Introduction and Overview
In this module I will be explaining some vital aspects of backlinking that you MUST know before you start setting up links to your pages. You will also find resources to help you track and plan your progress.
Introduction Module 1
Video 1: Welcome Message from Matt Carter
Video 2: Link building overview
Video 3: Linking Plan
Video 4: Set up tools
Module 2
"Maximizing Your Links"
In this video we will be looking at some very important techniques that will help ensure that you maximize the number of your backlinks you are creating.
We will be looking the best way to structure you link building plan, how to fly under the radar on blogs and forums and many more very important linking strategies.
Module 3
"Secrets to High Pagerank"
It's time to start getting some great backlinks and we are going to do just that in this module. There are two techniques that I will be sharing with you, and they are both very effective.
High pagerank links can have a very powerful effect on your search engine rankings, so they are worth getting! I will be showing you one technique that I use for reverse engineering other successful marketers work and also a way to dissect a forum or blog for the highest page rank pages to comment on in their domain.
Video 1: Linking Technique #1
Video 2: Linking Technique #2
Video 3: How to get Google to Email You Links
Module 4
"Press Release Links"
Writing Press releases is another very effective way to get backlinks, which we will be discussing in this module. However don't forget to calll on the power of Rapid Rewriter to produce the content for you!
Module 5
"Web 2.0"
In this module I will be utilizing the power of Rapid Rewriter and the huge amount of unique content it can produce fast! There are a ever growing number of Web 2.0 sites on the internet these days, and a lot of them alllow you to have webspace.
What this means is we can use Rapid Rewriter to produce the content we need and get to posting on as many Web 2.0 sites as we can. By placing links in the content we post on these sites we are able to get 'Contexual Links' which is what the search engines love.
I have also included another quick video and mind map of how to create a mini nets with your Web 2.0 sites, which you can download at the link below
Video 1: "Web 2.0 Links"
Video 2: "Mini Nets"
PDF: Web 2.0 Linking Plan
Module 6
"Article Links"
Article sites are yet another fantastic way to get backlinks to your webpages. There are more articles sites across the internet than I can count I think! So once again all we need to do is call on the power of Rapid Rewriter for out quality content and get cracking!
Module 7
"Government & Education Links"
It is well known that if you can get links to your site from .gov and .edu sites, it can have a HUGE impact on your search engine rankings.
However most people find them difficult to get, however in this module I will be teaching you a very effective trick where you can ride on the back of other peoples hard work.
Module 8
"Spy Technique"
As I have mentioned many times in the past, I'm a big fan of spying on the competition and riding on the back of all the hard work other people do.
So with that said I am going to show you another great link building technique. I'll also be showing you how to get some more government and education links too.
Module 9
"Blog Links"
Blogs are another great place to get quality backlinks to your sites, and in these videos I will be teaching you some particular search queries that you can type into Google to find pleny of blogs to comment on and leave your links.
The first video discusses who to search for Wordpess and other blog platforms, and the second video looks at using more specific search strings to find 'Comment Luv' and 'Keyword Luv' enabled blogs.
There is also a very important little trick that will make sure you get the most value out of these links too!
Video 1: "Finding Blog Platforms"
Video 2: "Specific Blog Search Strings"
Module 10
"RSS Links"
RSS aggregator sites are yet another place that we can collect backlinks to our sites from. RSS sites can also be very useful in getting pages indexed quickly. In this video we will be looking out how to create an RSS feed from static html pages and submit it to the many RSS aggregator sites across the internet.
Module 11
"Profile Links"