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    1. #1
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      BlackHatX's Avatar
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      Arrow Contagious: Targeted Viral Video Marketing

      If you want to turn your short videos into profit pulling, , list building machines in the shortest amount of time possible, this is for you.
      Videos have exploded. In fact, video is one of the choice way people choose to consume content on the web. A simple 30 second video is easy to make and can pull in more leads than most articles all day long.
      The problem…
      Most people are using videos the WRONG way. Most people think they can just throw up any old video and expect traffic, leads, and sales by the truck load.
      Tell me… Does Any of This Sound Like You?
      Dear Fellow Online Business Builder,
      My name is Derek Allen and yes… I know how you feel about video marketing and all the angles, methods, and everything else. I felt the same way but when I looked closer I found that getting views, traffic, and email subscribers was way easier than I thought.
      Over the last 5 years I’ve been successfully creating videos and selling products with those videos on everyone’s favorite video site… YOUTUBE.
      Even though I’ve had amazing success and even helped 1,000’s of people learn how to use videos profitably, it wasn’t always a walk in the park for me.
      Sure, I had early success with my very first video… But I was just like anyone else starting out with video marketing. I wanted, but didn’t have a repeatable process.
      I would do hours of niche research, keyword research, offer research. I would do the best I could to make a video that I thought would convert my viewers into buyers. I would even have the newest video marketing course opened up on my desktop just trying to “go by the book”.
      Once I was done I would upload my videos and let them roll expecting my videos to…
      But NOPE… My excitement turned to disappointment real quick. I realized that something was flawed in my process because my videos weren’t ranking and weren’t producing the numbers I wanted. I was ready to give up.
      All I was doing was wasting time and energy that could have put into something else. Or so I thought.
      Then I sat down and pinpointed the exact problems most video marketers face when going for a successful video marketing campaign.
      1) You Don’t Understand Your Audience: This is where most people fail before ever getting started. You who the people in your market are but you don’t know what they truly want, need, or desire. Even if you produce a “bad” video you can still get it to produce if you understand this concept.
      2) You Don’t Know How To Create Videos That Demand Attention: This goes right along with the first problem… If you know what your audience wants, you can make them watch. Not knowing what to give your market will cause you to create too many “shoot for the moon” videos and waste your time.
      3) You Can’t Get Your Viewers To Take Action: If you can’t get your viewers to take the action YOU WANT, your videos are meaningless. The point of a video, or the end goal is to get your viewers to click a link, opt-in to your list, or share your video.
      4) You Focus Too Much On Production Quality And Not The Message: I’m guilty of this for sure. And as I look around the web I see other people doing this far too often. You don’t need to get fancy with high dollar video editing programs, lighting, or video cameras. Some of my best converting videos are grainy and I stumble in my words.
      5) You Spend Too Much Time Trying To Rank Your Videos In Google: Consider ranking a video in the Google search results a bonus. Because that’s all it is really. Some of the most viewed videos in history are videos that have never held a first page ranking but still have MILLIONS of views.
      After I realized all of this…
      At this time in my career I was only doing affiliate sites and some offline stuff. But I really wanted to get into video marketing.
      I bought every video marketing course that hit the market no matter the price. I paid for some consults from some bigger named guys and I still wasn’t able to find my spot. I thought for sure that I had all of my ducks in a row but something was still missing.
      … But then – I had a revelation that changed it all.
      While I was studying a new course that bought, my mind was just exhausted. I decided just to close out of everything, fire up Youtube and just listen to some music for awhile.
      And as you probably know, Youtube is a wormhole of distractions. You watch one video and then another and then another… This time was different though. I started noticing this weird trend. All of the videos I was watching had thousands of views. Sometimes hundreds of thousands. The channels had subscribers. The video owners posted links in the description boxes. Pretty standard stuff. What did stand out to me though was the fact that these videos had engagement. They kept me watching.
      They knew what I wanted on delivered.
      It wasn’t some flash new gadget or digital product. It certainly wasn’t their SEO that got me to stick around.
      So out of curiosity I decided to message these video owners to ask some questions.
      As it turns out these people knew nothing about marketing or selling with their videos but they were doing 100 times better than me as a marketer.
      The insights I got from these Youtubers changed my entire mental attitude going forward about video marketing.
      Put simply: I was over-thinking and over-doing.
      It wasn’t anything that they said to me in particular. It was what they didn’t say that got me to re-think my strategy.
      I was putting too much time and effort into doing what everyone else in the marketing world was doing rather than delivering on what I could and being different.
      It hit me like a ton of bricks so I had to run a test immediately.
      Video number 46 was the video that set me on fire. Ever since then I’ve been unstoppable in both online and offline niches.
      Here’s what made the difference for me and I think this will help you too:
      Since then I have discovered many things about video marketing that many people may never learn.
      I’ve been able to create many video marketing strategies that have allowed me to catapult my business and the businesses of my client’s to great new heights.
      I took time to really focus on this 4 main pillars and now…
      I’ve Mastered My Video Marketing Strategies So I Know:

      1) Exactly who my target prospect is and what they truly want.
      2) How to create videos that get people fired up so they share it with everyone they know.
      3) How to convince people to jump on my email list as fast as they can so I can sell to them anytime I want.
      4) How to get a continues stream of TARGETED TRAFFIC on a constant basis.
      … and…
      5) How to focus on the only 4 things videos have to offer us as marketers in a non-salesy way.
      With this newly developed strategy you’ll see inside I could compete in some of the toughest niche markets on the internet… with ease!
      If I want to go after the weight loss niche, I can. The gardening niche, no problem. Internet Marketing, yep. Bodybuilding, pets, you name it and the “money” markets are wide open for anyone who learns what I’m about to teach.
      Looking back now to when I just couldn’t get this video stuff to work is very rewarding because of where I’m at today.
      Now I think it’s time that I share this video marketing strategy with you so you can start making your videos pay… for all marketers at any skill level.
      Contagious is a documented, step-by-step blueprint that lays out exactly how you can get tons of traffic, shares, and email subscribers by using something I like to call “Targeted Viral Video Traffic”.
      You can use this strategy to get your feet wet and compete in any niche you can think of.
      Inside You’ll Learn:

      How to leverage the 4 main pillars of any video marketing campaign that will help boost it’s chances of success 10 fold. Once you start using my ‘Contagious Video Strategy’ you’ll have the potential to dominate almost any online niche or help you offline clients crush their competition with highly targeted videos that can go viral very quickly within a targeted group of people.
      Inside I Break It Down Into 10 Easy Steps:

      Considering the 5 years of learning, refining, and testing I’ve done with my video marketing skills, you’re going to save yourself a lot of frustration with a heck of a deal.
      I could easily charge you $997 for this package, but I put this together for the people still struggling with their video marketing or who just want an easy way to build their list for free.
      That’s why I’m gong to let you have this for much less than it’s absolutely worth.
      This is much better than most things you’ll see out there in the $1,00+ range. I’m even going to let you have this for much less than my usual $250/hr coaching fee that I normally charge.
      And guess what? I’m not even going to charge you half of those fees AND I’m going to teach you everything in 2 hours or less.
      How could I hold up my reputation of over-delivering if I didn’t offer a nice big, useful bonus?
      Since you are going to be building yourself a nice big list using the Contagious strategy I wanted to make sure that you would be able to sell to those list from all angles.
      So I wanted to provide you with something you could just plug into your auto responder and let it work for you.
      That’s why as a FREE bonus I’m going to give you:

      Sales Page:

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  • #2
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    Default Re: Contagious: Targeted Viral Video Marketing

    as anyone put this into action yet? is it worth spending time on?

  • #3
    LifeTime VIP Member

    bedtech's Avatar
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    Default Re: Contagious: Targeted Viral Video Marketing

    please send link, thanks

  • #4
    LifeTime VIP Member
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    Default Re: Contagious: Targeted Viral Video Marketing

    Quote Originally Posted by BlackHatX View Post

    If you want to turn your short videos into profit pulling, , list building machines in the shortest amount of time possible, this is for you.
    Videos have exploded. In fact, video is one of the choice way people choose to consume content on the web. A simple 30 second video is easy to make and can pull in more leads than most articles all day long.
    The problem…
    Most people are using videos the WRONG way. Most people think they can just throw up any old video and expect traffic, leads, and sales by the truck load.
    Tell me… Does Any of This Sound Like You?
    Dear Fellow Online Business Builder,
    My name is Derek Allen and yes… I know how you feel about video marketing and all the angles, methods, and everything else. I felt the same way but when I looked closer I found that getting views, traffic, and email subscribers was way easier than I thought.
    Over the last 5 years I’ve been successfully creating videos and selling products with those videos on everyone’s favorite video site… YOUTUBE.
    Even though I’ve had amazing success and even helped 1,000’s of people learn how to use videos profitably, it wasn’t always a walk in the park for me.
    Sure, I had early success with my very first video… But I was just like anyone else starting out with video marketing. I wanted, but didn’t have a repeatable process.
    I would do hours of niche research, keyword research, offer research. I would do the best I could to make a video that I thought would convert my viewers into buyers. I would even have the newest video marketing course opened up on my desktop just trying to “go by the book”.
    Once I was done I would upload my videos and let them roll expecting my videos to…
    But NOPE… My excitement turned to disappointment real quick. I realized that something was flawed in my process because my videos weren’t ranking and weren’t producing the numbers I wanted. I was ready to give up.
    All I was doing was wasting time and energy that could have put into something else. Or so I thought.
    Then I sat down and pinpointed the exact problems most video marketers face when going for a successful video marketing campaign.
    1) You Don’t Understand Your Audience: This is where most people fail before ever getting started. You who the people in your market are but you don’t know what they truly want, need, or desire. Even if you produce a “bad” video you can still get it to produce if you understand this concept.
    2) You Don’t Know How To Create Videos That Demand Attention: This goes right along with the first problem… If you know what your audience wants, you can make them watch. Not knowing what to give your market will cause you to create too many “shoot for the moon” videos and waste your time.
    3) You Can’t Get Your Viewers To Take Action: If you can’t get your viewers to take the action YOU WANT, your videos are meaningless. The point of a video, or the end goal is to get your viewers to click a link, opt-in to your list, or share your video.
    4) You Focus Too Much On Production Quality And Not The Message: I’m guilty of this for sure. And as I look around the web I see other people doing this far too often. You don’t need to get fancy with high dollar video editing programs, lighting, or video cameras. Some of my best converting videos are grainy and I stumble in my words.
    5) You Spend Too Much Time Trying To Rank Your Videos In Google: Consider ranking a video in the Google search results a bonus. Because that’s all it is really. Some of the most viewed videos in history are videos that have never held a first page ranking but still have MILLIONS of views.
    After I realized all of this…
    At this time in my career I was only doing affiliate sites and some offline stuff. But I really wanted to get into video marketing.
    I bought every video marketing course that hit the market no matter the price. I paid for some consults from some bigger named guys and I still wasn’t able to find my spot. I thought for sure that I had all of my ducks in a row but something was still missing.
    … But then – I had a revelation that changed it all.
    While I was studying a new course that bought, my mind was just exhausted. I decided just to close out of everything, fire up Youtube and just listen to some music for awhile.
    And as you probably know, Youtube is a wormhole of distractions. You watch one video and then another and then another… This time was different though. I started noticing this weird trend. All of the videos I was watching had thousands of views. Sometimes hundreds of thousands. The channels had subscribers. The video owners posted links in the description boxes. Pretty standard stuff. What did stand out to me though was the fact that these videos had engagement. They kept me watching.
    They knew what I wanted on delivered.
    It wasn’t some flash new gadget or digital product. It certainly wasn’t their SEO that got me to stick around.
    So out of curiosity I decided to message these video owners to ask some questions.
    As it turns out these people knew nothing about marketing or selling with their videos but they were doing 100 times better than me as a marketer.
    The insights I got from these Youtubers changed my entire mental attitude going forward about video marketing.
    Put simply: I was over-thinking and over-doing.
    It wasn’t anything that they said to me in particular. It was what they didn’t say that got me to re-think my strategy.
    I was putting too much time and effort into doing what everyone else in the marketing world was doing rather than delivering on what I could and being different.
    It hit me like a ton of bricks so I had to run a test immediately.
    Video number 46 was the video that set me on fire. Ever since then I’ve been unstoppable in both online and offline niches.
    Here’s what made the difference for me and I think this will help you too:
    Since then I have discovered many things about video marketing that many people may never learn.
    I’ve been able to create many video marketing strategies that have allowed me to catapult my business and the businesses of my client’s to great new heights.
    I took time to really focus on this 4 main pillars and now…
    I’ve Mastered My Video Marketing Strategies So I Know:

    1) Exactly who my target prospect is and what they truly want.
    2) How to create videos that get people fired up so they share it with everyone they know.
    3) How to convince people to jump on my email list as fast as they can so I can sell to them anytime I want.
    4) How to get a continues stream of TARGETED TRAFFIC on a constant basis.
    … and…
    5) How to focus on the only 4 things videos have to offer us as marketers in a non-salesy way.
    With this newly developed strategy you’ll see inside I could compete in some of the toughest niche markets on the internet… with ease!
    If I want to go after the weight loss niche, I can. The gardening niche, no problem. Internet Marketing, yep. Bodybuilding, pets, you name it and the “money” markets are wide open for anyone who learns what I’m about to teach.
    Looking back now to when I just couldn’t get this video stuff to work is very rewarding because of where I’m at today.
    Now I think it’s time that I share this video marketing strategy with you so you can start making your videos pay… for all marketers at any skill level.
    Contagious is a documented, step-by-step blueprint that lays out exactly how you can get tons of traffic, shares, and email subscribers by using something I like to call “Targeted Viral Video Traffic”.
    You can use this strategy to get your feet wet and compete in any niche you can think of.
    Inside You’ll Learn:

    How to leverage the 4 main pillars of any video marketing campaign that will help boost it’s chances of success 10 fold. Once you start using my ‘Contagious Video Strategy’ you’ll have the potential to dominate almost any online niche or help you offline clients crush their competition with highly targeted videos that can go viral very quickly within a targeted group of people.
    Inside I Break It Down Into 10 Easy Steps:

    Considering the 5 years of learning, refining, and testing I’ve done with my video marketing skills, you’re going to save yourself a lot of frustration with a heck of a deal.
    I could easily charge you $997 for this package, but I put this together for the people still struggling with their video marketing or who just want an easy way to build their list for free.
    That’s why I’m gong to let you have this for much less than it’s absolutely worth.
    This is much better than most things you’ll see out there in the $1,00+ range. I’m even going to let you have this for much less than my usual $250/hr coaching fee that I normally charge.
    And guess what? I’m not even going to charge you half of those fees AND I’m going to teach you everything in 2 hours or less.
    How could I hold up my reputation of over-delivering if I didn’t offer a nice big, useful bonus?
    Since you are going to be building yourself a nice big list using the Contagious strategy I wanted to make sure that you would be able to sell to those list from all angles.
    So I wanted to provide you with something you could just plug into your auto responder and let it work for you.
    That’s why as a FREE bonus I’m going to give you:

    *** hidden content ***

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