Price: 95 dollars

30-Day Course

Let Go, Reconnect, Create
Overview 📣
In this course, you will learn how to let go of what's no longer serving you, reconnect to your deepest anchor, and create the life that is inspiring and aligned with who you truly are.

The Goal: To spark an upward spiral that creates an incredible life.

Format 🧘
Each day you will receive a 10-15 minute daily coaching video and a 10-20 minute daily meditation.

The daily coaching is designed to awaken possibility, creativity, insight, and inspiration.

The daily meditation is designed to shift how your conscious and subconscious mind orients to the world.

These sessions are pre-recorded so you can watch them at your own pace.

Topics 👨🏼***Marked As Spam***💻

Day 1 Meeting the Mess
Day 2: The Paradox of Letting Go
Day 3: Descend to Transcend
Day 4: The Key Ingredient to letting Go
Day 5: Settling into Ease
Day 6: Alchemizing Regrets
Day 7: Forgiving Yourself
Day 8: Forgiving Others
Day 9: Releasing Expectations
Day 10: Hope, Faith, & Surrender


Day 11: Moving Stuck Energy
Day 12: Reclaiming Your Body
Day 13: Deep Acceptance
Day 14: Loving Yourself
Day 15: Working with Parts | Internal Family Systems
Day 16: Finding The True You
Day 17: Accessing Inner Calm
Day 18: Your Sacred Compass
Day 19: Mind vs Heart vs Soul
Day 20: Standing In Your Power


Day 21: The Truth of Manifestation
Day 22: Loving The Mystery
Day 23: Ego vs Soul Desires
Day 24: The Thud of Truth
Day 25: Intuitive Guidance
Day 26: Unlocking Possibility
Day 27: Creating a Beautiful Life
Day 28: Chop Wood Carry Water
Day 29: Habits, Structure, Momentum
Day 30: Living With an Open Heart

*Topics are subject to small adjustments
Testimonials 🙌
"I am so incredibly grateful for this course. I feel a shift that I have journaled, prayed and wanted for years slowly taking place. It feels like Cory was speaking directly to me. As the tears flow and as more unwinds, I'll be going back to these recordings and KNOW I am safe in unwrapping and touching the pain and fear which I have attempted to control for years. This is life changing." -Lori B

“There are not enough words of gratitude to express to you for offering this program. I truly believe this has changed the trajectory of the rest of my life and has felt like it’s saved me in many ways. So much love and gratitude.” -Leigha

“Your words pierced into the deepest parts of my heart. In my darkness, I felt so human. I don’t know where this will lead, if I’ll close back up or stay open. I just know I am immensely grateful.” -Tasnim

How to Join 🎟️
To join the 30-Day course, make a one-time payment of $95. This will give you lifelong access to the course to view at your own pace, as many times as you'd like.

>> Click Here to Sign Up

I look forward to starting this journey with you.

Big love,

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