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    edollarearn edollarearn edollarearn

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    1. #1
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      Post Social Networking Web Sites and the Effects They Have on Today’s Youth

      By any standards, the world today has certainly changed a lot. Teens born on this world have a lot of opportunities made available to them.

      The fact is that the emergence of new technologies has brought different impacts on the lives of today’s teenagers.

      For now, let us focus on the effects that a teen social networking site has on the life of a teenager.

      First of all, a teen social networking site gives the teenager of today the freedom to express themselves to the world without resorting to vandalism. Oh sure, you may try to say that writing for a newspaper can be the same type of expression. However, let me ask you this: how many teenagers actually have the opportunity to write for a globally published newspaper?

      Teen social networking sites allow teenagers to write about their lives and chronicle their experiences and share them to the world. To the teenager, it does not really matter if anyone reads what he/she has written on a teen social networking site, what matters is that his or her writing is there, available for the world to see.

      Secondly, a teen social networking site allows teenagers to connect with people of their own ages. This gives them great opportunities to meet new people and make friends in times like these, when friendships are very doubtful.

      A teen social networking site lets them find and befriend other teens who have the same interests as theirs. This gives them the opportunity to expand their horizons and find out that they are not alone in their little idiosyncrasies.

      A teen social networking site can go a long way in helping someone come out of his or her shell. They realize that what other teenagers term as “weird” may not be so weird in other places. Thus, the danger of a teenager being stigmatized is lessened and the teenager learns to accept his or herself just the way he or she is.

      Thirdly, a teen social networking site allows a teenager to express him or herself and show to the world who he or she truly is. This can be done through blogging or through the visual design of his or her personal web page.

      We all know that teenagers wish to have more ways to express themselves without fear of prejudice, and teen social networking sites give them just that.

      With a teen social networking site, you can declare to the world just who you are, without having them misinterpret the message you wish to send across. Teen social networking sites provide teenagers with a pastime necessary for their social lives. With a teen social networking site, they can remain in contact with friends, even if they’re incapable of contacting them personally.

      A teen social networking site gives teenagers the opportunity to be the person they want the world to know. They essentially start a whole new life and begin their life anew in the realm of cyberspace.

      Lastly, a teen social networking site allows a teenager to chronicle his/ her life and observe his or her growth as a person. This gives them a much better perspective of how much maturity he/she has and how much more he or she needs.

      Well, that’s it for teen social networking sites. Hopefully you were enlightened by this article.


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    Default Re: Social Networking Web Sites and the Effects They Have on Today’s Youth

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