Today you get a chance to add your name to the list of ‘super affiliates’ that
crush leaderboards and make hundreds or more whenever they promote.
Today you can practically steal my system that pours cash into your account every time you mail.
Do You Know What it Takes to Make Great Sales Whenever you Promote?
BUILD an amazing relationship with your list! Period.
I’m willing to bet you’ve spent good money building your list. But are you seeing the results you want yet? Specifically, are you:
* MAKING solid profits with each promotion?
* seeing consistent if not GROWING open and click rates when you mail?
* getting a bunch of replies asking for more info and even THANKING YOU?
Cause News Flash - IF NOT, you’re not getting the most out of your list. Which is NOT YOUR FAULT. But know this: If you’re not earning when you mail, your list ain’t an asset, it’s an expense!
It IS possible to do SO much better. It IS possible to have your subscribers get EXCITED to read your messages, and take your recommendations.
Bottom Line -- It IS POSSIBLE to Become Insanely Profitable
from Email Marketing!
This product is THE ONE that can change things for you, because more than just another list of power words and tricky subject lines that MIGHT boost your open rates temporarily, it’s going to show you how to CONNECT WITH YOUR LIST for a long term, profitable relationship.
Who Am I to Make These Claims?
Well, I’m Mark and honestly when I started in email marketing I was terrible! Which is weird, because I’d actually had some great success offline before I ever tried doing this stuff online…
Consulting for a local college, I was in charge of emailing any prospects to a certain program. And within 3 months had increased enrolment by 30%...
Hired by a local sporting goods company to fire up their online sales, and manage their own list of subscribers. DOUBLED their online sales inside of 4 months.
Great Mark, but what the heck do you know about email marketing in the IM game?
Awesome question. At first, I didn’t know squat. For example...
* after creating a WSO of the Day and building a huge list of buyers, I’d effectively burned it out inside of 2 months
* I couldn’t PAY my list to open my emails, let alone click my links
* I HATED heading to my computer to write an email to my list…
So I went back to the old drawing board. You know the saying ‘The Money’s In the List?’ I say BS on that!
The Money’s in What You Do with Your List!
So… I studied every email marketing course I could get my hands on. Online, offline, sales tactics, the whole 9 yards. Psychological tricks, engagement techniques, subject lines, calls to action … all until my mind was spinning.
And in this mess of study I came to some SIMPLE conclusions that changed the way I would email forever. Conclusions that COMPLETELY CHANGED the results I started getting, and can COMPLETELY improve the results you’re getting.
By putting what I’d learned to action, my conversions and results became so stellar that I caught the eye of a real life IM legend and was recruited to manage HIS campaigns…
Sales Page: http://www.warriorforum.com/warrior-special-offers/974703-wso-day-turn-your-emails-into-cash-pumping-goldmines-theyre-meant.html
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