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    1. #1
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      Post Mobile Social Networking: Making a Small World, Even Smaller

      We all know how social networking works. A friend has friends, who in turn, have friends of their own. This chain goes on and on and may, many times, come back to you.

      This fact leaves unlimited potential for you to meet with other people. Although it was impossible in the past to actually go over and meet your network, the emergence of the technology and brilliance of the internet has put all people within the reach of our fingertips.

      Now, however, it seems that people are no longer content with just being able to connect with the whole world. Nowadays, people want to connect with the whole world while on the go.

      And so, as demand breeds innovation, we now have mobile social networking.

      Mobile social networking takes form in a variety of ways. One of the most common forms of mobile social networking is through mobile phones, of course.

      Mobile providers often form mobile social networking groups in order for their users to connect with each other. Of course, this type of mobile social networking exists for reasons less noble than friendship.

      In fact, some mobile social networking services are formed because of the age-old reason of profit. Think of it: if you meet more people through your mobile phone, it means that, in order to get in touch with them, you’ll have to use your mobile phone, right?

      And in using your mobile phone, mobile companies actually get more profit. And so, the charade goes on…

      Mobile social networking, however, can have a variety of advantages. With mobile social networking, you can easily get in touch with your contacts. With mobile social networking, you can connect with your friends without having to lug around a PC.

      Everyone knows how important travel is nowadays. Nowadays, in order to be truly successful, you can’t just stay in one place.

      And with that fact, you have to realize how hard it is to meet new people and make new friends nowadays. However, with mobile social networking, you can do what every person nowadays does all the time: multi-task.

      Mobile social networking can help you forge friendships and expand your horizons while you are on the way to improve your professional life.

      Mobile social networking also helps you in ways other than by expanding your social life. By using mobile social networking, you can get in touch with the people you need to help you with your job.

      Remember that in this world, it is often who you know, and not what you know, that counts. Mobile social networking can help you expand your network so much that you can actually claim to know every person that counts.

      What make mobile social networking so valuable, well, it’s a tool forged of technology. And, as such, mobile social networking has the potential to become much greater. When today, people think of themselves as citizens of a global community, mobile social networking can make them truly so.

      This would end any prejudices and hatred borne by misunderstanding and fear. Sure, this may seem like a dream, but everyone can dream, right?

      These are just some things you may want to know about mobile social networking. As for other facts, well, technology has put them all within the reach of your fingertips.

      All you need to do is reach.


  • #2
    Join Date
    Mar 2013
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    Default Re: Mobile Social Networking: Making a Small World, Even Smaller

    You can use Twitter's search function and look for people who are seeking recommendations on certain types of products or services that are similar to yours. Many people who are on the social networks are using them for just this reason, and you can find those individuals and steer them toward your product. This drives leads right to your website or blog. Of course, you don't want to be too overzealous in your approach.

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