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    1. #1
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      BlackHatX's Avatar
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      Arrow How Splinters, Donkey Wrestling and Homemade Booklets Could Mean Millions for You

      How Splinters, Donkey Wrestling & Homemade Booklets Could Mean MILLIONS for You

      Dear Friend,
      I’ll explain my random, and rather strange, headline in a sec but first I want to share something…
      Last year (2013) one of our little info businesses, in the gardening niche, did $477,569.58 worth of sales.
      Here are screenshots from our 1ShoppingCart and Infusionsoft accounts (as a bit of proof)

      And, we’re already on pace to DOUBLE that this year. But before I tell you HOW, I gotta fill you in on what’s been going on with me recently.
      It’s been FRICKIN’ crazy around here (to say the least).
      We’re kickin’ our business up a notch and due to the success
      we’re seeing, we had to move to a bigger office that holds more people.
      At the same time, my Dad is expanding the amount of space he has for his two miniature donkeys. They’re getting bigger and need some room to run (…or whatever it is donkeys do).

      During this “Great Donkey Ranch Expansion Project”, Finnegan (the lighter colored, alpha donkey pictured above), decided to make a break for it.
      I don’t know if you’ve ever tried it before but herding donkeys is not really possible. They’re too smart for that.
      The only option you really have is to trap him into a corner and wrestle ‘em to the ground.
      I assure you, there were no donkeys harmed in the making of this expansion project. More harm was done to the humans, trust me.
      Never a dull moment around here.
      On top of all that… we decided to build an addition onto one of the rooms in our new office while it was empty… cuz we have so much extra time on our hands (sarcasm implied).
      Instead of hiring someone to do it for us, we thought… we can get this done a lot faster than any contractor, right?
      My fingers are loaded with splinters. I’ve gone to the chiropractor three times in the last week. I think I STILL have drywall dust under my eyelids. And, I damn-near electrocuted myself trying to move a light fixture.
      Good times, I know. But enough about that. Back to our info business. I want to tell you exactly…
      How We Will DOUBLE Our Business In 2014

      Like I said, in the midst of all our recent shenanigans, we’re STILL on pace to double our business this year…
      …while working less than we ever have.
      That last part sounds kinda “scammy” but I can assure you it’s 100% true.
      LOL! Re-read the first part of this letter again. We’ve spent so much time screwing around doing things that an $8.00/hr. employee could be doing.
      We enjoy gettin’ our hands dirty though. It’s a nice break from the normal “desk work” stuff.
      But there aren’t many people who have the same luxuries or freedom in their life.
      We’ve built a business that runs itself. We don’t HAVE to get up and go to work each day to make money. The business makes money on autopilot.
      And, it continues to grow each and every year.
      But there’s something we’ve done this year different from years passed. Something that will result in a 200% (or more) increase in revenue this year alone. What is it?
      Homemade Booklets

      Say WHAT?! Yeah, we’re selling homemade booklets, kinda. We’re actually GIVING them away (free plus shipping).
      I know what you’re thinking, “so I need to be giving away homemade booklets? This dude has lost his FRIGGIN’ mind!”
      Well, the secret to doubling our business isn’t really the booklets themselves. The secret is a highly desirable, low-priced frontend offer.
      Here’s why this works so well…
      In an info business, you make most of your money further down in your funnel.
      So, in order to double to your existing business, you need to double the amount of qualified leads you’re putting into your funnel on the frontend. Period.
      That’s the quickest, EASIEST
      way to double your business.

      By doubling the number of leads you pour into your funnel.
      For years and years our frontend product was a $47-$297 info product. On average, we sold 40-50 of these a week.
      That meant only 40-50 people a week entered our funnel where they had a chance to give us more money.
      That’s where our model was flawed. It had nothing to do with our product, our sales pitch or our offer.
      It was the price point. A higher priced product puts less people in the funnel. Low-priced products put more qualified and targeted BUYERS into your funnel.
      (Pay close attention to that last part… BUYERS. That’s important.)
      That was another flaw we had in our business model for years and years. We tried everything we could to get people to sign-up for our free email newsletter where we could pitch them our $47-$297 frontend offer.
      We focused WAY TOO MUCH time and effort on attracting free newsletter subscribers instead of attracting buyers.
      By changing our frontend offer to a low-priced homemade booklet, we have quadrupled the number of buyers we put into our funnel on a weekly basis.
      The topic of the booklet qualifies these buyers as perfect prospects for the rest of the products in our funnel.
      In the end, our offers are being exposed to 4x as many qualified buyers than before.

      Sales Page:

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    Member Charlie Croker's Avatar
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    Default Re: How Splinters, Donkey Wrestling and Homemade Booklets Could Mean Millions for You

    Thanks, BHX. Download page still available!



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