Order Status: Now Accepting New Clients
From: Derek Thomas, (Full-Time Internet Marketer since 2009)
To: You...
IF you're tired of not seeing the success you’ve always dreamed of.
If you ask any successful person online the NUMBER ONE thing they would recommend anybody does when starting out, they will tell you GET SOME COACHING every single time, without fail!
Not just any old coaching though, but coaching from an EXPERIENCED and PROFESSIONAL marketer that has actually tried and tested every single method they teach.
I want to be that coach for you.
Think about it…
- Are you FRUSTRATED because you aren’t having the success you’ve dreamt about online?
- Is it almost like you’re MISSING SOMETHING?
- Are you TIRED of working long, hard hours trying to make money online, but having nothing to show for it?
- Are you fed up because every time you buy another product that promises some new “secret” you still feel like you've made NO REAL HEADWAY?
- Have you tried system after system, program after program, WSO after WSO, yet they've all FAILED you - now buried somewhere on your computer without ever having made you the money you know you deserve?
You don’t need another product.
You need someone to take you by the hand and show you step-by-step what to do, when to do it, and how to do it.
You don’t need a mass produced eBook.
You need personal attention.
You need coaching!
Look, this is real, and I want to work with you personally.
I want to be your PERSONAL, HELP-YOU-MAKE-MONEY coach.
Here’s the thing – you’ve been struggling because you’ve been trying to do it on your own. Sure, you might be buying some products here or there but let’s be honest for a minute: How’s that working for you?
Do you really want to continue down the same path you’re on right now?
I don't think so.
In fact, I think that’s why you're reading this – because you want to change your life once and for all, right?
You want to finally make things happen online so that you have the success you deserve.
How Would It Feel To Have Someone Personally Take You By The Hand And Show You Step-By-Step – As You Need It, Not All In One Big Brain Dump – EXACTLY What To Do Each And Every Day ...
That’s what working with me will be like.
Maybe you're wondering how it all works though?
Before I answer that, let me say one thing: Don’t buy this because of a bunch of bullet points. I don’t want you enrolling with me because you want to read about something from a list bullet points.
That’s probably how you’ve been buying products for years now. You may keep learning bullet points, but you aren’t making any more money.
I don’t want you buying bullet points.
I want you buying coaching.
I want you working with me. Personally. One-on-one. So you can replicate my success!
Frankly, I don’t know exactly what I am going to teach YOU. It could be a dozen or more different things.
Because this is personal.
This is going to be about getting YOU to your goals faster than you ever dreamed possible.
And the process will vary based on what you know how to do already, how easy it is for you to do each step, and so on.
So I am going to be coaching you PERSONALLY on each step YOU need to know.
Not on a bunch of cookie-cutter bullet points.
Not on the same things I teach a big group of people.
This is highly personalized training that could be on...
- Email marketing and how to build a HUGE email list.
- Writing sales copy that DRASTICALLY increases your conversions.
- Creating your very first product and launching a potential WSO OTD!
- Marketing to offline business for QUICK & EASY profits.
- Or creating niche sites that rank FIRST PAGE for easy, passive income.
Or it might be on something entirely different. I have experience with each of these areas and more.
So, what is it going to be?
Well, it's going to be on what YOU need to reach YOUR goals the fastest.
With that said, what does it look like?
1) The first thing I’m going to do is get to know you and your business. I will have you fill out a questionnaire and then we’ll get on Skype for a quick review. I want to understand who you are, where you’re coming from, what your goals are, and how I can best help you. This will be one-on-one. You will not be in a Group with hundreds of people. You are paying for personal, individual, one-on-one coaching.
2) I am also going to help you create a daily planner for your business. That’s right – exactly what to do each and every day. Just do each day, one day at a time – and you will be amazed at the business you can create and the quick money you can make!
3) I am also going to give you specific training AS YOU NEED IT. These will be based on what you need, so it will be different for each person. This training will be developed specifically for you based on our conversations in the fist week of coaching. Along with your daily planner you will already be miles ahead of where you are right now.
4) You will get to work with me personally whenever you need. What this means is that in addition to the specialized plan I help you create you will have full and personal access to me every step of the way from the simple problems to the complex. You will not be talking to my outsourcers or assistants, but to ME each and every week. You will have access to my private email, private Skype Group, and even a private cell number if you need it. Total access.
5) You will also have unlimited access to all of my training as you need it and access to any and every future product I launch this next year. (some killer things are already in the works!)
6) You will also receive specialized training each week over the course of your enrollment.
7) AND again, you get to talk with me personally any time you need!
You Need Coaching As Unique As You, Let Me Be Your Personal Money-Making Coach And Walk With You Every Step Of The Way Until You Replicate My Success!
Perhaps when you got started online a year or two ago, you were thinking that by now you would already have decent money coming in. Maybe you wouldn’t be a millionaire yet, but at least you could pay off your bills, build up your savings, and just live a much more comfortable lifestyle.
You were excited about all the wonderful things that were going to happen to you – and you were thinking that by now, you would have all that, right?
So, what happened?
Perhaps you started by buying some training from different successful people online, and each one taught you something - but never everything.
Perhaps you even got addicted to buying stuff – perhaps substituting buying products for actually doing the work. After all, it’s much easier to buy another training than to just shut out the rest of world and focus hard on what you already know how to do.
Or maybe when you sit down to work, you know so much about what you could do, you get overwhelmed with what you need to do for today.
Whatever the reason, the fact that you’ve read this far can only mean one thing… you’re stuck.
The truth of the matter is this…
You NEED A Coach!
This Is Not Another Impulse Buy You'll End Up Regreting Later On, This Is The First Step To Achieving Your Goals Of Financial Freedom!
Tell me...
Would it feel good to have someone to get on Skype with when you are stuck on something instead of trying to figure it out on your own?
How would it feel to have someone take a look at an email, a sales page, a teleseminar script, or a new product and point out exactly what to change and why so you get it right the first time?
How much time would you be able to save by getting it right the first time instead of guessing through trial and error?
How much faster could you get to $7k a month by working with someone who’s been there and done that for 3 years running – and easily on track to triple business profits this year?
Would working with me be better than guessing on your own? Would it be a worthy investment?
Yes, it would.
Do you know how many hundreds of people I talk with who tell me that they are “intermediate” or “advanced” marketers, but they just aren’t making any money? There’s something wrong there.
Perhaps you feel that way.
You "know" all the steps. Maybe you could even tell someone else what to do and how to do it.
But when it comes to YOU…Well, that’s a different story, and your bank account shows it.
Here’s the thing: The Internet has changed a lot lately. There is an abundance of information online. Some people call it information overload.
And it’s becoming a bigger and bigger problem online every single day. As there is more and more information made free for the taking, it just creates more confusion.
You have too much information.
It would be like learning how to swim or do karate or snowboard, and instead of having one person telling you what to do, there are 50 people standing on the sideline, simultaneously screaming out what to do next. You would get utterly confused and overwhelmed, right? I know I would!
Read this carefully:
You Probably Already KNOW More Than Enough To Build A Real Business
You Don’t Know Which Part Is Relevant To You Or What To Do Next
And until you have someone personally show you how to put it together in your specific situation, then you will continue to fail to reach your goals.
Here's an absolute fact…
Lack of information is NOT why you aren’t making more money right now.
You probably have hundreds of hours of training on your hard drive right now.
You probably own multiple WSOs.
So if information isn’t the answer, what is?
Why aren’t more people making money online when there is more information online than ever before just ready for the taking?
What would actually make the difference?
It’s knowing the exact next step.
The problem is the “exact next step” is different for every one of us!
No one product can answer that question for you.
That is why you need a coach.
Here’s the thing…
I know what works. I know what doesn’t. The fads don’t. Buying another WSO won't help. I know what to write in each email. I know what to put in a product to make sales. I know what to put in an email campaign so that people buy.
I don’t say all this to brag, but it’s the truth.
And I want to help you. I want to coach you.
And although I have boiled it down to a formula where you can buy the trainings and just listen to me teach it to you, I have found that my clients get the most results when they talk with me personally each week.
That’s right...
No matter how much training someone buys (from me or from anyone else), their big breakthrough is always in the one-on-one coaching sessions with me.
That’s where the real work gets done.
That's where the real breakthroughs happen.
And that’s why I have created this brand new coaching program, so that…
Now you and I can work personally together to get those breakthroughs no matter what your goals might be.
No matter where you are, I want to help you reach the next level.
Let Me Look At What You're Doing And Give You Laser-Targeted Direction For The Exact Next Steps To Take Your Business To The Next Level - Let Me Turn You Into A Star!
If you don’t want to work though, this is not for you.
Because I’m going to push you.
I am going to push you to be the very best you can be.
And I’m going to work with you to not only reach but SURPASS your goals!
So, are you ready?
The question though is… How much is it going to cost?
I’ll be honest with you…this is not for everyone. BUT, I have made it affordable. So no matter who you are, you can do this. You need to do this.
To prove how serious I am about helping you, you don't even have to pay me for our first session together! It's 100% free of charge. No signing up for anything. No down payments. Just you and me on Skype for a complimentary session. No strings attached. All you have to do is sign up below.
But note...
This is only for those who are serious about going to the next level, those who are tired of feeling stuck and not making the money they deserve, and for those who understand that true success is not an accident…it happens on purpose by following a proven plan and a trusted coach.
I want to be your coach, but you’re going to have to be willing to invest in your own success.
If you do, you will finally see that you CAN succeed.
Frankly though, I believe this is the opportunity of a lifetime.
This is YOUR year.
This is the year to free yourself from the ups and downs of the financial system.
This is the year to change your life and free your family.
Let’s get started today! Schedule your no-strings-attached, value-packed, 100% free coaching session with me below and let's see if we're a good fit for each other. If not, no harm in getting a free hour of coaching out of the deal, right?
Don't delay. Sign up today.
Don’t let another day go by without making the changes you know you need to make. Every successful person has a coach. The question is, How badly do you want success?
To YOUR Success,
P.S. - How would it feel to have someone personally take you by the hand and show you step-by-step EXACTLY what to do next, each and every step of the way? That’s precisely what I’m offering you here. This is personalized, individual one-on-one coaching where I work with you on taking your business to the next level no matter where you are now.
P.P.S. – This offer is NOT for everyone. Only serious applicants need apply. It will take work. You must follow instructions. Not everyone will be accepted. If you are eager to learn though and ready to make more money online that you ever dreamed possible, then apply today.