"Stop All That You Are Doing Right This Instant and
Let Me Ask You One, Single, Solitary Question..."
Seriously, that is really is all that I am going to ask you to take from me today if nothing else.
Now before you even consider leaving this page please understand that you did just give me 9 seconds of your time just to get this far down the page. It really wasn't painful at all and I know that you want to see what else I have to say...
First, I've written a LOT of copy over the last ten years. During that time I have discovered and learned a lot about a myriad of businesses concepts and types of people, but above all else I can say that I took in one single,tiny,little piece that is way more important than any other single thing you can possible write or say.
"One single,tiny,little piece that is way more important than
any other single thing you can possible write or say"
Now before I share that special little element with you I have to say that I included that last word in that sentence above as half of the pieces I now see on the Internet are videos rather than letters.
In some strange way, that I cannot fully describe, it now brings me joy to watch my kids texting (Please read as WRITING!) each other... since they have decided that speaking on a phone is somehow an evil thing.
"If you disagree with me that is OK... I can take it"
If you disagree with me that is OK... I can take it. That statement ages me and I really don't care at all. I have been at this game for quite a while, shoot I've been playing here in this forum since some time in 2004.
The art of actually writing with a pen/pencil on actual paper may be going away but putting together a set of words and then sharing them with someone eles is very important.
I know you agree with me... and again you are still reading what I have written.
"You see, I now know that you are one of the smart people
that decided to invest your precious time and see
what it is that I am offering"
So shall we get down to those two questions I mentioned way up at the start of this note?
My friend (I am calling you that as we have broken the ice and are actively sharing our words and thoughts here in the forum) let me hit you with this first question:
Can you sell online?
Let me ask that again in a more eloquent way:
When you offer a product or service online
do your website visitors read the offer and purchase it?
Now, please note that I really only asked you one question as that was the same thing said in two different ways. The bottom line is I don't care which of those sounded better to you. What I want you to do is read the one you liked the most a second time...
And then answer it for yourself
So let's then look at the second question which is a little different as maybe you aren't actually selling a product or service at all:
Does Your Site Convert The Maximum Number of
Visitors to Optin Subscribers?
Better yet and really even more important...
Does Your Site Convert The Maximum
Number Of Visitors To Product-Hungry,
must-have-it-now, get-out-of-my-damn-way Customers?
Your website needs to convert visitors to optins, surfers to customers, even better... you want every single visitor to become a tried and true website evangelist telling the entire world about your product and the fact that they all need it... Right?
So let me tell you how I have
decided I can help you with this.
I have decided that even though I feel we need to fully learn to use words to express ourselves (You see, just what I said above. Text away kids!) I decided to shoot a series of videos that will walk you through the concept of converting your website visitors into optins and/or purchasers of your products.
This video set covers the factors that
will help ANY website increase its conversion rate
beyond anything you currently hoped for.
Now, before I go on any further I do need to stop and say one critical thing here. I just said that I would help increase your conversion rates beyond anything you currently hoped for.
Let's look at that statement for a second as I obviously do not really know WHAT you currently hoped for and obviously there are a LOT of factors that affect conversions outside of what i will teach you. If your product sucks or you are selling it to the wrong batch of people then you are out of luck.
I cannot sit here and tell you that I can magically fix all of your sales needs but what I can do it lay down the elements that affect all conversions that you then need to fit around your product, service, or offering.
Whew!!... I hate saying that but I had to. Now where was I?
Yes, Back to the video series. This is almost an hour of video broken in to the 6 critical pieces you need to influence to max out your conversion rates.
Now, it is possible that you may already be hitting one or more of these correctly. If that is the case then congratulations... let's jump on the ones not yet in your funnel and factory.
The reality is that most every website is
missing on at least 3-4 of these and many
need help on every one.
This is not rocket science but is actually very clear, confirmed aspects of every site, or better yet product or service, that must be considered when a website is put together.
Each aspect requires a serious look from you if you want to maximize the effectiveness of your site(s).
Now, do you have to focus on all six to make a site improve?
The answer is no. There is no reason that a site that converts at all can't keep rolling while you carefully evaluate each one of these factors. You see, as you effect each one you will start to see that changes occur in your results.
Now, let's work out whether or not you need this set.
Here are the few questions I often get
asked that help determine this:
Q: My site does convert... how bad does it have to be to need
these videos?
A: If your site converts at above 10% then you probably don't need
these, although wouldn't it feel even better to increase your rates by
1-10% as well? If even one of these makes a difference then it is
obviously worth every penny.
Q: Why would you just give this info away?
A: To be honest I am not quite giving it away. But it is pretty close.
I'm not selling a product here that anyone else is covering on the forum
in quite this same way. This is a detailed and carefully planned look at
the critical factors that affect EVERY website. I am merely giving you the
basis you need to make your site a success. Now, if I wanted to own the
success category then maybe I'd keep this to myself... but that's
not my deal.
Lastly... I did not say I was GIVING this away did I? It is almost given away.
Q: Is this too much for me to handle or do I need to hire
someone to do it for me?
A: I already explained that this is the sort of material that ANYONE
can deal with. Frankly you can start with any one of the six sections,
watch and ingest the materials and then get to work. Open your
mind and take a 30,000 mile look at your product and you will see
all sorts of things you may have missed otherwise. The bottom line
is yes, if you want to hire someone of course you can do it. The
reality though is there is no reason you can't be the one creating the
growing successes out of your site.
Now here's one of my favorites:
Q: But what if this doesn't work for me?
A: Well, here are your two options that can affect this.
One, you get this WSO and either watch the videos and then do
nothing or even better yet, you don't even watch the videos at all.
Two, you pick up this WSO, watch the videos and then carefully pick
one topic and start to work on that one first. The once you feel done
with that you go on to the next one.
Pretty darned simple really.
Q: Is this just like any other site dealing with conversion?
A: The answer to that is a yes and a no. It is a no because there are
other folks out there that cover some of the same topics. Some do it
in print, others in audio and even a few others cover it in video. But
I can tell you that it is not the same. This is basically built off of 25
years of research basically as I moved through the restaurant world
and then spent the last 10 of those years on the Internet.
I even spent two of those years recently working as the director of
Internet Strategy (figuring out among other things... what
makes our clients sites convert!) for a Marketing Agency. So
yes, this is built upon what many might say is way too much
Now I work for a huge Biotech company with sales in the billions
each year. I deal with the website, SEM, SEO, Social, develop
apps and Yes I do know a little something about conversions as
I am one of their Marketing Managers.
So what are these magic six elements
that make all web sites convert?
Sorry, I am not going to share them with you here. If I did that I'd still have to address what they truly are and how to work with them, but let's still keep them for the recordings.
You want to know how and what to do to make your website sell then you need to take a moment and invest in this WSO. We aren't talking a big deal as I feel this is worth it for everyone to have access to.
Here's the deal on getting a hold of these
and what exactly you will get.
First I've put together a simple personal use profile:
1. 6 videos in FLV format ready and waiting for you to watch
2. Same videos in downloadable format so you can watch them
pretty much wherever and whenever you want.
3. The ability to stop and do an in depth analysis of your web
properties in an effort to properly clean up your conversion
processes on all.
1. 6 videos in FLV format ready and waiting for you to watch
2. Same videos in downloadable format so you can watch them
pretty much wherever and whenever you want.
3. Same 6 videos in .avi format so you can actually edit the
footage (we'll get into the PLR rights down later).
4. The 72 slide Power Point production used to create the
videos. This is key as you are actually getting the true root core of
what makes this useable material. You can take and change the
actual presentation itself and even re-record it yourself.
I really don't think it gets a whole lot cleaner than that does it.
Now, is it safe to buy a video from me?
Yet another very good question...
Answer: I do know copy, in fact here is a list of some my clients I worked with over the years:

Again, this is not rocket science but is rather a guided change in thought through which I am going to take you.
This is very precise material that will help
walk you through many facets of success with your website.
Now, the pricing is also very fair as I truly do want folks to have this material.
The Personal use materials will only set you back just $3.00 today. There is no limit at all on the number of those that can be sold.
Sale Page:
direct download link
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