Displays the statistics in real-time (auto update)
Top Pages (Shows the most visitated pages)
Top Browsers (Show what browser uses the visitors)
Top Country’s (Show from where the visitors come) (Chart included)
Top Operating System (Show the visitors operating systems)
Top Best referrers (Show wich websites are the best referrers)
Top used resolution (Show’s the resolution of the visitors – e.g. 1280×800)
Top Search engines
The latest 10 visitors (or more) (This mod is based on Mark’s mode but with the ip’s and country’s included in the databse for speed, and another ip render).
The best keywords (Show wich keyword are the most used by the visitors that land on the monitorised website)
Traffic type comparisons: Compares different type of traffic wich was delivered to the website.
Traffic comparisons: Displays comparisons charts and % of the traffic.
Graphs and charts on every statistic page.
Features (including all from the above )
Sales Page: http://codecanyon.net/item/wtstats-v3-statistics-analytics-script/1963001
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