Features of Advanced iFrame Pro v 5.10
By entering the shortcode ‘[advanced_iframe securitykey=”your key”]’ you can include any webpage to any page or article. The following cool features compared to a normal iframe are implemented:
- New: Pro demo with the most important pro features. Please allow the demo to load because there are 10 different iframes on this page which takes a while to load.
- New: Graphical interface to select the area you want to show: See area selector.
- Hide areas of the parent layout to give the iframe more space
- Show only specific areas of the iframe even when the iframe is on a different domain (see the FAQ for limitations) or include parts directly (same domain) by jQuery
- Hide areas of an iframe
- Modify css styles in the parent and the iframe to e.g. change the width of the content area
- Forward parameters to the iframe
- Resize the iframe to the content height or width on loading, AJAX or click
- Scroll the parent to the top when the iframe is loaded
- Hide the content until it is fully loaded
- Add a css and js file to the parent page
- Security code: You can only insert the shortcode with a valid security code from the administration.
- Widget support
- Browser detection: browser dependent iframes are possible
- Modify link targets on the parent and in the iframe (external workaround)
- Url forward parameter mapping
- Redirect direct access of the iframe page to the parent page.
- Zoom iframe content
- Iframe loading icon
- Accordion admin menu
- Map parameter/value pairs to urls
- Support for auto resize of hidden iframes.
- Responsive iframes – *See this blog entry
- Read only iframes
- New 5.8: Shortcode generator
- New 5.8: Open parameter url in iframe
- New 5.8: Responsive video iframes
- New 5.9: Lazy load of iframes
- New 5.10: Write css directly
- New 5.10: Resize iframe on element resize
- New 5.10: Write css as script directly to the header
- New 5.10: Add a css style to each parent element of the iframe
- New 5.10: Dynamic src parameter + support of shortcodes
- New: 5.10: Include additional js to the iframe
Sales Page: http://codecanyon.net/item/advanced-iframe-pro/5344999
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