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    1. #1
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      BlackHatX's Avatar
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      In One Month Small Reports Mastery, everything is broken down into daily action steps for 31 days. Most daily assignments are very quick to complete (you could easily do 4-5 in one day if you wanted)...

      And I've just given it a lick of paint and updated it for 2014.

      Here are just a few things you'll discover inside...

      • The age-old marketing law that is the basis for earning maximum profit with minimal effort in the information business.
      • 3 simple rules for choosing a red-hot "market" full of eager-beaver, hungry buyers to buy not one or two, but dozens of your small reports!
      • 21 highly-profitable "markets" that are proven to generate revenue in the information business - pick one of these that matches up to your own interests and save yourself time researching - I've done it for you!
      • The ONLY 2 "criteria" you need to consider in selecting a topic to write about for your small report ... you can check these in minutes instead of wasting a lot of time evaluating to find topics of high demand and interest!
      • 7 "idea hangouts" where you can quickly find enough ideas to write your next 10-15 small reports! Note: When you know what to look for, you'll have so many ideas that your toughest choice will be to decide which one to write first!
      • How to use other people's costly research to find out what those most likely to buy from you have the greatest interest in ... without spending a penny!
      • 3 questions to ask in choosing the title for your small report. Hint: Your title is absolutely critical to the success (or, gulp, the failure) of your project and can literally mean the difference between so-so sales and a best-seller!
      • The P.A.G.E.S. system for brainstorming, outlining and writing your small report - more than teaching you just "what" to write, I'll show you "how" to write faster, easier and better!
      • 5 fill-in-the-blank "content templates" you can use to effortlessly write paragraph after paragraph - even if you don't consider yourself a writer. Hint: These helpful prompts can be worked into any spot of any report.
      • A crash-course in "packaging" your small report including 7 specific pages to include in your content, along with 8 formatting elements to use in designing your pages. Hint: I share everything from creating headers/footers to using indentions and boldface text!
      • The pricing triangle - 3 "rules" to help you choose the price for your small report that makes you the most money ... and how you can have direct and personal influence over how much your customers will spend!
      • How to create a unique sales proposition that makes your small report stick out like ketchup on white clothing! Included are the top two ways to get others scrambling to buy your product now.
      • 20 different ways your small report can be "positioned" differently than anyone else's competing product + 8 case study examples of how to effectively "nichefy" your small report to get extra sales.
      • A step-by-step course in copywriting; there's no need to buy additional high-priced courses (nor hire a pricey copywriter).This complete tutorial walks you through the steps for writing an order-producing salesletter!
      • 5 ways to use preheadlines, 3 keys to your primary headline, 2 ideas for winning postheadlines, 6 ways to introduce your product, 3 ways to prove your results, 3 keys to effective use of bullet lists, 3 rules for creating a call to action, 3 ways to use a postscript and much more!
      • How to get your web site visitors to stop "fence-setting" and place an order with you right now, today!
      • My unique S.E.T.U.P. system: Select a domain name, establish web site hosting, think about the order process, upload your files and prepare for your first order - you'll learn every step in non-technical terms anyone can understand!
      • Technical training videos (links inside the .pdf) that eliminate overwhelm and get you doing all the important technical tasks like a PRO. Even those you found fiendishly difficult or just downright impossible to implement!
      • 8 easy steps to verify your order-process to make sure your customer can visit your site, place an order and download your small report without you having to lift a finger!
      • The BEST marketplaces to sell your reports so you get more eyeballs on your offers, and more eager affiliates promoting your products and driving sales whilst you sit back and watch the money roll in!
      • My fresh, exciting and powerful 'YouTube No Video Traffic Hack' strategy that sends a deluge of traffic to your small report offer. Follow this and you'll make sales of your small report EVERY DAY!
      • Plus much, much, MORE!


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  • #2
    LifeTime VIP Member
    Join Date
    Jun 2015
    Time Online
    40 Minutes 15 Seconds


    This seems like great content.



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