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    1. #1
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      BlackHatX's Avatar
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      Arrow [WSOTD] Discover My #1 Secret To Turn Every Kindle Book Into A Bestseller!

      WSO of The Day!

      Is your non-fiction book getting lost in the sea of overwhelming competition?

      Do you want to know how bestselling non-fiction authors FORCE people to notice their books?

      You're About To Discover The #1 Most Important Key To Making Your Non-Fiction Kindle Book A Bestseller - EVERYTIME!

      If you've been told the most important key to selling thousands of books is to just go into a huge niche, rank for popular keywords, or spend hours and hours marketing to get more people to see your book... you've been LIED to!

      Now don't get me wrong, all of those things are important. But they're not going to matter at all if you don't take care of the #1 key for your kindle book's success.

      Want to know the biggest key to your book’s success? Here's a hint...

      If You Don't Know How To Make Your Book Stand Out, You Have Almost NO Chance Of Becoming A Bestseller!

      Let me explain...

      Back in the early days of kindle, you could publish any old book and you may have made a decent number of sales because kindle was brand new. There wasn't much competition so as long as you followed a few basic steps, you'd see a level of success.

      Fast forward to 2014 and the competition is OVERWHELMING. Kindle is becoming saturated with self-published authors all trying to fight for the same readers. If you’ve published anything on kindle recently, you’ve probably seen this yourself, right?

      But it's not all bad news...

      There are now more new readers buying kindle devices than ever before making this the best time to build your kindle business - but you have to do it right... or you risk being "just another" self-published author that no one cares about.

      Can you see why you need to be different from all the other wannabe authors?

      I’ve discovered the simplest and most powerful way to do this and…

      EVERY SINGLE Book I've Published Has Become A Bestseller Because I Understand The One Simple Thing That I'm About To Share With You!

      The crazy part is, I didn't start out as some kindle master. I was a dead broke valet parker when I became a #1 bestseller in weight loss because I uncovered these secrets.

      Now I don’t want you just to take my word for it. There are a lot of self-proclaimed “gurus” out there withot anything to back up their claims, aren’t there?

      Here are some screenshots to prove the kind of results I've achieved with my books.

      #1 PAID best-seller in one of the MOST competitive niches - Weight Loss

      Here are some sales from a few of my non-fiction books in February 2014

      The Biggest Secret To My Success Is That I Know How To Captivate A Reader's Attention And Get Them Uncontrollably HOOKED Onto What I'm Offering!

      I'm able to do this is because I understand one simple fact - if you don't intrigue a person and make them want to check out your book, they'll move right along to your competitors' books.

      But what if there's a way to force people to stop and pay attention to your book? Wouldn’t that give you a huge advantage?

      There is a way! And according to research, the 1st thing people look at is a BOOK TITLE!

      Imagine if you saw a book called "50 Fitness Tips To Get In Great Shape"

      Not a bad title, but a little bland, don't you think?

      Now compare that to the title I used "50 Fitness Tips You Wish You Knew"

      Can you feel how much more intrigued you are by this simple change in wording?

      The reason why "50 Fitness Tips You Wish You Knew" grabs your attention is because I used one of the 5 proven methods to get a person's attention.

      I Found 5 Simple Psychological Titling Tricks That Are GUARANTEED To Make People Notice Your Book!

      Pretty cool right!?

      The way I discovered these five tricks was through extensive study of human psychology, influence, and marketing.

      But I didn't just stop with what the experts told me.

      Once I realized that book titles were one of the biggest key to my success...

      I Became Obsessed With Book Titles Because I Know NOTHING Else Will Help You Sell More Books Than Having The Best Title Ever!

      This obsession led me to do something I haven't seen ANYONE else ever do.

      I spent countless hours...

      • Scanning the book shelves in a retail book store and online and wrote down over 500 book titles that made me want to buy...

      • Looking for what all the best titles had in common psychologically...

      • Finding "copy n' paste" templates that could be used to effortlessly create great titles...

      • Identifying "power words" that instantly grab your attention...

      • Noticing what each niche does differently than other niches...

      • Creating the ultimate guide to crafting book titles THAT SELL...

      Now You Will Discover All The Secrets I Found Studying Over 500 Of The Most Tantalizing Book Titles Ever!

      And the best part is, YOU don't have to spend countless hours doing the research! Isn’t it nice to have someone ELSE do all the boring research so you don’t have to?

      I've done it all for you and laid it out in the most user-friendly and complete guide ever created on non-fiction book titles I'm calling: Hooks For Books: How To Create The Most Captivating Non-Fiction Book Titles Ever Using Simple Psychological Tricks

      Sales Page:

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  • #3
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    Default Re: [WSOTD] Discover My #1 Secret To Turn Every Kindle Book Into A Bestseller!

    Thanks man for the link.

  • #4
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    Default Re: [WSOTD] Discover My #1 Secret To Turn Every Kindle Book Into A Bestseller!

    The link is not working anymore do you have a backup ?

  • #5
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    Default Re: [WSOTD] Discover My #1 Secret To Turn Every Kindle Book Into A Bestseller!

    bump for new link,tq

  • #6
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    Default Re: [WSOTD] Discover My #1 Secret To Turn Every Kindle Book Into A Bestseller!

    I found a link to a torrent of it here
    Last edited by xen11; 11-10-2016 at 09:41 PM.

  • #7
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    Default Re: [WSOTD] Discover My #1 Secret To Turn Every Kindle Book Into A Bestseller!

    thanks but it said " Our DHT search service has been terminated at 2016/11/11."
    Anyone already download the file?pls share,tq
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  • #8
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    Default Re: [WSOTD] Discover My #1 Secret To Turn Every Kindle Book Into A Bestseller!

  • #9
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    Default Re: [WSOTD] Discover My #1 Secret To Turn Every Kindle Book Into A Bestseller!

    link please.

  • #10
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    Default Re: [WSOTD] Discover My #1 Secret To Turn Every Kindle Book Into A Bestseller!

    Quote Originally Posted by BlackHatX View Post
    WSO of The Day!

    Is your non-fiction book getting lost in the sea of overwhelming competition?

    Do you want to know how bestselling non-fiction authors FORCE people to notice their books?

    You're About To Discover The #1 Most Important Key To Making Your Non-Fiction Kindle Book A Bestseller - EVERYTIME!

    If you've been told the most important key to selling thousands of books is to just go into a huge niche, rank for popular keywords, or spend hours and hours marketing to get more people to see your book... you've been LIED to!

    Now don't get me wrong, all of those things are important. But they're not going to matter at all if you don't take care of the #1 key for your kindle book's success.

    Want to know the biggest key to your book’s success? Here's a hint...

    If You Don't Know How To Make Your Book Stand Out, You Have Almost NO Chance Of Becoming A Bestseller!

    Let me explain...

    Back in the early days of kindle, you could publish any old book and you may have made a decent number of sales because kindle was brand new. There wasn't much competition so as long as you followed a few basic steps, you'd see a level of success.

    Fast forward to 2014 and the competition is OVERWHELMING. Kindle is becoming saturated with self-published authors all trying to fight for the same readers. If you’ve published anything on kindle recently, you’ve probably seen this yourself, right?

    But it's not all bad news...

    There are now more new readers buying kindle devices than ever before making this the best time to build your kindle business - but you have to do it right... or you risk being "just another" self-published author that no one cares about.

    Can you see why you need to be different from all the other wannabe authors?

    I’ve discovered the simplest and most powerful way to do this and…

    EVERY SINGLE Book I've Published Has Become A Bestseller Because I Understand The One Simple Thing That I'm About To Share With You!

    The crazy part is, I didn't start out as some kindle master. I was a dead broke valet parker when I became a #1 bestseller in weight loss because I uncovered these secrets.

    Now I don’t want you just to take my word for it. There are a lot of self-proclaimed “gurus” out there withot anything to back up their claims, aren’t there?

    Here are some screenshots to prove the kind of results I've achieved with my books.

    #1 PAID best-seller in one of the MOST competitive niches - Weight Loss

    Here are some sales from a few of my non-fiction books in February 2014

    The Biggest Secret To My Success Is That I Know How To Captivate A Reader's Attention And Get Them Uncontrollably HOOKED Onto What I'm Offering!

    I'm able to do this is because I understand one simple fact - if you don't intrigue a person and make them want to check out your book, they'll move right along to your competitors' books.

    But what if there's a way to force people to stop and pay attention to your book? Wouldn’t that give you a huge advantage?

    There is a way! And according to research, the 1st thing people look at is a BOOK TITLE!

    Imagine if you saw a book called "50 Fitness Tips To Get In Great Shape"

    Not a bad title, but a little bland, don't you think?

    Now compare that to the title I used "50 Fitness Tips You Wish You Knew"

    Can you feel how much more intrigued you are by this simple change in wording?

    The reason why "50 Fitness Tips You Wish You Knew" grabs your attention is because I used one of the 5 proven methods to get a person's attention.

    I Found 5 Simple Psychological Titling Tricks That Are GUARANTEED To Make People Notice Your Book!

    Pretty cool right!?

    The way I discovered these five tricks was through extensive study of human psychology, influence, and marketing.

    But I didn't just stop with what the experts told me.

    Once I realized that book titles were one of the biggest key to my success...

    I Became Obsessed With Book Titles Because I Know NOTHING Else Will Help You Sell More Books Than Having The Best Title Ever!

    This obsession led me to do something I haven't seen ANYONE else ever do.

    I spent countless hours...

    • Scanning the book shelves in a retail book store and online and wrote down over 500 book titles that made me want to buy...

    • Looking for what all the best titles had in common psychologically...

    • Finding "copy n' paste" templates that could be used to effortlessly create great titles...

    • Identifying "power words" that instantly grab your attention...

    • Noticing what each niche does differently than other niches...

    • Creating the ultimate guide to crafting book titles THAT SELL...

    Now You Will Discover All The Secrets I Found Studying Over 500 Of The Most Tantalizing Book Titles Ever!

    And the best part is, YOU don't have to spend countless hours doing the research! Isn’t it nice to have someone ELSE do all the boring research so you don’t have to?

    I've done it all for you and laid it out in the most user-friendly and complete guide ever created on non-fiction book titles I'm calling: Hooks For Books: How To Create The Most Captivating Non-Fiction Book Titles Ever Using Simple Psychological Tricks

    *** hidden content ***
    OMG that great thanks

  • #11
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    Default Re: [WSOTD] Discover My #1 Secret To Turn Every Kindle Book Into A Bestseller!




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