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      Arrow List Building Nexus

      Hey there,
      Mark Thompson here with my business partner Peter van Zijl.
      I’ve been a full time online marketer for over 10 years.
      You might have noticed that things change so quickly in this industry.
      What’s here today can be gone today!
      Trends come and go…
      Traffic sources change in seconds…
      A marketing campaign can go from profiting to bleeding money in the blink of an eye.
      But there is one thing that you can constantly rely on to ALWAYS make you money…
      …whenever you need it…and I’ll get to that in a minute.
      It Used To Be So Easy

      A few years ago things were easy.
      You could throw together a 5 page mini site…
      Add a few backlinks and BAM you’d be ranked and earning great money.
      Things aren’t the same these days.
      When Google shook things a lot of marketers suffered.
      Myself included.
      At one stage I had over 1 million pages indexed on Google.
      Those started disappearing at an alarming rate until eventually my kingdom had been reduced to a pile of rubble.
      But I Wasn’t Worried…

      You see, a few years before that happened the I saw that the writing was on the wall.
      Relying on third party companies to fuel your income is a bad business model.
      You need control of your business no matter what changes ambush you.
      How do you do that?
      By Building Email Lists Of Raving Fans

      The only way to be truly in control of your income is with email marketing.
      And I’d like to help you do that.
      This is a complete email marketing education.
      NO BS List Building: 3 Powerful Methods To Build A List For FREE

      Become An Email Infotainer

      Introducing: List Building Nexus

      You’re about to get access to a complete email marketing education.
      The 4 products in List Building Nexus teach you how to build your list, communicate with your list and profit from your list without being a complete jerk!
      Product 1: The Email Marketers Handbook (Value $67)

      The Email Marketers Handbook is perhaps the most comprehensive, step by step list building blueprint on the planet.
      The main guide is a 130 page PDF. No fluff, no filler. There are also 5 training videos included.
      Everything is broken into down in to manageable and actionable steps to guide you every step of the way on your list building journey.
      There are strategic exercises for you to complete to ensure your success.

      Module 1: The Tools

      You’ll discover all the tools you need to become a huge list building success

      • The 4 best autoresponders to use (and not break the bank in the process)
      • How to effectively write a follow up sequence that will build a relationship with your readers and turn them into buyers!
      • The right way to use broadcast emails and how you can easily increase your income by resending them…
      • How to create effective lead capture pages (with real world examples) to ensure you get as many subscribers onto your list as possible.
      • Single vs Double Optin…the great debate finally settled!
      • A smart trick that will help increase your conversion rates with LESS effort…

      Module 2: How To Build A List

      • Think you have to have a huge list to kill it online? Think again. You’ll discover how to make big profits with small lists.
      • My simple 8 step list building strategy that you can use to easily build a list in any niche…
      • How to know exactly who to target so that you know for certain your campaign will be a success…
      • How to create a squeeze page that sucks in leads 24/7 on autopilot…
      • The exact steps anyone can take to build a list from free or paid traffic methods
      • How I added over 4000 subscribers to my list in a single day…by using a FREE traffic generation method
      • Why you should NEVER underestimate the power of Google Alerts and how they can drastically help you with your list building
      • The big mistake that far too many list builders make that will kill your reputation with your list and see your profits drop dramatically…
      • How to use paid traffic to quickly and easily test your sales funnels
      • An easy way to leverage the worlds most powerful social media site and funnel thousands of visitors to your squeeze page.
      • Tap into the biggest traffic source in the world
      • The TRUTH about solo ads finally revealed…

      Module 3: Building Relationships

      • Find out once and for all if the money really is in the list…
      • Why building relationships is the only way to build a reliable online income
      • A real life example of how to use emails to build rapport with your subscribers
      • How to put yourself in your customers shoes to ensure you connect with them as quickly as possible…

      Module 4: The Mechanics of Email

      • How to write compelling subject lines that pretty much FORCE people to open your emails…
      • What you need to do to ensure that your email body has the desired effect on your customers every single time
      • A real life example of an information only email…these are a great (when done right, of course) way to building a relationship with your subscribers…
      • The best time to send emails (warning…it’s not what you think!)
      • How to use reports to keep track of how effective your email marketing campaign really is…
      • Email congruence and why it’s vital to your success…
      • How you can find your email’s voice no matter what niche you’re in…
      • How to write successful emails...and not just a bunch of words on a page…
      • What you can do to break your lists up into groups based on their interests to ensure you send them offers that are highly targeted…this will drastically increase your conversion rates

      Module 5: Selling with eMails

      • How to write effective presell emails that build up tension and warm your readers up to buy
      • The best way to write powerful sales emails that ethically force your subscribers to whip out their credit cards and buy
      • Exactly what you need to do to avoid spam filters to make sure your emails get thru to as many people as possible…

      Bonus Templates – How To Write Effective Emails

      I want you to succeed
      Here’s a shortcut to writing kick ass emails:
      I’ve created a set of templates for you to closely follow where you’ll discover:

      • How to effectively introduce yourself to your list
      • How to build empathy
      • How to provide value to your list
      • How to presell
      • How to write sales emails

      Product 2: Email Infotainer (Value $27)

      Email Infotainer is a 60 page guide outlining everything you need to know to crush it with your email marketing.
      Whether you’re a hardened list builder, just starting out or somewhere in between……we guarantee you that by following our simple system you’ll see an immediate positive effect on your email marketing efforts.
      You’ll not only get more emails opened...but build engagement with your readers…And ultimately sell a lot more stuff!
      Here’s just some of what’s in store for you:

      • How to put the “fun” back into your email marketing efforts…and keep your loyal subscribers entertained!
      • How ____ will beat persuasion every day of the week…and how you can use that to empower your list (and make them love you for it in the process).
      • An example of how being an Email Infotainer can help your list grow by word of mouth…
      • An email (The EXACT email included) that got a 47.5% open rate (and you’ll see the wrong way of sending such an email).
      • The 2 types of lists you have to know about…one will bring you short term profits and the other long term profits (this is SUPER powerful)
      • How to create a long term money making list and exactly how often you should be emailing them.
      • The KEY to success with your long term list (hint: nearly NO ONE is doing this)
      • How to find and develop your style that will help you instantly connect with your readers
      • A simple exercise you can do right now that will help you write more entertaining emails (this is so simple yet so powerful)
      • Why spelling and grammar doesn’t matter (yes, you’ll still get the grammar police knocking on your door now and again…but most people will actually enjoy it!)
      • The best style to initially adopt in your emails which will instantly form a powerful bond with you and your readers (try it…you’ll be amazed at how quickly it works)
      • How to easily use cultural references in your emails as a way to make your readers feel they belong to a group (you’ll see a real live example, too)
      • A quick way to add a powerful level of fun to your emails in one sentence
      • Our favourite type of email and how to use it to easily “disguise” a pitch…and have people enjoy your email in the process
      • One of the best ways to get your customers to almost write your email for you (I love this one…you never are short on email ideas)
      • The more you ____ people the longer they will stay on your list…we’ll pull back the curtain and show you how to do just that.
      • How to use people’s addiction to controversy in your emails to keep them entertained and engaged.
      • A simple way to create an email that nearly writes itself (yes, really.)
      • The 5 new rules of email marketing…follow these and you’ll drastically see a massive increase in your income
      • 6 different things that each email you write should contain (it’s easy to do once you know them.)
      • How many times a week should you be mailing? We’ll answer that AND show you proof that it works too…
      • And much more…

      List Building Debunked (Value $47)

      You’re getting all the ammo you need to become an Email Infotainer rock star in your niche.List Building Debunked
      What You’ll Discover In over 90 Minutes of Video

      • Part 1 – List Building Myths Debunked
      • Part 2- The 3 Types of Subscriber Lists
      • Part 3 – What are the best Auto Responders and how to use them
      • Part 4 – How to get Targeted Prospects
      • Part 5 - Building Relationships The Right Way
      • Part 6 – How To Build a List In 7 Days
      • Part 7 – Step By Step Round up

      Also Included is an Overview PDF, Transcripts and All The audio files in MP3 Format.
      No BS List Building (Value $17)

      No BS List Building is a 23 page PDF and two training videos outlining 3 easy list building methods (and two surprise bonus methods).
      No fluff, no BS…only tried and tested list building strategies to help you quickly and easily build yourself a big, targeted and responsive list.
      These are evergreen strategies that can be used in nearly any niche.

      Method 1:
      The Shout Out

      • How I added 149 targeted subscribers to my list in a single day. I’ve turned those subscribers into hundreds of dollars in affiliate commissions since then.
      • Costs as little as $10 to do (sometimes even less) and you can easily add 400+ subscribers to your list every single month.
      • Watch over my shoulder as I show you exactly how to find tons of

      Method 2: The Triple Win

      This is Mark’s special technique:

      • That he used to add 4000 subscribers to his list…in a single day.
      • This method is completely FREE and very easy to replicate.
      • It works in any niche and is definitely NOT only for the IM or make money online markets

      Method 3: Mutual Appreciation

      • An easy rinse and repeat list building system that can add 100+ subscribers to your list in a day.
      • This method is completely free and will help you build strong ties with experts in your niche.
      • Works in any niche you want to use it in.

      In case that’s not enough – we’ve added two extra bonus methods for you:

      Bonus Method 1: The Hunter

      The first one is a method called The Hunter which is a killer way to leverage other people’s hard work to build your list.
      Bonus Method 2: The Secret Sauce

      The second is an advanced module called The Secret Sauce…Both are incredibly powerful ways to quickly build a list in any niche.
      Bonus Method 3: The Simple Social Siphon

      How would you like to piggyback off your competition and drive hundreds of visitors to your site every single day?
      The Simple Social Siphon will show you how to do exactly that!

      100% Rock Solid Money Back Guarantee

      I’m going to take the risk so you don’t have to. I’m so sure you’re going to love this product. Try this out, risk free for 30 days. If you aren’t satisfied for any reason simply send me and email and I’ll refund you every penny of this small investment.
      How Much Is Being An Email Marketing Whiz Worth To You?

      I am not going to hype this up…
      But email marketing = freedom.
      Having a list of people that love you…and who can’t wait to read your next email will give you complete financial freedom…
      You’ll be able to walk away from your business while it still runs…
      You’ll be able to run your business from anywhere in the world if you want.
      How much is that worth to you?
      I could easily charge hundreds of dollars for this information…but I won’t.
      You need to act now.
      Because you will get instant access to all 4 course for only:

      Sales Page:

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    Default Re: List Building Nexus

    Thanks for sharing,

  • #3
    Join Date
    Oct 2014
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    Cool Re: List Building Nexus

    link dead



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