My wife Lori writes one book per year and earns six figures in annual royalties.

She writes for 3-4 hours each day, 4 days per week. And we spend precious time together as a family every single day.

A lot of Lori’s success (which is subjective, I know), comes down to taking the time to research and write captivating books that readers fall in love with.

But some of that success is also a result of the Facebook Ads I run advertising the books.

And I’d love the opportunity to show YOU how I use Facebook Ads to drive over $10,000 per month in book sales.

From $133 Per Month To $10,000+ Per Month
I was terrified.

I started a thriving video production business in 2010 and in April 2020 it came crashing down due to the global pandemic.

Our first children were due to be born in June of 2020 (twin boys) and we had no income to support them.

But looking back, this gave my wife Lori and I the opportunity to build a business we never thought possible.

My wife started writing her first original story back in 2010 but had never plucked up the courage to publish it.

In 2017 her book deal fell through 6 months after signing the contract.

We were both devastated.

What should we do next?

Approach more agents or try this self-publishing thing we'd heard about?

Lori took a hiatus for 3 years, regrouped, rebranded and in 2020 we went all-in on self-publishing.

With my video production business in tatters, I had time on my hands.

And with that time I sat down and figured out how to advertise Lori's books with Facebook Ads.

We began by spending $10 per day on Facebook Ads but to be honest I was throwing spaghetti at the wall.

I had no clue what I was doing.

There was no strategy.

There was no system.

There was no direction.

It was just chaos.

But… the Ads were selling books, so we knew we were onto something.

In April 2020, we made $133.

6 months later (October 2020), Books 1 and 2 of the series were published, plus a companion novel that only sells a handful of copies each month.

We were up to $3,000 in royalties and our Facebook Ads spend was $1,400 for the month.

Lori's books now earn over $10,000 per month and take me just 1-2 hours per week to manage. 95% of the royalties come from 4 books in her main series, The Ancestors Saga.

I don't share these figures to brag; not in the slightest.

I share them to show you what is possible.

I also share these figures to be completely open and transparent and to prove to you that you don't need to be on the book hamster wheel churning out books every month to earn a full-time income as an author.

Publishing one book per year is enough for a six-figure income.
Frustrated With Facebook Ads?
Are you spending more than 1-2 hours per week on your Facebook Ads? Disappointed with launching ad after ad that does nothing for your book sales?

Fed up (and scared) of spending your hard-earned money on Facebook Ads with nothing to show for it?

I get it. I've been there.

Today, I use Facebook Ads to (very profitably) advertise my wife's books and generate six figures in annual royalties from her 6 books, yes, 6 books, not 60 books.

What would you say if I could show you a better way to run Facebook Ads as a self-published author?

Learn how to analyze your Facebook Ads, know which metrics to pay attention to and understand how to optimize and scale your Ads.

Say goodbye to losing money hand over fist day in, day out. Before long, you'll be earning a 2x - 3x (or more) return on your investment.

The Facebook Ads system I'll share with you takes no more than 1-2 hours per week, meaning more writing time and spending time with family.

Building A Business Around Family Life (Not The Other Way Around)
Lori writes for 3-4 hours per day. I work on the Facebook Ads for 1-2 hours per week, and 15-30 minutes each day on other business tasks.

We spend quality with our 3 children every single day, put them to bed at night, have ultimate time and location freedom, and as a couple, we work together and live together.

And we wouldn’t have it any other way.

We've intentionally built the business around our family.

In the beginning, though, we built our family life around the business; this was the completely wrong way around, and we soon changed it.

Self-publishing has changed our lives.

But none of it would have been possible had I not figured out Facebook Ads.

The lifestyle we live today is something we could have only dreamed about in 2020.

But trust me, I know what it’s like to struggle.

I know how frustrating it is when Ads don’t work, when you don’t sell books, when you have a bad day, a bad month.

I’ve been through that pain.

I know running Facebook Ads is hard, I know it can be daunting and completely and utterly overwhelming.

But I also know I can help you achieve results from Facebook Ads you didn’t know were possible.

What Truly Moves The Needle With Facebook Ads?
Yes, I’ve figured out a system that works for me.

But it also works for over 1,500 other self-published authors, too.

With this system you won't be messing around with all the bells and whistles on offer inside Facebook Ads.

Sure, they can work, but they have such a minor impact on your results, that they’re honestly not worth wasting your time on.

I'll show you how to focus on what truly moves the needle.

You'll finally understand what turns people from doom-scrolling on their Facebook or Instagram feeds into paying readers.

And not just any readers, but readers who will love your books and become life-long fans of your work.

What truly moves the needle, I hear you ask…

It’s the Ad Creative itself.

The image, the video, and the text, as you can see below with just a handful of the Ads I've created for Lori's books.

That is what will make or break your success with Facebook Ads.

You'll learn how to take full advantage of Facebook's machine learning, its AI and its algorithm.

You need to get out of Facebook's way so that it can find the best audience for the books you're advertising.

Traditional advice when it comes to running Facebook Ads is to try and control every little aspect of what Facebook is doing for us as advertisers.

I believe this to be completely counter-intuitive.

I’ve been down this road and what I discovered is that placing too many restrictions on the algorithm throttles your results and increases costs.

Crafting successful Ads is about truly understanding your ideal readers and what their desires are.

Once you know this, crafting Ads that actually sell books (and not just achieve cheap clicks) becomes 100x easier.

And that’s what I’d like to show you how to do.

What's Wrong With The Traditional Way of Running Facebook Ads?
Many Facebook Ads strategies are outdated.

Maybe you’ve tried some of them…

You saw good results initially but then performance starts to drop.

You’re launching new Ads every few days, just in the hope that one of them sticks.

You’re frustrated (and quite rightly, scared) of seeing your money disappear down the drain with nothing to show for it.

If you want to craft Ads that last for months, rather than days.

If you want control and confidence in running Ads on your own.

If you want a simple, clear and effective strategy to follow.

If you want to finally be profitable with your Ads.

If you want to spend more time writing, being with your family, and enjoying your passions and hobbies outside of your author business…

You need a better way to run Facebook Ads.

If any of the above resonates with you, you’re in good company.

Over the past few years I’ve worked with and spoken to many authors who have the same desires and frustrations with Facebook Ads.

Like you, they want to grow their author business profitably and sustainably.

But they’ve been disappointed with the results despite seemingly trying everything.

Running Facebook Ads is simple but it’s not easy.

If it were easy you wouldn’t be reading this now.

The new wave of Facebook Ads with its AI and machine-learning capabilities is just getting started.

All you're missing is a clear and proven strategy to follow.

Many authors think you need to be an expert advertiser to run Facebook Ads.

This is absolutely not true.

Running Facebook Ads isn’t about clever or catchy copywriting.

Direct response style Ads whilst they can work could also be the reason why your Ads aren’t working in the first place.

They look like Ads!

Crafting Facebook Ads that drive book sales is about one thing, and one thing only…

Connecting on an emotional level with your ideal readers and speaking to their desires.

That’s it.

Doesn’t need to be any more complicated than that.

Successful Facebook Ads are about connecting on a human-to-human level.

And this is where I’d like to help…

Introducing Facebook Ads Mastery For Authors
Facebook Ads Mastery For Authors is a self-paced video course with one goal:

To increase your book sales to a place where you can comfortably and sustainably become a full-time author.

After watching this 4-hour video course, you'll understand exactly how to increase your book sales to a place where you can comfortably and sustainably become a full-time self-published author.

I’ve structured this course for busy authors meaning it's fluff-free, highly actionable and follows a simple system to get your Facebook Ads launched, optimized and scaled as quickly and cost-effectively as possible.

I'm not going to bombard you with 20-30 hours of content either.

You can watch the entire course in less than 4 hours.

It's a simple strategy that takes just 1-2 hours per week to implement leaving you more time to write.

How do I know this?

I'm using this exact strategy myself...

As Are 1,700+ Self-Published Authors

What You'll Learn Inside
Facebook Ads Mastery For Authors is designed to take you from a complete beginner to a confident and advanced advertiser selling 50-100+ books per day.

All this, whilst spending just 1-2 hours per week on your Facebook Ads.

Here's what you'll discover inside Facebook Ads Mastery For Authors:

The Fundamentals
Get your Ad Account set up, understand which books to advertise (and why), learn how Facebook Ads really works and how readers who know nothing about your books can become lifelong loyal readers.

The Strategy
I’ll share my exact Facebook Ads Strategy with you; it’s an entire blueprint you can replicate in your Facebook Ads Account. I'll show you the best options for targeting, account structure, how I test Ads, and much more besides.

Crafting Your Ads
Your Ads are the #1 reason for success or failure. I’ll show you how I research and plan Ads, examples of our winning Ads, and break down the key components of a successful Facebook Ad.

Launching Your Ads
Watch over my shoulder and follow along as we launch your first (or next) Facebook Ads Campaign together. I'll also show you how to know which Ads are generating Sales and/or Page Reads and which Ads aren't.

Managing Your Ads
How do you read and understand the data? How do you make confident decisions? How do you scale profitably? How do you reduce wasted Ad spend? We'll cover it all.

Plus, Enjoy 8 Exclusive Bonuses
I'm also including a few additional bonuses to help you on your Facebook Ads journey:

Peer-To-Peer Facebook Group
$500 - Yours For $0

Included with your investment is access to a private, members-only Facebook Group.

Inside, you'll be able to ask questions, ask for feedback on your Ads, share your own insights, results and experiences, and more. It's a community that is here to help you with your Facebook Ads.

You'll receive an invitation to join the group as soon as you sign up

The Facebook Ads Toolkit For Authors
$300 - Yours For $0

There are many moving parts with Facebook Ads which can cause a lot of overwhelm.

Which is why I created the Facebook Ads Toolkit For Authors.

Inside, are tools to track your ad performance, collect ideas for future ads and much more besides.

This tool is simple to use and helps you make informed decisions.

How To Setup Retargeting
$95 - Yours For $0

Retargeting allows you to show specific Ads to people who are already familiar with your author brand.

In this bonus lesson, I'll show you exactly how to create a Retargeting audience and set up a brand new Facebook Ad using this Retargeting audience, step-by-step.

How To Upload Your Email List To Facebook
$95 - Yours For $0

Did you know you can show specific Facebook Ads to people on your email list?

In this bonus lesson, I'll show you step-by-step how to upload your email list to Facebook, create an audience from your email list and create a new Facebook Ad specifically for this audience.

The Facebook Ads Metrics That Matter
$45 - Yours For $0

There are a LOT of metrics and numbers available in your Facebook Ads dashboard.

Most of them can be ignored.

We'll cover the most important metrics to pay attention to in the course itself.

But in this bonus resource, you'll have a handy PDF download of what these metrics are, how they're calculated and benchmarks to aim for with each metric.

Facebook Ads Optimization Checklist
$45 - Yours For $0

Every time I optimize our Facebook Ads I run through a specific list of tasks and check certain metrics.

But this is all in my head!

We cover optimization in a lot of detail inside the course, but I'm also providing you with this bonus PDF download of my optimization process you can use when optimizing your Ads.

Facebook Ads Pre-Launch Checklist
$45 - Yours For $0

When you've launched 100's, even 1000's of Facebook Ads, you'll know the process of launching a new Facebook Ad.

But when you're just getting started, having a checklist to run through to make sure everything is truly ready for launch would make things a little easier and make you feel a little more confident.

That's exactly what this bonus pre-launch checklist is for.

Example Facebook Ads Images, Headlines and Primary Text
$95 - Yours For $0

Staring at a blank screen just waiting for creative ideas to come to you for your Facebook Ads is no fun.

This is why I've put together plenty of example Images, Headlines and Primary Text you can use as inspiration for your Facebook Ads.

These examples are tried and tested with our own Facebook Ads, so feel free to use them as you see fit with your Facebook Ads.

The examples include 35+ Images, 10+ Headlines and 15+ Primary Texts, all with the purpose of getting your creative juices flowing.