This WSO is NOT about:
- Coding a New WebSite / WP Blog
- Graphics
- Adwords / Advertisement in general
- Reputation Management
It is more basic and EVERYBODY needs it!
My WSO consists of 9 pages with step by step explanations and screenshots. There is no other stuff you need to buy, just buy this WSO and follow my steps.
What you basically do:
You reach customers online (and you can also easily reach them offline every day by talking to them - there are many niches that fit to this strategy) or of course - what is very efficient and effective, too: via phone
I will show you in details how I used E-Mails to reach them and why they liked my emails (they are very individual and people love them!)
My WSO includes my original E-Mail and the incredible great individual twist
You show them why they lose alot of potential customers. So you create a sense of urgency and you help them - it is a win/win for both - your customers and you. They will see DIRECT RESULTS when they read your E-Mail - the incentive is so big - they MUST buy :-)
After you sent out emails (this can of course be outsourced) they will 1) come back TO YOU or will 2) BUY DIRECTLY. They will feel that your price for the service is super cheap and competitive.
Preparation and Delivery of your service will cost you between 1-3 hours and you can charge like any amount you would like to. I used to charge $299. Thats not a bad hourly rate?! 
They will be happy and might tell others about your service. You will sell more and more.
- No upfront investments
- No special skills needed
- Alot of potential niches and customers
- Its easy to outsource parts
- You can sell online but also in your every day life offline
- You can sell Lifetime Packages but also monthly payments
Why do I sell this WSO if it is so great?
Because the market is soo huge that there is enough for everyone =)
Sales Page:
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