Key Features
Auto post articles to wordpress. plugin can search ezinearticles.com for your specified keywords & post quality matched articles on auto-pilot.
Auto post content from Feeds. plugin can check your specified feeds regularly & post every new feed item as a new post.
Fetch full content from summary feeds. Wordpress automatic can convert truncated feeds to full content posts with a big success ratio .
Extract specific parts of original feeds posts. Wordpress automatic can extract two specified parts of the original post by id or class concat them to post to your wordpress.
Auto post amazon products to wordpress. wordpress automatic can search amazon.com or amazon.co.uk , amazon.ca , amazon.de , amazon.fr and amazon.jp for products matching your keywords, post them and add your affiliate links automatically so you can make commissions from products sold via your referrals.
- You can post from amazon browse node which is a sub-category.
just visit findbrowsenodes.com and get the node id.add your specified node and the plugin will limit searching on this node.
- You can set a price range where the plugin will get items with price between the minimum and maximum values.
Auto post Clickbank products to wordpress. wordpress automatic plugin can search clickbank.net for products matching your specified keywords, post to your blog and add your affiliate links automatically.
Auto post Youtube videos to wordpress. wordpress automatic can search youtube.com for videos matching your keywords and post them to your wordpress blog
* (all languages now supported)
Auto post videos from specific youtube channel/user to wordpress . you can automatically add channel videos to wordpress. you have the option to add videos from a specific user/channel by searching for specific keywords or without filtering.
Auto post eBay auctions to wordpress. wordpress automatic plugin can post ebay.com auctions for keywords you specify. you can also post from a specific eBay seller by searching his items for specified keywords or even without filtering.
– Supported ebay sites: US, IE, AT, AU, BE, CA, FR, IT, DE, ES, CH , UK , NL
Auto post Flicker images to wordpress. wordpress automatic plugin can post flicker.com images for keywords you specify. it also can post from a specific flicker user by searching this user items for specified keywords or without filtering.
Automatic ads insertion. you can specify two ads slots to be inserted automatically to the posts.
Campaign based. you can setup unlimited number of campaigns with different keywords & different post options and these campaigns will work together to post to your site.
Post to specific category. you can set what category to add the new posts to one category per campaign.
Post using a specific author. you can choose the new post author one author per campaign.
Post keywords as tags. plugin can post keywords as wordpress tags.
Custom post types support . plugin can post to your custom post type like woo-commerce product.
Auto hyperlink keywords . plugin can automatically hyperlink specified keywords with your affiliate link or any specified link.
Automatically set wordpress featured image. plugin can auto set post featured image from the first image in the post content.
Sales Page: http://codecanyon.net/item/wordpress-automatic-plugin/1904470
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