If you've been online looking to try and make money, you've
probably heard various things about building a list.

I am sure you've heard, "the money is in the list".


"The money is in the relationship with the list".

However the saying goes, you can see why it's so important
to build a list of subscribers that you can promote to
over and over again.

The problem is building the list.

You may be wondering what you could possibly do
to get people to sign up and subscribe to your
e-mail newsletter.

Today, we're going to look at one of the simplest
ways you can do that.

It's called a "Squeeze Page".

If you haven't heard of the term squeeze page before,
don't worry, I am going to tell you about it.

A squeeze page or lead capture page is a web page
that is designed solely to capture someone's e-mail

The format usually starts with a big headline in red
that offers the person reading it a benefit or something
to cause curiosity to keep reading.

Then below in the copy of the squeeze page you need
to have a list of benefits or reasons' why the person
should sign up to your e-mail list.

You can use a whole bunch of bullets that offer benefits
or you could give some sort of a gift away.

The gift that most people give away is something like
a free report on the topic they're looking for.

In exchange for the free report, the person will give
up their e-mail address.

Once you have their e-mail address, you'll be able
to send them e-mails any time you want because
you've received their permission to be e-mailed.

The key at this point to make sure you build a
long-lasting relationship with them.

If you build a relationship they'll be more than likely
to buy from you in the end.

The squeeze page is just a mean to get them on your
list so you can build a relationship with them.

With a squeeze page, there are no other distractions.

They either decide they're going to put their e-mail in
the little box or they're going to back out.

It gives them a simple choice. This is why many
squeeze pages average over a 50% opt-in rate.

This is a great way to build your list and to make
money from it.