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      Arrow [KINDLE] Get The Most Dangerous Romance Writing Secrets & Resources In The World!

      Make Money on Kindle Selling Romance eBooks As Fast As You Can Write Them When You...

      “Discover The Secrets That Romance Writers
      Want You To Know...
      And Hope You'll Never Learn!”

      (They Don't Want You Cutting In on Their Profits)

      That's because the top-selling romance writers are earning $10,000, $20,000, $50,000, even $100,000 or more a MONTH and one of the top sellers is selling over a Million ebooks a year!

      The bottom line is this: If you're not selling romance fiction ebooks on Kindle, you're missing out on your share of the $1.5 Billion spent each year on romance genre books and ebooks!

      Have you ever wanted to write a romance novel, ebook or short story but didn't know how? Have you ever written a romance book but it didn't sell or worse yet, it got bad reviews?

      Look, I totally understand how you feel because I didn't have a clue either, and I have written ebooks that stunk in the sales department. I suspect that none of the best-selling romance writers knew how either. They had to learn too, just like you and me.

      What You Don't Know About Writing Romance
      Fiction May Put Your Success At Risk!

      Unless you already are a romance fiction expert, I'm sorry to say that without the information in this report, you're playing "Russian Roulette" every time you write a romance book. You run the risk of your book being shot down in flames!

      There is a "Science" to writing romance fiction. You can't just write anything you want. While you do have a lot of freedom to be as creative as you want, romance readers expect to read certain things in their romance books.

      I had no idea there was a "Romance Fiction Formula"...until now that is. Now that I know the "Formula", the "Recipe" and the "Basics" of romance writing, I KNOW that I can write a romance book!

      And, I have faith that YOU can too! All you have to do is follow the romance writing tips, tricks & recipes in this report. Do not think about them, just follow them over and over.

      I Have Researched & Compiled
      The HOTTEST Romance Writing
      Tips & Tricks
      From Across The "Deep Web" For You!

      This report will show you the "Romance Recipe" for writing romance fiction. Say Goodbye to taking a "shot in the dark", to "guessing" and to the "trial and error" method of romance writing.

      Say "Hello" to making money as a
      successful romance author when you:

      • Learn How To Write Romance Fiction eBooks Like The Pros...From The Pros
      • Know The Secrets Of The Most Successful Romance Writers In The Business
      • Use those same strategies to achieve your own success
      • Know the Basic Formula that romance readers want to read.
      • Make passive income as your ebooks roll off the digital shelves

      There is no other report like this out there. I know. I looked. This report is packed full of insider secrets, tips, tricks, advice and resources from romance fiction authors on what they say is the way to write these money-making ebooks.

      Dear Aspiring Romance Writer,

      My name is Dan Tierney and I've been a member here for about 9 years. I've been writing and selling reports and videos on the WSO Forum for almost 8 years.

      About 2 months ago, I surfed across an article on a writer's blog about romance writers who were making a small fortune writing romance fiction. They were mostly “indies” or independent, self-published writers and they were selling an incredible number of ebooks on the Amazon Kindle platform!


      The top-selling author has sold 4.2 Million Kindle books in the past 3 years! The second one has sold 3 Million Kindle books in the past 4 years! The third one has sold 2.1 Million Kindle books in the past 6 years! These are all romance fiction writers.

      I wanted to do this too but I didn't know the first thing about writing romance novels, books, ebooks or short stories. So I set off on a quest to find out how.

      I have been researching this off & on for about 2 months and now I know all their little tips, tricks, secrets, formulas and strategies. What I discovered is nothing short of amazing!

      The main things I learned (to earn the most money possible) were that you need to be writing in a genre with mass commercial appeal, you need to write multiple titles every year and you need to know the "Romance Formula". The most massive genre is the $1.5 Billion romance fiction genre! That's where the BIG money is!

      Want Some Proof of Romance Fiction Success?

      • Deanna Chase has been self-publishing since July 2011. She writes paranormal romance and urban fantasy, and currently has 6 books out. In 2012 she earned $98,000 and nearly doubled that in 2013, earning a whopping $175,000.

      • Katie Reus says technically she’s been self-publishing since 2011. She writes both romantic suspense and paranormal romance and has self-published 16 books, and has 21 books out if you count anthologies. In 2012 she earned $58,000. In 2013 she earned a jaw-dropping $230,000.

      • Writing erotic romantic suspense under the names Roxie Rivera and erotic romance as Lolita Lopez, Lo has been self-publishing since 2011. With a combined total of 22 books under both names, she earned $101,000 in 2013. A nice boost from the $4,800 she earned in 2012.

      • Marie Hall has been self-publishing since July of 2012 and writes contemporary romance,young adult, urban fantasy, paranormal and fantasy romance. In 2012 she earned $4520 and in 2013 her earnings climbed to $105,400.

      • Suzanna Medieros writes historical romance and self-published her first book December 2012. She’s since released two novellas. In 2013, she earned $101,500.

      • Rachel Schurig has sold 100,000 e-books and made six figures last year. She is the story of self-publishing.

      • Robert J. Crane is quickly moving from midlist to A-list. His monthly income went from $110.29 in June to $13,000+ in November. He was making more in a month than many debut authors are likely to receive as an advance from a major publisher. And he still owned his rights. His earnings have only gone up since then.

      • Sarah Woodbury, who writes historical romance/time travel, medieval mysteries and historical fantasy, spent 5 years trying to get a traditional publisher interested, but her agent couldn’t sell any of her books. At the end of December 2011, she decided she had nothing to lose and released her first novel. Now she has 14 novels published and her husband was recently able to quit his job.
      • Sarah made $270,000 in 2013.

      • Lori Brighton writes young adult paranormal and historical romance. She spent 7 years trying to break into publishing via a traditional publisher. She was eventually contracted by Kensington Publishing. In the four years following, she earned a total $20,000 ($5000/yr). When her publisher failed to contract her again, she decided to self-publish. She earned $20,000 the first year but it wasn’t until she self-published her young adult series, "The Mind Readers" (rejected by traditional publishers), that her sales really took off. And that only happened after she released book 2 and made book 1 free.
      • In her second and third year self-publishing, she has earned over $100,000 each year.

      • At the age of 62, Marti Talbot retired with a small amount in savings and less than $1,000.00 a month Social Security coming in. She decided to write the kind of romances she wanted to read. She posted the first short story free on her website, and was amazed when readers kept coming back to read the next story. By the time there were twenty stories in all, she had thousands of readers.
      • Here are Marti's earnings for the past 4 years: 2010: $7,100.00; 2011: $39,325.00; 2012: $72,732.00; 2013: $111,366.00

      The truth is that anyone can be one of these Romance Writing Success Stories, even you!

      With the information in this package, YOU could be only weeks (or less) away from making money with a romance fiction ebook!

      That's because the demand for new writers and new romance stories is HUGE and buyers are out there waiting for you.

      All you have to do is know what it takes to write money-making romance fiction.

      Sales Page:

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      Last edited by BlackHatX; 07-15-2014 at 01:33 PM.


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    Default Re: [KINDLE] Get The Most Dangerous Romance Writing Secrets & Resources In The World!

    Can you reupload this? it has been removed from mega

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    Arrow Re: [KINDLE] Get The Most Dangerous Romance Writing Secrets & Resources In The World!

    Quote Originally Posted by xen11 View Post
    Can you reupload this? it has been removed from mega
    here the new mirror

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    Default Re: [KINDLE] Get The Most Dangerous Romance Writing Secrets & Resources In The World!

    please reupload..its gone again



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