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    edollarearn edollarearn edollarearn

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    1. #1
      LifeTime VIP Member

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      Dec 2022
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      Default Leve Road Studio - Pinterest Scheduling Shortcuts

      The Dumpster Fire that is Pinterest

      We all know social media platforms are constantly changing, but Pinterest has been through quite a bit the last couple of years...including:

      - A spam filter "bugs"
      - Ridiculously low impressions
      - Repins are now kryptonite
      - Following Tab — gone!
      - Idea Pins clogging the feed
      - Product Tagging now hijacking your pins
      - Etc. etc. etc...

      Sooooooo...... Is it even possible to get ahead of the craziness and start actually getting results again??

      I Feel You.

      Even as a Pinterest Manager, who reads all the blogs, listens to all the podcasts, and reads the Pinterest Engineering blog... even I was feeling confused about what Pinterest actually wants. 😳

      Until... I started paying attention to the ONE THING all Pinterest gurus are ignoring... and BOOM! the Pinning Smarter Method was born 👶

      The Pinning Smarter method is a new pinning technique that actually gets results for my clients, month after month, even with crazy LOW IMPRESSIONS on pins.

      Plus, you DON'T have to create a million fresh pins per day to get REAL RESULTS.

      Numbers Don't Lie

      This method is based on the FACTS of what Pinterest wants (yes, they TELL US what they want!) — and how to meet those needs without going insane or creating a bazillion fresh pin images every day.

      👉 What You'll Learn Inside 👈

      - The Rules of the Game
      The only way to keep your account safe from spam filters is to understand the Rules of Pinterest and to operate within them. You'll learn it ALL in a 10 minute video. 💁***Marked As Spam***♀️

      - Start Pinning Smarter
      Learn how to GIVE THE ALGORITHM WHAT IT WANTS! Understanding how Pinterest sees your pins plus adding this one step can dramatically increase reach and impressions on stagnant accounts — WITHOUT creating hundreds of new pin images.

      - Get Clients (or Yourself) Organized
      Get a copy of my Pinterest Planner (on Google Sheets) and learn how to use this sheet to write titles and descriptions super FAST. You'll peek into my PVA business and see how I keep ALL of my client pin info, images, and analytics organized (and yes, you can use it for your own biz if you want to &#128521

      - Pinning Strategies
      Learn 2 proven methods of pinning that are in total alignment with Pinterest Rules and Best Practices. Choose the one that makes the most sense for your workflow or apply the Pinning Smarter method to your existing strategy.

      - Interest Targeting
      Learn how to get in front of users who are actually INTERESTED in your content using this built-in relevance function of the algorithm!

      [CASE STUDY] Only 30 Fresh Pins designed/month for this Blogger Client.

      [CASE STUDY] Only 20 Fresh Pins designed per month and it STILL gets results for this Ecommerce/Etsy client

      Scheduling Shortcuts [Hacks for the New Pinterest Algorithm]

      The only pinning method based on real data from Pinterest. Get ahead of the curve and start Pinning Smarter. 🤓


      - Is this course up to date?

      A lot of Pinterest courses are outdated.
      YES... Outdated info is the reason I started creating Pinterest trainings. Anytime the Pinterest algorithm updates, I add a new teaching to show you how to get ahead of it. In addition, all students receive email updates as soon as any big algorithmic changes happen on Pinterest (this does not include design changes since this happens almost weekly). This is a huge perk of joining the course.

      - Is this pinning method within Pinterest's Best Practices and Terms of Service?

      Absolutely 100%. I'll show you 2 pinning methods developed solely based on the Rules of Pinterest (stated and unstated) and their Best Practices. I ❤️ the Rules! This strategy can be reused for clients in any niche and is totally safe.

      - I've never heard of you. How can I trust what you have to say?

      I didn't start an online biz to be internet famous. In fact, I'm extremely introverted with a twinge of perfectionism so I'd rather not be famous to be honest. Since becoming a Pinterest manager in early 2019, I've been pretty darn obsessed with getting results for my clients (so I wouldn't lose any of them and keep getting paid! Money=Good)... So, "Why keep everything I've discovered to myself?" I thought as I stared deep into my own eyes in the mirror. Alas, here we are. I made a course. Just for you.

      - How many fresh pins do I need to create for this method to work?

      All of the results shown on this page (analytics screenshots) are accounts who create a MAXIMUM of 30 pin designs per month. Clients usually don't want to pay for more pins, so I had to figure out a way to get more mileage out of the few pins they did want to pay for. 😉

      - Is there a time limit on how long I can view the course?
      Nope! Once you’re enrolled, you get immediate and forever access to the course teachings (and its future updates) for the lifetime of the course. You can view it whenever you like!

      - How fast can I expect to see results?

      In general, Pinterest is a “slow burn” meaning it does take time to build up an account and see results organically. For most accounts, we see small wins within the first 8 weeks, but the full extent of your reach usually starts to increase around the 3-4 month mark when pins start ranking in search.

      - Do I need any special tools or programs to make this method work for me?

      This new method uses Tailwind for certain shortcuts (hence the name &#128521, but I do show you how to apply the method to a manual pinning strategy just as easily. Since this is a scheduling course and I like to schedule several months in advance, Tailwind is what I use. The Pinterest scheduler only allows scheduling for up to 4 weeks in advance. I need more!

      There will ALWAYS be a hot debate over Tailwind. You have Tailwind-is-evil-people and your Tailwind-is-my-BFF-people. I'm part of the latter group, and I do not believe schedulers hurt your engagement or ability to rank AT ALL.

      Tailwind supercharges this pinning method and was used to get the results shown on this page, but it is NOT required.


  • #2
    LifeTime VIP Member

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    Sep 2014
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    1 Day 5 Hours 23 Minutes 23 Seconds

    Default Re: Leve Road Studio - Pinterest Scheduling Shortcuts

    I need this, pleaes upload. Thanks!



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