
What if you could get more traffic, more subscribers, and more sales with Pinterest without spending time pinning every day?

You’re NOT exactly new to Pinterest. You’ve been around long enough to know what popular pins and profiles should look and feel like.😍

This is why you know that you haven’t quite figured out Pinterest as yet. When you’re on your profile or looking at your pins, you just don’t “get the feels” about it. You know something is wrong.

And here’s how you know...

📉 Every time you log in to check your Pinterest stats, your heart sinks when you realize your views and your clicks are still stagnant or slipping. Even though you’re doing everything you’re supposed to, it’s clear from the lack of traffic to your blog that you’re stuck and just not growing.

📭 Whenever anyone asks you about your email subscribers, you think, “what email subscribers, I’m lucky if I get one or two people to sign up.” You’re so frustrated because you’re writing content, creating pins, and pinning daily but no one is clicking on them, and when they do hardly anyone joins your list. Let’s not even talk about your lack of sales (affiliate or otherwise).

😵***Marked As Spam***💫 You always feel behind or overwhelmed by Pinterest. You're inconsistent with posting, can’t seem to find the time, and forget about keeping up with algorithm changes. If we’re being really honest right now Pinterest feels like too much work for too little payoff. You wonder, is Pinterest even still worth it?

Sometimes Pinterest makes you want to scream and throw your phone away. You’re stressed, you’re frustrated and it feels like Pinterest hates you. ❤️***Marked As Spam***🩹 That, the platform loves all these other bloggers whose pins you see everywhere, but not yours.

Let’s get right to the reason you’re here, you're NOT popular on Pinterest, and neither are your pins. BUT, you so want to be!

Yeah, it sucks when you feel like Pinterest isn’t on your side. When you feel like you’re failing at this blogging thing. But, I've got the BEST NEWS ever for you.

(aka. using Pinterest like a boss without any of the stress)

Step #1:
Exhale all your Pinterest frustrations and every reason you think you suck at Pinterest.

I’m serious! Breathe in and exhale slowly. Let go of each and every one. Stop thinking you’re not a good enough graphic designer, that you don’t have enough time, can’t afford Tailwind, that your niche is over-saturated, or that Pinterest just doesn't love you. Whatever your reasons for struggling, just let it go.

Are you starting to feel a bit better? 😌 Awesome.

Step #2:
Picture yourself FIGURING OUT PINTEREST like you always dreamed you could.

Remember the first time you heard about the potential of Pinterest, how it’s the #1 source of traffic for bloggers? Think about how excited you were for more traffic, more subscribers, and more sales.
🤩 How you saw yourself becoming Pinterest Popular.

ps. by "figuring out" Pinterest, I mean…

🎨 You can easily design click-worthy pins with just a few clicks because you’ve got templates that actually get noticed. Did I mention that you’re branding is so on point other bloggers are starting to notice you too?

🔎 For you, Pinterest SEO is so simple it’s silly. Yup, you’re a master at Pin SEO, you not only know where to find the best keywords but all the places to put them. Of course, your pins rank in Pinterest search results.

📊 No more Yo-yo stats! You have consistent performing pins that continue to drive clicks, traffic and all that good stuff to your site without you pinning like a maniac. Even pins from ages ago are constantly being rediscovered.

❤️ You’re getting new followers every week by just pinning. And your Idea Pins are growing your brand presence and transforming you into a Pinterest influencer. Other bloggers and brands in your niche know who you are and want to collaborate with you.

📈 Your email list is growing on auto-pilot. Every single day, you’re discovered by your target audience of readers and customers who love your pins, read your blog, connect with your brand, and cannot wait to buy from you.

⏰ You’re not spending time pinning every day, because you don’t have to! Yup - you’ve got a hands off pinning strategy that works for you even when you’re not. No more being stressed about “filling up” your Tailwind schedule.

pps. Did I mention that you’ve got so much Tailwind credit you’ll never have to pay again, meaning you’ve secured your traffic, subscribers, and sales for years to come at no cost?

🥳 Pretty awesome right?

This is my Pinterest reality, this is what it means to be Pinterest Popular, and I so want this for you too.

Step #3:

Pinterest was frustrating, it was hard to figure it out how to get more traffic, subscribers and sales on your own.
But, it’s about to become super easy for you to be Pinterest Popular!


Pinterest Popular

The 3-step system that shows you click-by-click how to get more traffic, more subscribers and more sales for FREE with Pinterest.

(Nothing else is required. This is THE ONLY Pinterest course you’ll ever need.)

Want to know more about Pinterest Popular?

Let’s take a look inside.

Join #PinPopular, and you’ll get…

💻 15+ Hours of Click-by-Click Pinterest training on all things Pinterest from setting up your profile and designing all types of pins, to using Pinterest SEO, manual pinning, and the number one Pinterest scheduler Tailwind. Absolutely nothing is left out!

📊 The Ultimate Pinterest Tracker to keep you and your pins organized. No more wondering what pins you designed for what post or where and when you pinned which pin. Plus, you’ll use your tracker for your keywords, scheduling pins, and more.

📚 Course Notes and Worksheets for each and every lesson, so you don’t have to worry about taking notes and can focus on implementing what you’ve learned instead. Simply download PDFs and print or save paper by typing right into them.

🎁 Special BONUSES including $30 Tailwind Credit (for new sign-ups) and extra tech training for Canva, Social Warfare, ChatGPT, Hubbub Pro, Pin Inspector, and more. You’ll learn how to use all the top Pinterest tools to grow your account.

All of this and more will be accessible to you 24/7 in Teachable.