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      Arrow [OFFLINE] Power Letters Package Gets Appointments - NO Cold Calls Needed

      Gary Halbert, legendary copywriter, is noted for having said, “There is almost no marketing problem that cannot be solved with a good sales letter.”

      “What If It Was Really Possible To Finally Get Good Clients By Mail And Email?"
      You'll Naturally Be An Early Skeptic, As I Was At First Too, Until I Started Signing $500
      and $1,000 a Month Clients
      With These Power Letter Templates.

      See EXACTLY* How To Go From Nothing,
      To Getting Good New Clients Every Week,
      Even If You Still Have Your Day Job.

      __________________________________________________ _____________________

      "Hi Bruce, I wanted to let you know that I sent one of your power letters related to website services to a Mexican restaurant in my local area.
      I translated the letter in Spanish and mailed out and a week later the owner contacted me!"
      Lisa S.
      __________________________________________________ __________________

      "I'm a full time local marketing consultant based in Hawaii and I can directly contribute thousands of dollars in monthly billing to Bruce's products and material"." Here's just one example from this product.

      "Prospect Letter A." The name doesn't shout money, but this one
      letter helped me to land my first few clients.
      Out of the first 18
      copies I mailed I received 4 calls and booked 4 meetings!"

      "Bruce leaves nothing out in his products. He gives you everything
      you need to succeed." Tom Gaddis, Hawaii

      __________________________________________________ ________

      "Power Dollars helped me get 2 clients. Should've been more, but time spent cleaning up after low budget/no income clients so I can move on to ones that can actually pay!" Thank you,Troy Vorse


      There’s a terrible myth about Offline Marketing that's probably costing you a fortune...

      It’s about local business prospecting.
      It started as soon as the internet took hold.
      The myth is

      “Offline Prospecting Letters Don’t Work”.

      They usually add, “they’re old-fashioned, nobody reads letters anymore, nobody opens mail anymore, they’re just high-pressure, hyped up lies..”

      As someone who has been making great money using prospecting letters in offline marketing for almost 24 years, I want you to know it’s all a big, fat lie …100% false.

      In fact, the great irony is prospecting letters are actually MORE POWERFUL than ever. That’s right, more powerful in 2014, than in the past 10 years…handing bigger, better cash results to marketers who know how to write them. (or get some sneaky help)…

      1. Why Are Prospecting Letters So Powerful?

      Well, for starters, they compete in their space with less media than I can ever remember. Mailing a first class letter to a business puts it into a business owners hands with less distractions than any other media!

      Compared to every other media, a prospecting letter can capture the attention and focus the prospect like nothing else…but only IF it’s properly targeted and well-written. (don’t forget those two points,
      as they’re very important).

      2. What’s Wrong With So Many Offline WSO’s?

      I’ve seen some incredible software, some great marketing plans, but they leave out how to contact the businesses that would most want it!

      I’ve seen offline systems look great all the way through, until they
      get to the prospecting method….and they supply you with (maybe) one crummy, slapped together letter. They typically lack the one thing you’ll need to succeed…

      A Good Prospecting Letter

      And, I’ve seen good solid wso’s made almost useless because the prospecting method they recommend is….cold calling.

      Listen, cold calling does work. I’ve done it at different stages of my business. But I also know most offline marketers will avoid it at all costs! (major root canal work sounds more appealing, frankly)

      You Can Get All The Cold-Call "Training" In The World, But If You Won’t Do It anyway, What’s The Point?

      But, if you have a small amount for postage, some paper and envelopes you can get great leads with the most powerful, yet simple, proven ‘old school’ marketing tool. Remember this…

      Prospecting Letters Take The ‘Sting’
      Out Of Finding Clients

      3. What Makes These Letters Different?

      In short, they sell without overselling. They’re concise little gems that get the reader’s attention fast and channel them directly to contacting you…and they’re specialized for each offline marketing service.

      It would be like buying 20+ offline wso’s and getting a hot pulling prospecting sales letter with each…..Over 24 letters in all! As many users say, "Bruce, You've 'Cracked The Code' for offline sales letters.

      4. They’re specialized for the offline niche services that you're already selling! (25 Letters In All)
      *These are the exact letters you need to send out by email or postal mail to get the results you want.

      • Online Reputation Management
      • Mobile Website Marketing
      • Website Design/Sales
      • Social Media Services
      • SEO Services
      • PPC Advertising Services
      • Video Marketing
      • Local Seminar Enrollment
      • Lead Gen SITE Sales
      • Lead Generation Sales
      • SMS Text Message Services
      • Press Release Services
      • Print Marketing/Advertising Services
      • Email Marketing Letter

      5. How Do I Know These Letters Work?
      Because I use them myself and I’ve had lots of students tell me they’ve worked for them….over a long period of time, in many markets.

      In a couple of cases I’ve been using the same one with almost no changes for almost 10 years!
      And here’s a little secret most ‘marketers’ don’t know...

      The Right Prospecting Letter Actually
      Attracts A Better ‘Class’ Of Client.
      It’s true and direct mail experts have known this for years. There’s many reasons for this, but I’ll explain more in the product you’ll be getting.

      6. Doesn’t It Cost A Lot Of Money To Send Letters?
      NO. Unless you plan on sending thousands, and why would you do that? A list of likely prospects, which you can easily acquire yourself at no cost, is all you need.

      Postage for first class is only 46 cents (US)….a single sheet of 20lb bond paper and an envelope are a few cents more a piece. If you sent out only ten letters a day, for ten days straight, you’ll have replies, calls and business…at minimal cost.

      7. Can I Use These For Emails, Too?
      Absolutely. They can simply be copy and pasted into an email or you could save them as a PDF and attach the PDF to an email.

      Either way will work fine. In the case of using in emails, you can make the headline in the letter be the subject head in the email.

      8. Why Not Write The Letters Myself?
      You could, maybe, but why? Believe me, it’s MUCH easier to just edit these already-done-for-you-letters...and you’re starting with a framework that we know works. Plus, while it’s great to look for copywriter training, at what cost in time and money? This way you skip the hard part.

      9. Want “The BIG DEALS”? Then You Need These Letters.
      These Power Letters have brought in millions of dollars in offline local business sales over the years. Just look at a few examples:

      ****One letter went to a shopping center management company and resulted in a monthly marketing services agreement…Tens of Thousands of Fees earned over the next 24 months.

      A trade school in Chicago responded to one of these letters and after 2 meetings agreed to an advertising/marketing consulting fee of $1,800 per month for almost one year!

      ****A retail computer franchise replied to one of these letters and it led to a 6 year marketing relationship with the consultant...and over $270,000 in total fees.

      A coaching student of mine in Indiana used one letter (mailed twice) to develop a nice monthly income from just a handful of local clients....while still working a full time job.

      ****Another student used a letter with Chambers of Commerce and spun off Tens of Thousands in new business over the next 15 months from a variety of Chamber Members.

      A student in Hawaii brought in thousands per month with just one custom letter modeled on these letters....but started with just the original you'll be getting.

      ****A shy offline consultant edited one of these letters (with my help) and signed up a lawyer at a monthly fee. He could NEVER have done this by cold calling, he admits.

      A student in Houston Tx, took one of these letters, put it on a postcard, mailed out about 100 and signed up two restaurants as clients....and has since done more.

      ****A brand new consultant sent out 70 letters, got 3 calls and closed one client….within his first 2 weeks. (not typical, but it does happen)

      YOU Could Have Made Similar Deals And Collected Great Fees!

      Just Match The Letter To The
      Client Niche You Want And It’s Done!

      10. These Letters Are Perfect For You IF…
      *** You reach for the vomit bag at the thought of cold-calling.
      *** You can’t face a blank piece of paper and figure out what to write.
      *** You need to generate some good leads for someone else to follow up.
      *** You need to stand out from all the advertising directed at clients.
      *** You want to outfox your competitors without working too hard.
      *** You can’t afford to spend big dollars for other prospecting methods.
      *** You’re getting ready to quit, unless you make something happen.
      *** Your spouse wants to know where all the money is going.
      *** You have the knowledge and tools but feel ‘frozen’ in place.
      *** You’re getting some business but need to be busier with clients.

      Sales Page:

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  • #2
    LifeTime VIP Member

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    Default Re: [OFFLINE] Power Letters Package Gets Appointments - NO Cold Calls Needed

    What are the odds of a reup?

  • #3
    kdakya's Avatar
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    Default Re: [OFFLINE] Power Letters Package Gets Appointments - NO Cold Calls Needed

    bump for this one too.

  • #4
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    Default Re: [OFFLINE] Power Letters Package Gets Appointments - NO Cold Calls Needed

    Can you re-upload this.
    Many thanks

  • #5
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    Default Re: [OFFLINE] Power Letters Package Gets Appointments - NO Cold Calls Needed

    link please

  • #6
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    Default Re: [OFFLINE] Power Letters Package Gets Appointments - NO Cold Calls Needed

    can you reup the file please ?

  • #7
    Member Gabby's Avatar
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    Default Re: [OFFLINE] Power Letters Package Gets Appointments - NO Cold Calls Needed

    Quote Originally Posted by Goal2018 View Post
    can you reup the file please ?
    Do you realize this post is 4 years old?
  • Reply With Quote Reply With Quote

  • #8
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    Default Re: [OFFLINE] Power Letters Package Gets Appointments - NO Cold Calls Needed

    Quote Originally Posted by Gabby View Post
    Do you realize this post is 4 years old?
    Thanks for your quick response Gabby ! I just noticed.

    if possible, reup the link. It would be a great help for my business.

  • #9
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    Default Re: [OFFLINE] Power Letters Package Gets Appointments - NO Cold Calls Needed

    Reup the download link

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    Default Re: [OFFLINE] Power Letters Package Gets Appointments - NO Cold Calls Needed




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