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    1. #1
      :::::::: Moderator ::::::

      BlackHatX's Avatar
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      Arrow [Offline] Grab Your Copy of My Million Dollar Lead Generation Method - Limited Time Offer

      The Million Dollar Offline Lead Generation Method

      This "TWEAKED" Offline Lead Method Generated My First Paid-In-Full IDEAL Client In Less Than 7 Days ...

      Dear Offline Marketer,

      "Are you generating great local business leads quickly and cost-effectively...or just talking about it?"

      It seems that everyone these days is TALKING about low-cost and easy ways to generate leads for their offline business...

      But unfortunately that's all they're doing...TALKING.

      So what about YOU?

      Are you getting prime prospects reaching out to you aching to get cosy and invest healthy amounts of cash into your services...

      ...or just talking about it?

      If you haven't landed your first dream-catch client yet, I'm going to show you how to do just that...

      ...TODAY... less than 90 minutes.

      Yep, once you have the check-list with my "secret sauce twist," you'll be able to go out and get local businesses calling you by this time next week with 2 - 8 of hours work on your part and for less than $250.

      And even if you're an experienced offline marketer, I promise that once you see my "8-step lead method" you'll be able to generate low-cost high-paying local leads faster than you ever thought possible.

      But more on that in just a bit.


      I Want You To Know That This is Different is.

      With so many marketers talking about offline lead generation these days, you may be thinking you've seen this before. But trust me...this is unique.

      And once you see what I'm doing...

      ...once you have my cherished "method"...'ll be generating leads and clients on demand just like me.

      I used to work for a corporate professional services company. Back then we had the same problems all the other guys had...trouble convincing people to opt-in to our lead magnets, trouble educating them fast enough through our email sequences and follow up systems...and even though we were great at what we did and delivered tremendous value and benefits...we still had trouble booking presentations and signing deals.

      We were doing "OK", the business unit I was in charge of pulled in, on average, $150,000 each month.

      But it was hard...and even though that sounds like plenty of cash...once overheads and the bosses cut came out there wasn't that much pie fact sometimes our suppliers didn't get paid!

      That was 4 years ago...

      We could have run more ads, increased the sales effort...but one day I decided to try an old-school lead generation boss David was sceptical but willing to try it with one condition "I want to see double the sales in 30 days".


      He was smiling but underneath the smile and his thick Australian accent I knew he was dead serious.

      Honestly...I hesitated and procrastinated a good long while before unleashing...and within 30 days...we doubled sales!...

      You see, I created a handful of very useful short reports with immediately actionable advice to ideal prospects, included a solid reason to call us TODAY.

      And enough of them called for us to double our sales...all in a very competitive, commodity and supposedly "price sensitive" market.

      Better than that, the entire sales process suddenly became less painful. One of the sales reps, Mark, even managed to quit smoking that month.

      Was That A One Trick Pony?

      After the dust settled a couple of months later, naturally, the command to "double the sales" came down from David...and again we doubled sales.

      We started to have new we couldn't keep up with demand and we needed new consultants...

      Once we had more infrastructure, more staff and capacity...along comes David to see me..."we need more cash fast...double the sales...but I need the money faster than last time...and I don't want as many new clients...we need people to pay more."

      Now, maybe the outline of the report method I gave above is new to you but it's also likely you've heard something similar I said that was an old-school method I had studied in my 16 years in still worked...with a couple of little changes.

      However, with David's new command to not just double sales - I mean clearly that wasn't nearly challenging enough!

      ...I now had to work out a way to get more leads, faster, with even less sales resistance AND they had to be primed for our big-ticket services.

      So I did what any rational marketer would do...I watched a ton of movies and TV shows...

      And what I learned from watching spy movies, Breaking Bad and gritty crime drama with drug dealers and "ladies of ill repute"...well that lead me to a couple of small changes to the approach and the results were amazing...

      Within 18 months of struggling to pay our suppliers my business unit went from $150,000 per month in revenue to $1.7 million each and every month.

      While our average monthly contract used to be $495 - $997 we now had an average 2x higher with plenty of $2,500 - $5,000 per month contracts and a couple of "whales" spending as much as $65,000 per month.

      Yes, that is serious money...but keep in mind we had a team and all the infrastructure and in our billion dollar market we were still "small fry".

      Alas, as it turns out bosses sometimes have very short memories...and even though the targets were more than met...somehow my salary stayed the same.

      It was a good six-figure salary package but I genuinely felt I was getting the raw end of the deal...not that I'm greedy.

      It was just a little insulting when the boss gets a new BMW and buys a new house and blows a few hundred thousand on a nice boat because he loves fishing every Thursday...and I was told there wasn't enough in the budget for a 2% pay rise.

      Still..his business...his risk...I get it.

      So a couple of years ago I quit...late November 2012.

      Only I wasn't much into saving for a rainy day so when I quit on a Wednesday with no severance package or golden handshake - I had less than $300 in the bank.

      I figured the fastest way to get a solid income was to become a self-employed local consultant...but I had to leave my list of contacts and everything else back with my employer.

      I was also bound by a 24 month non-compete clause so I couldn't sell the same service in the same market as my employer.

      I was literally starting from scratch.

      And I had next to no money and bills coming real a wife and two kids who were going to remain supportive at least until they got hungry or we were kicked out of our rental!

      I did have three strong assets:
      1. I had some skills and knowledge I could use to provide value in exchange for money.
      2. I had a genuine desire to help local business owners with their marketing and sales.
      3. I had this lead generation method.

      And within the very first week of quitting my job and implementing this method I had my first IDEAL client and $5,000 in my (very new) business bank account..

      In a way, I wish I had a really cool story about having to move the family into a van and living out of a parking lot and rummaging trough trash for food...and then magically I got a big lucky break... know, a random millionaire turned up and slipped a handwritten note into my tin can with "the secret" and then the rain stopped falling on me, the sun broke through the clouds and with tears in my eyes I declared to the world "...with I'm gonna make it happen!" know all while standing under a double-rainbow...(queue video of me driving my Bentley to my private jet with $100 dollar bills falling out of my pockets as I say to you "for just $2.95 you'll have 30,000 local business owners give you $100,000 each for a toothpick.")

      ...that didn't happen...

      ...and in case you are wondering (especially you Mr. Federal Trade Commission) made up that living in a van story , and it isn't an income or results guarantee.


      Instead I transitioned from well-paid employed consultant to well paid self-employed consultant within 7 days.

      Here's a screenshot from my business account with my very first my local consulting business

      OK, I guess that is pretty remarkable compared with what most people achieve...but it was all down to a very different mindset plus a couple of superior sales and marketing strategies...and it all started with this one lead generation method.

      And the reality is, I was able to do this over and over again...

      ...building a solid six-figure business.

      Here are some more screenshots, you'll see I didn't do a lot the rest of December while I was working with that first client. But that first cash injection bought me the time I needed to build my business...the systems and infrastructure.

      Then, using this lead generation method right at the end of December....

      As you can see, adding up those deposits in January you get $12,480 (check my math). And all but a couple of hundred of that was recurring, so February 2013, March 2013...

      ...well it all looks pretty much the same...climbing a little higher as we go along.

      Now it's your turn...

      And to make it easy on you, I'm going to do what no one else is doing.

      I'm NOT just going to give you a few tricks and hacks...

      ...I'm going to take you step-by-step, start to finish, through all the steps you need to launch the PERFECT Offline Lead Generation Campaign for marketers who don't have a lot of time and money to burn waiting for something to happen.

      Soon, low-cost, targeted leads will be contacting your business.

      And YOU will have done it...

      And YOU will be able to do it over and over again...

      And the entire process will take you less than a day to execute...

      But to do it, you'll need my "method"...

      The Million Dollar Offline Lead Generation Method

      In this short and easily digested program, you'll get:

      • My 8 step Lead Generation Method...which I've only shared with a select few offline marketers ever...
      • An easy "swipe, customize & deploy" report opening which gets them engaged with you.
      • A couple of extra "tweaks" which have your IDEAL clients fighting each other for the right to work with you.

      ...and soooo much more.

      And most importantly, I've included two killer bonuses which will help you CRUSH IT with this.

      It is all delivered instantly in an audio and text training package.

      Imagine if you didn't have to struggle to get local business leads.

      What would happen in your business if you had IDEAL local businesses calling you and they were excited at the prospect of working with you?

      What if next week, instead of building more stuff in your business or reading more slick new tricks to force leads into your "pipeline" just had a conversation with one or two perfect clients and made some money...would that be a good thing?

      Frankly, if you don't know what you're doing, it's just too easy to lose money.

      And waste a lot of time.

      And I don't want that to happen to you!

      I want you to CRUSH IT...even if it's your very first lead generation attempt.

      And fortunately I've already done all the hard work, made all the mistakes and figured out what works (and what doesn't). And believe me, I made my fair share of mistakes along the way...

      ...and I do this stuff for a living!!

      That's why I'm so careful to document WHAT WORKS into simple, easy-to-follow steps so all of my offline marketing students (and several professional service clients) can duplicate these results.

      There is one catch...

      I don't believe in mindless cookie-cutter, copy & paste, fill in the blank style few of them really work.

      So this isn't one of those, you'll have everything you need to execute the method...but you'll need to do some thinking and work's a small price to pay for getting great results.

      If I've left glaring gaps and caused you confusion then help is an email away and I'll get you set on the right track in moments.

      But if you're looking for that big easy-push-button system where you do no work, talk to nobody and somehow get high-paying clients...well, let's just part ways now.

      On the other hand, if you're genuinely committed to starting or growing your offline business and you really do know what that takes at a personal & professional level...this is for you.

      Maybe some super-smart guru has something similar out there...I wouldn't know for sure...and if you know for sure all the details of this method from some other source then I'm certainly confused about why you are should already have enough leads.

      In the past The Million Dollar Offline Lead Generation Method was only available to me, my team and those who had invested significantly in my coaching and consulting fees.

      But now I'm making this available to the public. (You'll see why in just a bit.)

      So now you don't have to go it alone!

      Normally to get this training from me you'd need to be a private client...or lucky enough to qualify for and attend one of my Breakthrough Sessions so it's impossible for me to put a true value on it, but for a very limited time I'll let you have instant access to this plan for just $7.

      Yep, Just $7...

      ...but only for a few days...perhaps as short as 48-72 hours...then the price goes up to a more reasonable $27 or...considering the bonuses...$47.

      Literally, you can have one of those fancy coffees at Starbucks or you can access a proven plan for bringing in targeted local business leads.

      The choice is yours...

      Click the "Buy Now" button and start the flow of leads today...

      Sales Page:

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  • #2
    Member Gabby's Avatar
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    Default Re: [Offline] Grab Your Copy of My Million Dollar Lead Generation Method - Limited Time Offer

    Thank you for this nice share!
    Can't wait to start reading this one!
    I am actively looking into the offline market right now!

  • #3
    LifeTime VIP Member
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    Default Re: [Offline] Grab Your Copy of My Million Dollar Lead Generation Method - Limited Time Offer

    Do you have the mediafire link for this one?

  • #4
    :::::::: Moderator ::::::

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    Arrow Re: [Offline] Grab Your Copy of My Million Dollar Lead Generation Method - Limited Time Offer

    Quote Originally Posted by datruf View Post
    Do you have the mediafire link for this one?
    here the mirror

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  • #5
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    Default Re: [Offline] Grab Your Copy of My Million Dollar Lead Generation Method - Limited Time Offer

    I know this is an old thread, but if possible, could you re-up (if you still have it available)?



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