Send Us The Most Raw, Non-Tech Savvy Beginner You Know.
Give Us 45 Minutes Alone, And In A Few Days, He'll Generate
A Sizable Blogging Income
By Antonio Anderson via Pitchfork Marketing
Antonio Anderson has helped over 30 small business owners sell millions
of dollars in products both on and offline. Follow along and discover a fool proof
method for blogging,list building, and skyrocketing your profits
Have you been driving yourself up a wall trying to figure out how to make ends meet with your blog?
Are you struggling with the techniques needed to save your affiliate sites from "THE GOOGLE SLAP"?
Are you paying for an autoresponder service - But have never made a penny from email marketing?
If so, you're definitely not alone. Thousands of other marketers, affiliates, and bloggers are trying to cope with not being able to earn an income from their blog.
But now you can get your blog to "SPIT OUT" cash and build your list on autopilot - with the Pitchfork Blogging Profit System.
The Best Damn Guide On Blogging For Cash
The Pitchfork Blogging Profit System. is the easiest STEP-by-STEP instruction manual for dealing with a blog that doesn't make you any money, is not growing your list, and is not attracting traffic on its own - organically.
In this step by step program, I'll show you how to "Pimp slap Google", and make them rank ALL of your affiliate pages, and send you "ready to buy traffic", using the exact techniques I have used to earn thousands of dollars in affiliate commissions from my own affiliate sites.
So I know the techniques work because they work for me.
When I left the offline consulting world to come online, I was that marketer who worked long hours working on my business - But never saw any results!
If these easy to follow steps can work for me, Then I believe they can work for anyone.
SORRY! But We Will Have To Raise The Price Soon......
For Marketers With Affiliate Blogs Who Are Almost (But Not Quite)
Satisfied With Their Affiliate Earnings - And Can't Figure Out Whats Missing.[/CENTER]
The Pitchfork Blogging Profit System. is a no fluff, straight talk 31 page manual, that shows you exactly how to build a blog that PUTS CASH IN YOUR HANDS - With no hard work, coding, or special copywriting skills. You'll learn;
>>Automatic Content Generation.How to create "Pulitzer Prize" quality content, in seconds (PG 15)
>>Give Google The Finger. How to build affiliate sites that google loves so much, that they actually send "ready to buy" customers to your site, and rank you in the top spots (normally above wikipedia).
>>Residual Snowball Traffic.Follow as I share our secret traffic strategy that instantly gives us FREE traffic each month - Watch as your traffic increases every month WITHOUT you doing any extra work. (pg 19)
>>Email Marketing. How to get your subscribers to fall in love with you. Respond to ALL of your emils, and purchase your products - Even if you hate writing.
>>3 Ways To Monetize Your Blog. ]Discover the 3 most profitable ways we make money from our affiliate blogs. On pg 26, you'll find a step by step strategy to copy and paste our monetization system and easily duplicate our results.
>>And So Much More... Blog commenting. seo, article syndication, how to setup your blog the right way, the top 31 wordpress plugins for affiliate blogs And so much more...All are discussed in this low cost guide.
If You're Having Problems Building Blogs That Defend Against The Google Slap - Try Separating Your Authority Articles From Your Affiliate Articles.
Find out what I mean on pg 12.
If you've created many "for profit" blogs, tried to promote affiliate products, or even tried to make money with email marketing and you're still falling behind on your bills and obligations - Let me show you an easier (and quicker) way to get the money you need.
I guarantee you'll enjoy the results you get!
Pitchfork Marketing & Antonio Anderson has developed a separate specialized blogging system that's great for beginners but also enjoyable for the advanced players.
The Pitchfork Blogging Profit System Get's straight to the point in revealing EXACTLY how we have earned thousands of dollars from blogging and affiliate marketing.
The strategies are simple, and the book is easy to read.
But this special information is only revealed to clients of Pitchfork Marketing.
And its not about:
-Adwords, what a ripoff that is.
-Spending your budget on expensive pay per click.
-Spending hours writing the perfect blog post. booorriinngg...
-Wasting your time and money!
>>How to setup a blog that gets automatic floods of targeted traffic.
>>The exact steps to EXPLODE your buyers list.
>>How to pinpoint desperate, hungry subscribers who are just sitting around waiting for you.
>>How to make more money with less effort.
>The secret strategies to get google to partner with you and actually send you qualified leads.
>>A simple rinse and repeat system that even a 4 year old could replicate.
Even though we put in a lot of hours and research to create this guide for you - This easy to read 31 page manual costs you practically nothing if you take advantage of our offer today.
Learn the right way to Blog for Profit.
Invest in the Pitchfork Blogging Profit System today.
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