My Amazing Freaking Formula
Has Sold 42,204 products in
72 countries
Your products sell like crazy
-- or I'll triple your money back

Dear Internet Friend,

It's crazy.

I stumbled across a very simple formula that sells products like crazy. If you're interested in selling your products by the hundreds or even thousands, listen up:

On the Internet, it's tough to know who to believe. There are so many people making ridiculous claims, it's insane. It's like day after day, you get hit with hype pitch after hype pitch. In a moment, I'll tell you specifically what I can do for you. But first, here is why you should believe me to begin with:
Here are 4 good reasons to believe what I say:
One:I'm NOT going to promise you can make $50,000 a year or a month or $2,000 a day. That's total hype. I don't know you, your skills nor your background. How could I guarantee such a thing?

Two:Several thousand people have paid $3,000 to hear me present my formula at one-day seminars. Listen, people don't pay 3 grand to hear a bunch of crap. Think about it. You better have honest, viable, hard-hitting information, or you're going to have a mutiny on your hands (and mega refunds) in a flash.

I've spoken at prestigious seminars in London, England, Bermuda and Las Vegas (a total of 120 around the world). Believe me, you don't get invited to events like this without credibility. You can see a video excerpt here.

Three:I have had a business life make money on the Internet. Yes, I make good money at it. But before this product took off like a rocket, my passion was using my crazy, stupid little formula with clients who forked over $5,000 to $12,000 because I helped them make a lot more.

My best, long-term client when I was a copywriter, had a net worth exceeding several hundred million. I've helped him sell his products and seminars for as much as $20,000 using my crazy formula.

How many of these dudes selling "How to get rich on the Internet" have even one client in the real world? Not to mention a multi, multimillionaire.
A ton of people who sell stuff on the Internet never do anything with it in the "real" world. Plain and simple, they bought my course and everyone else's and then rewrote it.

Four: I am a full-time Internet marketer. Have been since 1997. It's quite popular for peole to say they've been online marketing since then. But "dabbling" is more like it. They certainly weren't full time.
I've sold over 10,000 copies of Amazing Formula alone, been in business full time online for 14 years, had Amazing Formula featured in the Mensa online catalog, and played an instrumental role in rallying the troops to represent Internet marketer's side in a critical ruling "Can Spam." Due to the law, I can't print testimonials where people told me Amazing Formula allowed them to do ridiculous stuff like buy a new house, or many other things. I'm not even allowed to legally tell you because they're so crazy.
You can see full credibility, including photos from around the world, videos and more documentation on my personal blog at Here's a sample:
Over 100 Pages of Real Testimonials!
This is the only product in its class (to my knowledge) with over 100 pages of real testimonials from real, live people who actually exist. These are NOT made up.
I can't publish all of those now due to FTC rules, since many go all the way back to 1997. I CAN show you updated testimonials for all my products on my testimonials blog here.
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