

      I will give you a moment to let your head wrap around that one

      Funny thing is, I met her from an online dating site. Meaning she was ACTIVELY
      looking to date
      WHILE she was dating

      With me so far? I promise there is a point - a DAMN GOOD ONE!

      Turns out she was tired of waiting for him to leave his wife and had finally moved on

      So it would seem

      We fell in love and I got to stand next to her and listen in as she gave him the boot and told him never to contact her again.

      A few dates later and we were married

      So far I am living every little girls fantasy to a "T" right?

      Fast Forward 6 blissful months and I come home to this:

      "I need more freedom"

      Me: What does that mean?

      Her: You have your freedom. Donít I deserve some too?
      - as the fake tears begin to well up..

      Me? a sucker for tears? Yes?

      Her: Now all smiles... "Great! I'm going out"

      So she got her "freedom" for a few more less blissful months.

      Until I come home to a gorgeous meal and an apology. (Uh-oh!)

      "So that married guy came back and I've kinda been seeing him.. I hope we can talk about this.. Because I still love you."

      "OH. And I ...we ... I ... kinda slept with him last week"

      And that was the end of my second marriage........

      You may be asking

      What is the point of this story?"

      "What does this have to do with creating Kindle books in 3 days or less?"

      "Why did he just share this sad sad story with me?"

      "Was your ex the 'spawn of satan'?"

      Here's the point:

      That story is an example of using my "secret source" technique.

      I 'turned the process on', and the magic words came pouring out -- I couldn't stop them..

      TURNED ON: It took me all of 3 minutes to write that story above...

      When you buy today you too will learn how to TURN ON your the flow of words that will just start to appear on your page effortlessly....

      You see....That all happened a long time ago, but at the time I told that story to well, just about anyone who would listen at the time.

      (I know. Pathetic, but that ís how I felt back then).

      I've told you it here to show you:

      The words were already available - like a well worn path in my head.
      You read it, so I held your attention. (I'll show you how to do that).
      Now I could take it in any direction I like...

      Let's see it in action

      I could have used it to write a "pitfalls of online dating" guide to publish on Kindle.

      (Hint: How big do you think THAT market is?)

      I could have used it as the jumping off point for a holiday romance or a tragic tale of star-crossed lovers.

      I could have turned it into a "revenge thriller."

      Just think - how many "stand out" events have happened to you in your life? (They don't have to have unhappy endings like mine. In fact I could have told you how I met my beautiful 3rd wife and how happy we've been since that day in 2006.)

      But ... hot tip coming... people tend to want to know how bad news turns out ... so they'll keep reading. Why do you suppose the press is full of it?

      Just think ... How many opinions have you ever expressed to friends, lovers or family that you stood by, even in the face of strong opposition?

      How often have you been outraged by something in the news, or excited by your team winning?

      Are you beginning to see?

      I'll show you how to capture these magic words - and turn them into hot sellers on Amazon Kindle, (or anywhere else you choose to put them!)

      I'll even show you how you can generate your own publicity - out of thin air!

      Introducing: Words From Thin Air

      I just finished up a brand new guide that lets you tap into millions of red hot buyers leads each and every day!

      The Kindle Marketplace!

      Best of all, it's a PDF guide so as soon as you buy today you get it delivered to you instantly on the next page. That means you can start churning out profit pulling ebooks just minutes from now! When you get your hands on this, you'll discover:

      • At last! Find out what thousands of other successful Best Selling Authors know about getting books done FAST
      • Here's how professional kindle marketers turn into "overnight successes"
      • Learn how to get endless books creating without spending one red cent
      • My ONE sneaky little trick you can use immediately to have you first thousand words done before your coffee even gets cold!
      • You'll find out a deceptively simple way to turn your everyday conversations into published work that hordes will virtually queue up to buy!
      • You'll discover why events that happened to you even years ago can, with a few choice words, earn you pure gold - over and over again.
      • WARNING: Don't even think of taking a so-called "creative writing" program until you learn how most of them teach you to CRAMP your style - and your income!
      • How to quickly and easily have a torrent of hot ideas pouring out of you, without ever getting the dreaded "writer's block"!
      • You'll discover what top Kindle insiders know about turning everyday, simple ideas into real, hard cash!
      • Are you making this simple yet disastrous mistake about why you think you can't write? Find out on page 11 - you might be surprised! (And itís costing you a fortune!)
      • You'll find out how to avoid thinking you've got nothing interesting to say on ANY topic! Never again will you think of yourself as "ordinary" "dull," or "boring." This program isnít just good for your bank account - it's a huge boost for your self esteem!
      • You'll learn a simple 3-step strategy for coming up with red hot topics that should sell on Kindle like gang busters every time ... it's easier than you think!
      • You'll get a surefire strategy for turning your creative juices on AT WILL - you're gonna love this! (There's even a video about how to do it)
      • Plus you'll even find out how to use a simple piece of writing that exists already and turn it into something brand new in under 5 minutes ñ you'll even amaze yourself with this neat little trick!

      Sales Page:


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    Post Re: [Over 147 Sold] "Create Kindle Books in 3 Hours or Less?" [Method Revealed Inside]

    Quote Originally Posted by shakare View Post
    password forum default...check your first post.....

  • #4
    Member Charlie Croker's Avatar
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    Wink Re: [Over 147 Sold] "Create Kindle Books in 3 Hours or Less?" [Method Revealed Inside]

    All links now dead. Please re-up.

    UPDATE: No worries, I've just found the direct download page:

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    Last edited by Charlie Croker; 01-28-2016 at 06:13 PM.

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