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    1. #1
      LifeTime VIP Member

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      Default Trevor Emdon - 60 Minute Money Offer


      “How To Force ChatGPT To Make You EVERGREEN INCOME From ANY Affiliate Offer In 60 Minutes ... "
      (Without reviews, bonuses or even a website.)

      Dear Fellow Marketer,

      Have you got stuck on the hamster wheel of affiliate promotions?

      You know: every now and then, you make a handful of sales, but it’s a short-lived burst and then you’re starting all over again … another product, another review, all with one hand behind your back, fingers crossed.

      It’s exhausting and frankly, it’s a terrible business model.

      It’s sometimes called “launch-jacking” and it relies on the buzz that big dog marketers make around the launch of their latest product.

      But did you know that they’re not making the bulk of their money from those launches?

      They collect thousands of emails from the lists of hard working affiliates like you, and then ruthlessly and relentlessly pitch them big ticket products, like coaching... leaving your leads - the ones you worked so hard to acquire - with nothing to spend on your offers.

      Besides, they’ll have probably forgotten all about you in a very short time.

      But NONE Of This Is Your Fault.
      Really, it isn’t.

      I’m sure you’ve had the same old regurgitated advice to work from - much of it from marketers who’ve had barely more success than you have, but who know how to pitch the idea.

      (I call them “shovel sellers.” You know that in the gold rush the people who made the most money were the ones selling shovels, right? Not the people digging for gold!)

      And I’m sorry to be the one to break this to you but …

      The Naked Truth Is ... Your Chances Of Making Decent Money This Way Are Close To ZERO!
      On the face of it, affiliate marketing looks like a “no-brainer.”

      After all, you don’t have to create the product or write the sales page. Just send the traffic. YOUR traffic.

      Suppose There Was A MUCH Better Way … Where Everyone Wins And You Get Money Forever From EVERY OFFER?
      This is where ChatGPT comes to the rescue.

      And what I’m about to show you can be done time and time again in well under 60 minutes … each time bringing you money for as long as the vendor keeps the product on the market.

      All You Need To Do Is Tell ChatGPT To Look At The Offer In A Completely Different Way And You’ll Be Able To Profit For Months - Maybe Even Years - To Come!
      You’ll be blown away by how simple making long-term profit from every offer becomes with the aid of ChatGPT, (which is now available to everyone for free, in case you didn’t know).

      Then, you just follow ChatGPT’s instructions about how to market the offer - which will be different to all those traditional affiliates still on the hamster wheel.

      Whilst they’ll be chasing down the next offer within days, you’ll see money roll in for weeks, months - possibly even years. (Depending on the offer of course. Remember, things go out of date and also get taken off the market).

      But you will never need to worry about any of that because you can “rinse and repeat” this simple system for as many offers as you like in ANY niche, ANY market.

      In fact, using the prompts I’ll show you, ChatGPT will deliver multiple ways you can promote every offer, so you can monetise each product more than once to different audiences if you wish.

      What You WON’T Have To Do:

      You won’t be stuck on the launch-jacking treadmill for a start!

      The days of chasing down obscure keywords and hoping for a burst of sales over a handful of days are over once you use the “60 Minute Money” method.

      Which means you will no longer be confined to posting reviews of products you barely know about or worse, don’t whole-heartedly believe in.

      (You can’t put a value on integrity can you? But I’m going to say it’s a priceless bonus you get when you use the “60 Minute Money” method).

      Think of the time that’s going to free up for you too!

      More time to be with your loved ones, friends, spend on your hobbies … all the while knowing these clever little “money machines” are bringing in revenue for you, 24/7.

      No Need To Create Your Own Products
      There are products out there you can promote that solve every problem known to humanity - from ingrowing toenails to magic spells to win the lottery. (I personally don’t recommend those, but I’m sure they’re there!)

      You will NEVER need to struggle for something to sell, or for an audience looking to buy, ever again.

      Don’t underestimate the earning potential of having these quick and easy-to-make mini campaigns, (ChatGPT will tell you exactly what to do), which you can sprinkle on any platform on the web, all earning you passive money.

      As some wise person said, many streams make a river, and these “streams” can grown into your own virtual Amazon, (the river, not the company … although, you never know!), over time.

      What EXACTLY Is Inside "60 Minute Money"?
      Here's An Overview ...

      - How to find angles to promote even highly competitive products (Video 1)
      - How to (fearlessly) analyse the competition even if you’re brand new to the market (Video 1)
      - The secret to getting ChatGPT to expose lucrative sales angles even the vendor probably missed! (Videos 2 & 3)
      - 3 Minute content creation using AI. (No website needed, no product creation required, no former knowledge of the product or market … and all done in minutes!). (Videos 4 & 5)
      - How to get AI to create a complete marketing strategy for your campaign in under 10 minutes. (Video 6)
      - How to adapt the 60 Minute Money method for ANY marketplace - e.g. Amazon, Warriorplus … wherever you find offers. (Video 7)
      - PLUS … All the prompts (Just copy and paste and fill in the blanks. It doesn't get simpler than that!)
      - AND … The complete transcript of the dialogue you’ll see me have with ChatGPT so you can see exactly how the “conversation” flows.
      - BONUS - See the actual video AI made for the promotion in under 3 minutes.

      So What’s On Offer Here?
      Nothing over-complicated, that’s for sure!

      Before ChatGPT, what you’re about to see was close to impossible. Now it’s so simple, a ten year old could do it.

      You don’t need marketing training or to have a vocabulary of technical jargon - this is “paint-by-numbers” simple.

      What EXACTLY Is Inside The Members’ Area?
      You’ll get 7 easy-to-follow, “over the shoulder” videos so you can see step by step how to turn any product into an evergreen money-spinner for you.

      And of course, there are all the prompts and the actual dialogue I had with ChatGPT for you to download and keep.

      You’ll have lifetime access to everything right away.

      No messing, no sales funnel. As soon as your payment is processed, you’ll get an email with your login details and you’re good to go.


  • #2
    LifeTime VIP Member

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    Feb 2017
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    1 Week 4 Days 1 Hour 4 Minutes 57 Seconds

    Default Re: Trevor Emdon - 60 Minute Money Offer

    seem interesting method

    anything really original can add up to any monetization system

  • #3
    LifeTime VIP Member

    Join Date
    Aug 2018
    Time Online
    1 Week 1 Day 18 Hours 18 Minutes 54 Seconds

    Default Re: Trevor Emdon - 60 Minute Money Offer

    Thanks a lot for this suggestion



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