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    edollarearn edollarearn edollarearn

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    1. #1
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      Arrow Tips on What to Avoid in YouTube Marketing

      If you have found yourself considering making the leap into YouTube marketing, odds are you are just a little bit concerned about possibly making some form of video marketing mistake that can cost your product or business the success that you had always dreamed of. While YouTube is full of videos that have been posted by amateurs with something to say as well as seasoned professionals looking to sell you something, those who are in the know are more than well aware of the type of web presence you need to create in order to be a success. Here are some of the most common YouTube marketing mistakes and how to avoid them. First, avoid creating the wrong atmosphere. If you are trying to promote a product that has a lot of competition on the web, the last thing you want to do is start your marketing campaign by trash talking your competitors. If you have ever spent any amount of time watching videos on YouTube, you may have come across some videos that were created by some people who had something to say and didn‘t really care about who they offended. While this may be fine for the casual user, those who are trying to create a successful web presence for their business will always want to put their best foot forward. Promote your product in a positive light and let the customer make the decision.

      Second, avoid uploading poorly made videos. At some point in your internet travels you have more than likely come across at least one site that contained a video that was poorly done. Whether you couldn‘t hear the video or the picture was poor, odds are it caused you to formulate a negative opinion about the site, regardless of how great their product may be. Make sure your videos are perfect and enlist the help of friends and family if you need an unbiased opinion. This way you will be sure to create the right web presence that will have customers coming back to you for years to come.

      Lastly, avoid getting distracted. While building a successful business can be tough, creating a successful web presence requires constant attention. Although you may have a to do list that is twenty pages long, you need to make sure that you keep your videos updated on a consistent basis. If you put your YouTube channel on the backburner until you have the time needed to devote to it, odds are you will never find the time to work on it like you would have liked to which causes your channel to go stale, ending your chance for web success long before it even started. These are just a few of the tips of what to avoid when it comes to marketing on YouTube. Make sure to always keep your site fresh and always present a positive, professional attitude and you will be on your way to obtaining the internet success that you have always dreamed of.


  • #2
    Join Date
    Apr 2013
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    Default Re: Tips on What to Avoid in YouTube Marketing

    Thanks for the share mate



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