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      Arrow [VIDEO TRAINING] Complete List Building & Email Marketing System From Opt-In to Profits

      Are You Tired of All The Methods That Don't Work?! Finally...A Complete List Building and Email Marketing System From Opt-In to Profits That Will Set You Up For Life...

      You’re About to Discover A Complete System That Makes it Super-Easy to Build Instant Profits That Allow You to Finally Create a Real Email Marketing & List Building Business

      By now you must be fed up with all the money you have spent on IM products that promise the world but fail to deliver the profits.

      You have products you paid hard earned J.O.B. money for that have so many missing pieces not even an experienced marketer could get the system to work.

      You’ve heard over and over again that the money is in the list but something has held you back, something has made it tough to do it.

      Maybe information overload? I’ve been there and know how it can cripple you from taking action.

      Perhaps frustration from multiple products all pulling you in different directions that just end up crippling your chances?

      Maybe plain bad advice? Been there also and it makes you want to just quit.

      Chasing every new loophole and scheme to try to make money sound familiar? It’s a losing battle and you already know that.

      The thing is, it’s not your fault, the reasons that you aren’t able to finally build that list and profit are probably very similar to the reasons why others struggle just like you . . .

      I’ve discovered that the basic foundation methods I am going to share with you, are not only the easiest way to GET STARTED in this business, if you are just starting out, but they can easily double or triple your PayPal earnings while ending your frustration and time wasted chasing methods that will never work.

      Dear Warrior,

      My name is Shane Farrell, and today I’m here to get rid of your stress, frustration, information overload and finally help you succeed.

      Over the years I’ve discovered some things that have really made the whole list building and email marketing business a lot easier.

      If you can follow simple step by step instructions, you will finally be able to start making money with this report.

      Imagine squeeze pages that don’t require expensive software that actually suck new subscribers in.

      Once you focus in and build exactly what profitable marketers do daily, the same results will quickly follow!

      You are going to finally see that anybody can make it in this business if they have the right plan.

      The scary part is how simple and easy it will be to set up and profit from. Let me show you the exact same foundational list building and email marketing set-up that successful internet marketers use. I walk you through every single step in video modules with the PDFs right there for easy reference.

      I’m going to share with you a powerful list building system along with letting you in on some unique twists and tweaks in the video training, that when I shared with others like you, they have been blown away by the simplicity and the ease with which they can get this up, running and profitable - even if you’ve failed at every other method online!

      In fact, my guess is that you are still reading this because you have something inside of you that tells you that you have what it takes to succeed.


      I am going to share with you my own system for building simple list building funnels and monetizing them with high converting offers that don’t make your subscribers buy anything...

      Then I’ll show you how to create an easy email series that runs on auto-pilot and how to set up free traffic systems that drive subscribers into your funnel and profits into your PayPal account...

      I use this system DAILY myself. Even if you have never done any of those things before, I’ve taught complete newbies these foundational methods with success.

      IN FACT, two weeks ago I unleashed this complete method in a PDF report only right here on the WF and see what buyers had to say...

      Inside the private Facebook group you also get access to, I got so many requests for more indepth training so buyers could set this up faster, more effective, scale quicker and build buyers lists easier, I decided to create this massive training course for everyone...

      This is the exact system I used to go from broke newbie to pro list builder and email marketer. I don’t care how many times you’ve failed before or thought about quitting, if you follow what I teach, you will be a success story.

      Imagine how different your life will be when you stop wasting time and money looking for the next great thing?

      Think for a second what it will be like get this simple, workable plan to execute every time you turn your computer on…

      ...and every time you log in to check your stats, your subscriber list is growing and commissions are bigger than the week before...

      Check out what you’re going to learn INSIDE this massive VIDEO and PDF training course:

      Module 1: Stealth Funnel Profits Overview

      Once you watch and read how simple all the parts are of this system you’ll be kicking yourself for not taking action on list building and email marketing years ago when you first got into this business.


      This is my favorite method to monetize free opt-in funnels and I’ll show you how to use these in every corner of your new business from opt-in report to thank you pages, from email series newsletters to your download page. The best part is the subscriber doesn’t have to buy anything and you still PROFIT. I've added some more strategies in past two weeks to make this method even stronger.

      Module 3: Crafting Your Opt-In Report

      Learn my stealth 5 page opt-in report creation method that will take you less than an hour to write and you need ZERO internet marketing knowledge or even a High School diploma to get this done. I even show you where to get all the content from. Ctrl C and Ctrl V is all your need to know how to do.

      Module 4: Opt-In, Thank You & Download Page Creation

      You can use expensive WP plugins and templates or you can use the FREE plain-jane templates I give you that converts at 40%+ on cold traffic and force your subscribers to take action and make you those STEALTH FUNNEL PROFITS.

      Module 5: Building Your Email Series

      Stop searching for affiliate offers to mail and buying reports on “How to write an email.” I’ll show you how to set this up once under an hour and you you’ll just have to log into your auto-responder once a week to smile at the stats.

      Module 6: Traffic! Building Your Subscriber List

      You can spend your money on solos and get robot leads (seen all the talk in the FB groups lately?) or you can use my free targeted traffic methods that actually work and don’t cost any money by the way!

      Module 7: PROFITS!!!

      My favorite module and the reason you want to pick up this course. Your subscribers don’t have to buy anything for you to profit and I’ll walk you through monetizing every corner of your download pages, thank you pages, emails and opt-in report.

      This is also where I see most people making easy to fix mistakes that when corrected, drastically increase their income.

      Module 8: Scaling Up Your New Business

      It would be ignorant of me to ask you to spend more money to implement this simple stealth funnel profit system. If you have an auto-responder account and empty domain, you are good to go.

      But I also know, you are an action taker and ready to succeed and will want to know what’s next... I show you how to make more profits after you get this foundation built and running in stealth mode.

      Build the foundation first and experience success, then scale up. Too many courses promise and teach the other way around.

      Five methods to scale your new business to the levels that are the reason you got into this business in the first place.

      Module 9: Frequently Asked Questions

      Some of the most common questions I get when I teach this to my coaching students and other marketers who reach out for help. I like to leave no stone unturned when I teach my methods and want to make sure you are crystal clear to get this method up and running as soon as possible.

      As you can see- the value I’m including in this full on video training is MASSIVE

      ...I’ve made sure I show you everything in GREAT detail and the exact steps I use in my business.

      ...I want to make sure EVERYTHING you need is inside from the reason why I do it this way or that way to the exact ways I grow my funnel, lists and scale larger and more efficient...

      I remember what it was like to have to decide between buying a program that is going to actually help me reach my goals vs paying my credit card bill on time…

      I don’t want anyone who has the motivation to succeed in this business to be put in that position...

      That’s why I’m offering this starting at JUST $4.00!

      That’s right - you can get your hands on the exact information that's banking me easy profits and building me easy, active email lists... Complete video walk through and explanations for each module with the PDF chopped up so you can take easy action steps to get this done!

      … But don’t delay! Because this is a dime-sale the price will increase each and every sale! All my previous reports shot right up to the max price, $27.00 in this case. This one is going to Udemy soon for $47 so please take action now.

      ...So, if you’re serious about your online business and making money - click the buy button below NOW to jump in before the price raises!

      Sales Page:

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  • #2
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    Default Re: [VIDEO TRAINING] Complete List Building & Email Marketing System From Opt-In to Profits

    Thank you for the share

  • #3
    findamazons's Avatar
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    Default Re: [VIDEO TRAINING] Complete List Building & Email Marketing System From Opt-In to Profits

    Thanks for sharing

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    Default Re: [VIDEO TRAINING] Complete List Building & Email Marketing System From Opt-In to Profits




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