Ray Edwards - Monthly Marketing Templates November 2013

Imagine? the pain of your monthly marketing disappears, because each month we deliver a customizable campaign (that you implement) to boost your profits. This is not another course. It's about "earning", not "learning".
Here Is What You Are Getting
Monthly Marketing Template: Customize the name and company information, and you get instant marketing campaigns.
Monthly Newsletter Template: Just add your information and address, and then send the pre-written newsletter to your customers.
Pre-written Email Newsletter: Add your name to our pre-written email newsletter and send it to your customer list.
You Also Get
Phone Time with Ray Edwards: Every month you get a "Q&A with Ray call" at no additional charge.
Marketing Laboratory Webinars: Each month Ray takes you inside his "marketing lab" and shares his latest experimental results.
Surprise Bonuses: Ray shares random (but profitable) marketing goodies each month.