Dear Struggling Traffic Seeker,
You spent the time doing your research, you know your audience, you set up the perfect website, but you can’t seem to generate any traffic!
You have everything set up, and the only thing standing in the way of you making a boatload of cash is...traffic.
I was once like you. I remember purchasing countless products on how to make money online. They all explained how to properly do my research, they explained how to set up my site to get conversions, but none of them ever showed me effective techniques to generate traffic…
...and if they did discuss traffic generation, it was just about SEO and trying your best to rank in Google.
Let’s be honest, none of us truly understand SEO. We can spend hours and hours every single day building backlinks to our website, but when the next inevitable Google Algorithm update happens, all your hard work is gone. Vanished. Wiped out.
I don’t know about you, but I was sick and tired of this. I was sick and tired of spending all my time trying to figure out how to rank in Google, finally have some success, and then lose all my rankings (and traffic) a week later.
I knew there had to be a better way to generate free traffic to my website. I didn’t have the budget to spend money on expensive PPC and PPV traffic and I didn’t have the time to continue the cat and mouse game I was playing with Google.
I needed free traffic and I needed it FAST!
I can’t even begin to tell you how many traffic generation methods I tried, none of them worked and to be honest I was about to give up.
Then something incredible happened…
I woke up in the morning and checked the stats of one of my websites. It was only 8 in the morning and I had already received over 500 unique visitors to my site!
Immediately I went to see where this traffic was coming from and to my surprise I saw the traffic was coming from Facebook.
A post on my blog was shared on Facebook and continued to get shared by multiple Facebook users.
That’s when it hit me. Getting my posts to go viral is the answer to my problem. If I could just figure out how to get my site to go viral I would never have to worry about traffic generation again because others would be generating traffic for me!
The problem was I had no idea how to do this. To be 100% honest with you, it was complete luck that my post was shared on Facebook.
I knew I couldn’t rely on luck, so I had to develop a system. A system that would ensure each site I create goes viral.
I spent countless hours doing my research, purchasing product after product on viral traffic generation methods, and studying the most popular sites that generate thousands of viral visitors every single day.
After doing all this research and studying, I finally put together the perfect Viral Traffic Generation system that I can rely on each time I want to generate floods of traffic to my websites.
You are about to learn the exact steps to generating thousands of free, high quality visitors to your website EVERY SINGLE DAY!
Forget about SEO, forget about paid traffic methods, forget about all your traffic worries.
Today you are about to learn the power of viral traffic and how to ensure your website will get shared on the top social media network which will give you thousands and thousands of visitors every single month.
Module 1: What Makes A Good Blog
In order to ensure your blog goes viral, you need to learn what makes a good blog. There are three things your blog must have. If it has these three things you will never have to worry about traffic generation again. If it doesn’t have these three things...well, good luck!
Module 2: The Two Essentials
Through my research and testing, I realized the two things you need to make sure your blog goes viral is a blog that is set up properly and a Facebook Fan Page. You see, you can’t just set up a blog and a Fan Page and expect it to go viral, they need to be set up properly. In this module you will learn how to set them up properly and how to connect them together (this is where most people fail).
Module 3: The Facebook Page
In module 2 you will learn the importance of having a Facebook Page. In module 3 we will go into detail on how to set it up properly. I take out all the guesswork here and show you screenshots on how to do everything properly.
Module 4: Getting The Blog Ready To Go Viral
Getting your blog to go viral is easy when you set it up with the purpose to go viral. You will learn which type of Wordpress theme to use and you will also learn about two AWESOME Wordpress plugins that will help your site go viral. If you don’t have these plugins on your site you can forget about generating any viral traffic.
Module 5: Starting The Traffic Snowball
Module 5 is awesome. In order to generate viral traffic to your blog, you need to get an initial flood of traffic. Most viral traffic guides will tell you to simply pay for the traffic...but that’s not what you will learn in this guide. You will learn a technique that is NEVER talked about to generate traffic to your site almost instantly. Any time you need a quick burst of traffic, this is your solution!
You are absolutely going to love everything you learn in Viral Blogging Blueprint, but if that weren’t enough I am also giving you an awesome bonus.
A Detailed Quick Start Guide
I remember when I was new to all this I would purchase a product, read through it, and think to myself “this all makes sense in theory, but I still don’t know what to do”. I don’t want that to happen to you, and because of that I created a quick start guide. The main guide will teach you all the awesome techniques. The quick start guide will tell you exactly what to do every single day. No more guesswork. All you need to do is follow the quick start guide and see results!
There are a lot of “garbage” traffic courses out there that make bold claims but never deliver what they promise. In Viral Blogging Blueprint, I only go over the techniques I personally use to generate thousands of viral visitors to my sites every single month. There is no theory here, just methods that have been proven to work over and over again.
If you are sick and tired of spending hours every single day building backlinks to your site and knowing your site will lose its rankings after the next Google Algorithm update, click the buy now button below and forget about all your traffic problems today!
Sales Page: http://www.warriorforum.com/warrior-special-offers/968538-forget-seo-lets-go-viral-simple-system-will-flood-your-site-laser-targeted-traffic.html
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