The Jay Abraham Strategic Marketing Encyclopedia (JASME) is a brand $10.000 four
volume, 6000+ pages and an estimated 25 pound… Literally an encyclopedia. It is
the ultimate integrated, indexed, extremely organized, cross referenced,
complete compendium of every important… strategic… tactical… philosophical…
ideological… operational… conceptual idea and application I have ever come up
12 Months Of Strategy Implementation Conference Calls
The Strategy Implementation Conference Calls are a specific time we all set
aside every month to look at how you are doing – implementing your
SuperStrategy, game plan and marketing programming.
My goal is to provide you ideas and answers which are based upon how well you
are implementing.
So for the next 12 months, once a month for 90 fast paced minutes, you’ll be
able to “come home” and be re-invigorated and re-energized strategically
speaking. You’ll see that your current problems and challenges can be addressed
easily strategically, rather than tactically.
The burden of always being tactical is extremely heavy, emotionally draining and
at times, overwhelming. Conversely, looking at problems strategically can be an
extremely liberating experience. I know you’ve yet to experience this, but you
can count on it.
You deserve to have a place and time every month to re-focus and re-commit to
executing and implementing your SuperStrategy. And this is it.
My hope is that you assertively participate on the conference calls because if
you do, it’s virtually impossible for you not to produce dramatic improvements
in your business with all the strategic work we are doing together.